• Q : Explain ways in which the aids epidemic....
    History :

    Analyze the impact of the two or more major historical turning points selected on America's current society, economy, politics, and culture.

  • Q : Explain a difficult time recovering from the depression....
    History :

    With our vast resources today, why do you think we are having such a difficult time recovering from the depression of 2008?

  • Q : Discuss the change in the evolution....
    History :

    Discuss the change in the evolution of the 21st century standard of good moral behavior. Do you agree with the author? Why do you think the definition of â€Å"goo

  • Q : What you learned from the multi-media podcast....
    History :

    The years from 1945 to 1974 were an era of Grand Expectations. At the end of World War II, spontaneous celebrations filled downtown streets across the nation. The war was over. Sons and daughters we

  • Q : Explain great society programs....
    History :

    The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 assisted young Americans who lacked skills, who did not complete their education because of hardships.

  • Q : The role of us intelligence since....
    History :

    The role of US Intelligence since World War II.  There were essentially two periods, the Cold War from 1945 to 1990 and the War on Terrorism from the early 1980's to the present.Please consid

  • Q : Why was the great war....
    History :

    Why was the Great War such a giant turning point in the history of the West? We spoke of it as being the "death" of European cultural and social influence. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  • Q : Great depression around the world....
    History :

    Annotated Bibliography. Create an annotated bibliography on the research topic "Cause of the Great Depression in the United States." Attached is an outline that roughly shows what the paper will b

  • Q : The life and careers of mae street....
    History :

    After your summary, pick at least three events in her life that you found interesting, funny, defining or maddening. Go into some detail; a minimum of one hundred words. After you have finished an

  • Q : Write a paper that analyzes the colonists....
    History :

    David A. Copeland's Debating the Issues in Colonial Newspapers: Primary Documents on Events of the Period related to the Imperial Crisis preceding the War for Independence.

  • Q : Describe the beginnings of the hindu religion....
    History :

    Describe the beginnings of the Hindu religion in India explaining how it started and spread throughout the county. Your summary should be between 75-100 words.

  • Q : Explain the role of the kinetoscope....
    History :

    Explain the role of the Kinetoscope during the period of cinema's invention. How did the Kinetoscope modify the capabilities of earlier camera and projection systems?

  • Q : Define the economic and military security....
    History :

    Do you believe that environmental security is just as important as economic and military security?Explain why you agree or disagree. Use at least one article review as a reference. Essay should b

  • Q : Create an annotated bibliography....
    History :

    Annotated Bibliography. Create an annotated bibliography on the research topic "Cause of the Great Depression in the United States." Attached is an outline that roughly shows what the paper will b

  • Q : Discuss the events surrounding....
    History :

    In 1972, there was a break-in at the Democratic National Committee's headquarters in the Watergate Office Complex. Thus began a series of events that would shake the public's confidence in its mo

  • Q : Describe the kinship system of one of the cultures....
    History :

    Identify and describe the kinship system of one of the cultures listed below. These cultures are found in Chapters 3 and 4 of your text.

  • Q : What assumption does hume make....
    History :

    Do you agree with Hume that we cannot know whether our ideas about reality are accurate?  What assumption does Hume make when he makes this claim?

  • Q : What your regard as the streng....
    History :

    Briefly summarize what you saw or read and briefly explian what your regard as the streng ths and weaknesses of your selection in helping you to understand the history depicted or explained.one p

  • Q : Using the chicago style....
    History :

    Provide a background of the author of the document, state the purpose of the document and gauge its objectivity, provide historical context, and discuss the document's historical significance.

  • Q : How can we stretch the concept....
    History :

    Consider our two wandering heroes, Odysseus and Aeneas, and compare their actions during their time "on the road." What seem to be their worst moments and why? Does either seem to out-do the othe

  • Q : How did china''political religious....
    History :

    How did China's political, religious and ideological systems allow for both continuity and change?

  • Q : The discussion of witchcraft changed in europe....
    History :

    Then the argument will be that after the black death women were used as scapegoats for the black plague. Women were viewed as sinful cursed beings because of a paranoid society.

  • Q : Compare spanish america and british america....
    History :

    The Chesapeake and New England colonies developed with issues of religion and freedom as common themes. The Puritan distinction between moral liberty and religious freedom is demonstrated clearly

  • Q : Discuss the major american military operations....
    History :

    Discuss the major American military operations, battles, campaigns, and leaders involved with World War I from May 1918 to the conclusion of the war on November 11, 191

  • Q : The idea that the united states should intervene....
    History :

    What U.S. interests fueled the idea that the United States should intervene in the Cuban War? How did they promote their cause?

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