• Q : Describe a conversation between walter raleigh....
    History :

    Describe a conversation between Walter Raleigh and the queen of England, when he arrived back with his new discovered?

  • Q : What is your opinion....
    History :

    What is your opinion/reaction/solution to the issue addressed in the article? Do you agree with the author? Explain.

  • Q : What degree is it building upon existing religious....
    History :

    Some scholars have argued that Buddhism is a ‘reformingâ€TM religion. Do you agree or disagree? To what degree is it building upon existing religious beliefs (i.e. Hind

  • Q : Describe the trans-saharan trade....
    History :

    Describe the trans-Saharan trade. What impact did the trans-Saharan trade have on the political, economic and social development of West Africa?

  • Q : What justifies or authorizes the legal authority....
    History :

    What justifies or authorizes the legal authority of the state? Is it the people? Is it God? Is it some other principle or condition of human existence?

  • Q : What are some of the implications of fukuyama....
    History :

    What meaning, if any, do you believe that life has?  Explain why you believe that life has the meaning (or lack of meaning) that you describe.

  • Q : Consider bureaucracy and bureacrats....
    History :

    Why do you think that Weber described bureaucracy as "efficient" even though today we would probably consider bureaucracy and bureacrats as rather inefficient?

  • Q : What does giving and creating in life....
    History :

    Think about the theories we studied and your own experiences. Can you live a fulfilling and meaningful life unless you give yourself to others and/or create something in this world?

  • Q : What type of sources do you generally use....
    History :

    What type of sources do you generally use to research a topic of interest (primary, secondary, tertiary). Why? What are the advantages of these sources?

  • Q : Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution....
    History :

    The Articles of Confederation are often described as as "weak" national governent, why do you think the delegates to the 2nd Continental Congress drew up such a weak document?

  • Q : How did the major hollywood firms respond....
    History :

    What events or conditions motivated the calls for the moral reform of the American film industry in the early 1920s?  How did the industry respond to these calls?  Analyze how this respo

  • Q : Discuss this assertion by examining two of the long-term....
    History :

    Some historians have argued that the First World War was the logical, perhaps inevitable, outcome of the revolutionary changes of the nineteenth century.

  • Q : Responsible for the scenario and explain....
    History :

    Below are scenarios that can happen in real life situations. Identify which branch of government (Executive, Judicial, and Legislative) is responsible for the scenario and explain why?

  • Q : Explain the thread in an in-depth....
    History :

    Be sure to answer all of the questions in the thread in an in-depth, well- thought-out manner 200 words Make at least one reference to the course material.

  • Q : The president election....
    History :

    The president election of 1908 saw the emergence of new third party, the progressive party, alsp known as the bull moose partt. True or false.

  • Q : The right to a college education....
    History :

    Please provide detailed and elaborate responses to the following questions.  Your response should include examples from Philosopy research.

  • Q : What were your personal reactions....
    History :

    What were your personal reactions to the event AND to the work or works you've chosen?Why do you think that you reacted that way? Discuss. Do you think it was performed effectively?

  • Q : Analyze the transformative effect....
    History :

    World War II brought about a major realignment of East Asian politics, society, and economy. Analyze the transformative effect that World War II and the Cold War had on Japanese politics.

  • Q : Describe the impact of sir robert peel....
    History :

    Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing and its history. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

  • Q : Despite the revolutionary era talk....
    History :

    Despite the revolutionary era's talk about liberty and equality, the condition of women and slaves changed little. Do you agree or disagree?

  • Q : How much information, analysis and interpretation....
    History :

    How much information, analysis and interpretation did I provide to the team? Did I communicate my ideas even if they conflicted with someone else's Did I meet the deadlines?

  • Q : What archaeology reveals....
    History :

    Research and write an 8-10-page paper that incorporates at least 6 sources and explores the archaeological contributions of 1 of the following renowned biblical archaeologists.

  • Q : Provocative music trends according....
    History :

    Write an persuasive argument essay on weather or not bubblegum pop was the start of provocative music trends according to so many of that time era, or weather it was just simply just innocent pre

  • Q : Describe the history behind the famed silk road....
    History :

    Describe the history behind the famed Silk Road and how its importance helped China become one of the major trading nations in the pre-modern times. Your summary should be between 75-100 words

  • Q : What nations were members of the axis powers....
    History :

    Compare and contrast the development and dropping of the atomic bomb with the development an execution of the Holocaust. In what ways are they similar or different in regards to their purpose, th

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