• Q : Discuss the origins of the moslem religion....
    History :

    Discuss the origins of the Moslem religion and analyze its teachings on man's responsibility toward God, the importance of righteousness and mercy, Moslem views of Jews and Christians, and the natur

  • Q : Compare the powers in our checks and balance system....
    History :

    Compare the powers in our checks and balance system. Who has the most power? Is it the Executive, Judical, or the Legislative Branch? Write a 3-5 page paper. Provide at least 3 sources in a bibliog

  • Q : What was the second industrial revolution....
    History :

    What was the Second Industrial Revolution, and what effects did it have on European economic and social life?What roles did socialist parties and trade unions play in improving conditions for the wo

  • Q : What these modern estates....
    History :

    What these modern estates would be and describe what they would look like. Use your imagination but limit yourself to three categories.

  • Q : Curriculum pathways interactivity....
    History :

    In this SAS Curriculum Pathways InterActivity, you will view four short videos and read and analyze six short primary-source documents to collect information which will allow to take a position and

  • Q : What ideas or beliefs seem to be different....
    History :

    The Venn diagram will be one item you keep for the second step of the assignment.So, you are submitting 4 Venn diagrams, one for each set of documents you selected to compare.

  • Q : Prepare a two-page analysis of your findings....
    History :

    Prepare a two-page analysis of your findings, showing what is similar and what is different between the American and French revolutions. You will use your Venn diagrams to help you complete this ana

  • Q : How did cold war liberalism....
    History :

    How did Cold War liberalism between 1945 and 1952 blend elements of political assertiveness and economic liberalism? What was the impact on American culture? Was this synthesis stable and durable?

  • Q : Who has the most power....
    History :

    Compare the powers in our checks and balance system. Who has the most power? Is it the Executive, Judical, or the Legislative Branch? Write a 3-5 page paper. Provide at least 3 sources in a bibliog

  • Q : What was the second industrial revolution....
    History :

    What was the Second Industrial Revolution, and what effects did it have on European economic and social life?What roles did socialist parties and trade unions play in improving conditions for the wo

  • Q : What these modern estates....
    History :

    Medieval society was divided into three groups known as the "Three Estates" . Name what these modern estates would be and describe what they would look like. Use your imagination but limit yourself

  • Q : What factors influenced the development of militant....
    History :

    How did eastern European filmmakers react to the conditions imposed by Socialist Realist doctrine-that is, to the idea that Soviet bloc artists were obliged to serve the objectives of the Communist

  • Q : How did the personal style of each director....
    History :

    Compare and contrast the approaches of Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese to studio filmmaking. In what ways did each director "revise" genres from the classical Hollywood era?

  • Q : What does convergence....
    History :

    How did the advent of home video technologies change the American film industry? In what ways did the studios-who in 1976 regarded home video as a competitor-exploit these technologies to their adv

  • Q : The important events of the civil war....
    History :

    Create a PowerPoint of the important events of the Civil War. Your slides should included thorough explanations of the events/battles and at least 10 photographs or graphics that represent what you

  • Q : Explain the medieval culture and society....
    History :

    Based on your reading of the textbook, describe one thing that most surprised you about the Middle Ages. Do you think there is anything that we as modern people could learn from medieval culture an

  • Q : The reagan revolution through president obama....
    History :

    Identify at least  two major historical turning points in the period under discussion.Analyze the impact of the two or more major historical turning points .selected on America's current societ

  • Q : Explain the great discovery and exploration....
    History :

    The early modern age was a period of great discovery and exploration. The frontiers of knowledge were being pushed out in many directions through the work of scientists and the colonizing of the New

  • Q : What is the the ancient roman civilization....
    History :

    This paper seeks to critically explore the Greek and Roman ancient civilizations by providing a thoughtful review of their social, cultural and political expressions.

  • Q : Examine the substantive provisions....
    History :

    Assess the criticisms made by Judge Posner of the idea of creating a national director of intelligence. Do you think these are valid criticisms?

  • Q : Who eventually turned the jamestown colony around....
    History :

    Discuss why the early English attempts at colonization were such disasters. What went wrong at Roanoke and Jamestown? How responsible were the colonists for the failure? How did the Virginia Company

  • Q : Discuss a current event article....
    History :

    In a two-three page essay, discuss a current event article of your choice pertaining to any topic in this week's readings. Your task is to make connections between concepts presented in the text.

  • Q : Eleanor of aquitaine or joan of arc....
    History :

    In this SAS Curriculum Pathways InterActivity, you will view four short videos and read and analyze six short primary-source documents to collect information which will allow you to take a position

  • Q : Certain attributes of deity in order....
    History :

    The Christology Debate: What does it mean that Christ “emptied himself” in the incarnation?  Did he lay aside certain attributes of deity in order to become human, or did he retain

  • Q : What was the impact of world war....
    History :

    Why did Hauser compare the scene he describes from 1932 with conditions in the years 1917 and 1918? How did the growing misery of many ordinary Germans promote the rise of extremist political partie

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