• Q : Describe the historical background....
    History :

    Describe the historical background and defining characteristics of the cancan traditional . Cite and analyze examples from the lyrics of the songs, "La Negra Noche " and "La Borrachite " as support

  • Q : What is the great depression....
    History :

    What is the great depression?-which were the main cause of the great depression?why did the great depression las for so long ?

  • Q : Economic crises and instability....
    History :

    The 1920s and 1930s were marked by economic crises and instability. In that era, authoritarian leaders in many European nations rode to power on a wave of discontent.

  • Q : What major problem did the roman empire face....
    History :

    What major problem did the Roman Empire face in the mid to late Fourth Century? A. Weak leadership B. Immigration and invasion C. Lack of education within the empire D. Poor infrastructure

  • Q : Discuss why that period is called a period of ascendancy....
    History :

    What way could the period between the thirteenth and the seventeenth centuries in the history of the Muslim world be considered a period of ascendancy?

  • Q : Discuss the goals characteristics of each power....
    History :

    The Spanish, French, and English all explored America and left a lasting mark on the New World's development. Compare and contrast the colonization methods used by each. Be sure to discuss the goal

  • Q : The european union scientific committee on food conducted....
    History :

    The European Union Scientific Committee on Food conducted a study last year, and found that while caffeine levels in energy drinks were safe, more studies were needed to assess the dangers of taurin

  • Q : Australian convict consignment was sent to tasmania....
    History :

    For the first years of settlement,from 1803 to 1853, the tr..of convicts was the prime means of settlement for Tasmania. 46% of the entire Australian convict consignment was sent to Tasmania.

  • Q : What issue in society today absolutely ticks....
    History :

    What issue in society today absolutely ticks you off? What issue are you passionate about? Is it pollution? Minority rights? The war? The draft? GMOs? Deforestation? The Green movement? Overdevelop

  • Q : The african slave trade held economic benefits....
    History :

    The African slave trade held economic benefits for both the countries of Europe and the colonies of the Americas. However, the effects of the trade on Africa were far from beneficial. What effects

  • Q : What was the apartheid....
    History :

    What was the apartheid? What were the main causes that helped end the apartheid? Paragraph 1 role of black South Africans Paragraph 2 role of white South Africans Paragraph 3 international pressure

  • Q : What was the selected non-western culture....
    History :

    What was the selected non-Western culture like prior to the late nineteenth century? How did it change as a result of European expansion? How is this change representative of what Sayre calls a "los

  • Q : Why did they acheive such widespread popularity....
    History :

    From what concrete conditions did the ideas expressed in these documents arise? Why did they acheive such widespread popularity? You might even consider using these documents to make the case in fa

  • Q : How did president regan economic policies....
    History :

    How did President Regan's economic policies exemplify his constitutional principles and values? Explain the relationship between particular principles and policies.

  • Q : What were the results of john browns....
    History :

    Which groups supported the newly formed republican party? How did the outcomes elections of 1854 and 1856 affect the republican party?

  • Q : Explain the shift in the historical trajectory....
    History :

    How do you explain the shift in the historical trajectory of the Muslim world from a period of ascendancy between the fifteenth and the seventeenth century to a period of decline and European domin

  • Q : Explain the political economic and social changes....
    History :

    Explain the political, economic and social changes that occurred between the world wars and our attitude towards isolationism ? Please use APA and make sure there is sources included. Needs to be c

  • Q : Explain the art and music to architecture and literature....
    History :

    Artifacts of our own cultures surround us. From art and music to architecture and literature, from philosophy and religion to laws and economics, we live among cultural artifacts that have deep root

  • Q : What is the driving force behind the nazi party....
    History :

    What is the driving force behind the Nazi Party and the regime of Hitler ?Please only people who have read Mein Kampf so you can use this as a reference. This book is not historical facts, but rat

  • Q : Briefly summarize the issues....
    History :

    Briefly summarize the issues in the assigned readings of the three articles/issues assigned,which one did you find most interesting?

  • Q : The british react to both the proclamation....
    History :

    Explain the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763. Was the proclamation effective? Why or why not? How did colonials, natives, and the British react to both the Proclamation and its effects?

  • Q : Why was exodus the key text for hebrews....
    History :

    Why was Exodus the key text for Hebrews? How did it define them as a people? What happened to them during this story? How might it serve as a story for later generations?How did the Peloponnesian wa

  • Q : What obligations do athenian citizens....
    History :

    How would you compare the kind of democracy Pericles describes with democracy in the United States today?What obligations do Athenian citizens have toward the state?

  • Q : Discuss how specific works of art....
    History :

    Discuss how specific works of art show the exchange of styles, ideas, media, and artistic techniques. Compare and contrast specific art examples from two cultures we are studying this week . I don

  • Q : A european immigrant to america....
    History :

    Imagine you are a European immigrant to America, trying to adapt to the new life you sought. You want to share your experiences with your family back home so they will better understand.

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