• Q : Advancements in industry and technology....
    History :

    Any event that occurred in history that involves any combination  of the following; Revolution, political change, the economy, imperialism, advancements in industry and technology, and human ri

  • Q : Briefly describe these two events....
    History :

    Briefly describe these 2 events and discuss the significance that they had on American life and culture.How would the present be different if these events had not happened or if they had happened diff

  • Q : Create a word processing document....
    History :

    Create a word processing document titled "Byzantine Empire." Copy the following questions to your document and answer in complete paragraphs . Be sure your answers are in your own words and not just

  • Q : Identify and explain four key attributes....
    History :

    Six to eight PowerPoint slides, with one or two devoted to each of the topics in items above. Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six bullet points each.

  • Q : Which was not a cause....
    History :

    A wave of antiwar protest swept the nation in the early 1970s. Which was not a cause?Pentagon Papers Bombing in Cambodia Tonkin Gulf Resolution Kent State shootings?

  • Q : Who is known as the manifest destiny....
    History :

    The term for the belief that the United States had a God-given right to settle land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean is called manifest?Who is known as the "Manifest Destiny" President

  • Q : What is the condition that has been reached....
    History :

    What is the condition that has been reached when buyers purchase exactly as much as sellers have to sell?No words limits.

  • Q : Which empire advanced islamic civilization....
    History :

    After completing the document analyzer in Part One, prepare a short essay in which you take a position and respond to the question: Which empire advanced Islamic civilization more, Umayyad or Abbas

  • Q : Why was the bubonic plague referred....
    History :

    Curriculum Pathways Web Inquiry you will be provided links to primary sources that you will examine to help you answer the focus question: Why was the bubonic plague referred to as the "Black Death

  • Q : Distinct introduction and conclusion paragraphs....
    History :

    You will write a 2 to 3 page essay in which you explain the importance of Byzantium to the Medieval world.   Your essay should include the following:Clear thesis statement making a claim about

  • Q : How did the americans view success....
    History :

    How did the Americans view success for the Third World differ from the soviet view? why did these superpowers focus on the Third World?

  • Q : Carolingian institutions of government....
    History :

    What were the strengths and weaknesses of Carolingian institutions of government, warfare, and defense?No words limits.

  • Q : Describe the european origins....
    History :

    Describe the European origins of American conservative and liberal ideologies. Then, explain how these two American ideologies have evolved from their European origins.

  • Q : Advancements in industry and technology....
    History :

    Any event that occurred in history that involves any combination of the following; Revolution, political change, the economy, imperialism, advancements in industry and technology, and human rights.

  • Q : How does knowledge of the polictical....
    History :

    How does knowledge of the polictical, historical, and cultural background of Palestine help in the interpretation of the New Testament?

  • Q : What does powell mean by the earthly jesus....
    History :

    How is a Gospel different from a biography? What is the purpose of an ancient biography, and how do these differ from contemporary biographies?

  • Q : What is the nature of nationalism....
    History :

    What is the nature of nationalism that leads some people to claim that their national identity is their principal identity.

  • Q : The goals of radical reconstruction feasible ones....
    History :

    Were the goals of Radical Reconstruction feasible ones? Is it possible to transform a society drastically by government action, or might attempts to do so improve counterproductive?

  • Q : Explain the importance of roman technology....
    History :

    Technology and engineering were among Rome's most famous achievements. In your paper, describe and explain the importance of Roman technology and engineering.

  • Q : What is the agreement between northern and southern....
    History :

    What is the agreement between northern and southern states: admitted California as a free state and New Mexico and Utah could vote on slavery?

  • Q : Women of every ethnicity....
    History :

    Winning a revolution proved costly to many Americans, but brought unequal benefits. Identify those costs and evaluate the results of the revolution.What benefit, for example did African Americans

  • Q : What constitutes a work of art....
    History :

    These questions can serve as the starting point for your discussions during the week. They are "thought starters," so that you can explore some ideas associated with the discussion board and

  • Q : Analyze how the experiences of the son....
    History :

    In the article .under one roof:legal and illegal article.analyze how the experiences of the son and daughter affect their attitudes toward citizenship.

  • Q : Identify historical factors....
    History :

    Identify historical factors and explain their significance in contributing to change and continuity in the ancient world ?

  • Q : Distinction between the democrats and the republicans....
    History :

    The fundamental distinction between the Democrats and the Republicans during the late nineteenth century arose from differences A) in religious affiliation.

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