• Q : Explain the role that the spanish american war played....
    History :

    Analyze the impact of the two (2) or more major historical turning points selected on America's current society, economy, politics, and culture.

  • Q : What groups resisted absolutism....
    History :

    Absolutism was met with resistance in England. What groups resisted absolutism? How and why did they resist? What English traditions and political ideas prevented the adoption of absolutism.

  • Q : Explain how currents events changes your outlook....
    History :

    Explain how currents events changes your outlook or perspective on the world , with everything that's going on. Give 3 detailed examples. Original work and any cites or references you want to use.

  • Q : Identifies a governmental or other agency....
    History :

    This example may be actual or hypothetical. See "Regulatory Agency Paper" in the materials section of the rEsource page for more information.

  • Q : How extensive was han trade....
    History :

    Describe the Han social hierarchy. How extensive was Han trade? What technology and items were traded by the Chinese?  What was the Han Chinese family like? What roles did men and women play

  • Q : How does modernization manifest....
    History :

    How does modernization manifest itself in U.S. society? Use one of the modern theorists introduced in Ch. 16 ofSociety as a basis for your response.s modernization likely to continue in the U.S.?

  • Q : Discuss the hundred years war....
    History :

    Discuss the Hundred Years War: What were its causes? Why did the war continue for so long a period? What advantages did each side possess? What were the outcomes of the war for France and England

  • Q : What new technological innovations....
    History :

    What new technological innovations contributed to the medieval agricultural revolution? How did the agricultural revolution contribute to the development of manors and cities?

  • Q : Briefly explain what this means....
    History :

    Edmund Gettier stated that knowledge is justified true belief. First, can you have knowledge if the proposition in question is merely true belief?

  • Q : Describe the activities of native americans....
    History :

    Describing How would you describe the activities of Native Americans who lived in North America prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus?

  • Q : What was the context in which mather understood....
    History :

    What was the context in which Mather understood the measles epdimic? What lesson did he draw from his family's affliction?

  • Q : What were the strengths of this research design....
    History :

    Find an example of a research article that used qualitative research methods.  What type of methods were used (e.g. ethnography, case study)?  What were the strengths of this research d

  • Q : Design argument for god existence....
    History :

    Directions: Please answer discussion question with 170 to 200 words. In what way does evolution pose a problem for the design argument for God's existence?

  • Q : How do you think that america undertaking....
    History :

    How do you think that America undertaking a more imperialistic foreign policy around 1900 will shape the rest of our class?  How has this decision shaped our lives today?

  • Q : The scientice revolution and enlightenment....
    History :

    The scientice revolution and enlightenment had a great impact on the European world. Select two phiosophers from the Enlightenment and explain how their ideas encouraged the rise of the Enlightene

  • Q : How howard zinns accounts of the homestead strike....
    History :

    Revolutionary movements at time 1880 to 1890."the recognition that day-to-day combats was not enough, that fundemental change was needed.

  • Q : Explain how various british settlers....
    History :

    How did the spanish,french and english difer in their relationships with native americans? Explain how various british settlers interacted with nativ americans.

  • Q : What transpired in the group history....
    History :

    What transpired in the group's history to cause this linguistic circumstance?Can a group maintain a strong identity without having a common language to bind them?

  • Q : How did english colonial government....
    History :

    How did English Colonial Government differ from Spanish Colonial Government. In answering this question concentrate on the manner in which these two governmental systems were organized.

  • Q : Critically analyze and compared the perspectives....
    History :

    While highlighting throughout the essay the argument that you prefer. *Academic resources only.

  • Q : How did population growth....
    History :

    How did patriarchal ideals of family and community shape life and work in colonial America? What happened when men failed to live up to those ideals?

  • Q : How do burial rituals build identity....
    History :

    The best evidence of the first deliberate human burial dates back almost 100,000 years, and the idea of ancestor veneration has persisted for millennia.

  • Q : Examine the basic tenets....
    History :

    Every civilization throughout recorded history has left evidence of having had religious or otherwise spiritual beliefs. While some religious traditions have striking differences from others.

  • Q : What rubric should it use to make its decisions....
    History :

    The judiciary is one of the three branches involved in the "checks and balances" associated with the U.S. government under the Constitution.

  • Q : What is a faction....
    History :

    What is a faction? Why are majority factions more dangerous than minority factions, according to James Madison?

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