• Q : What are the basic characteristics of the classical empires....
    History :

    What are the basic characteristics of the classical empires of Greece, Rome, Qin and Han China, and Maurya and Gupta India?

  • Q : Explain the organization and completeness.....
    History :

    Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as uniform.

  • Q : Why might the united states have been concerned....
    History :

    Why might the united states have been concerned early in the war about china's attitude towards U.S. involvement on the side of south vietnam?

  • Q : How did the spread of islam influence literature....
    History :

    How did the spread of Islam influence literature, the arts, and architecture? Think about the literary tradition that already existed, ways of praising allah, and Islamic belief about art.

  • Q : What ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society....
    History :

    What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society?Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain.

  • Q : Conduct research to find accounts of internment....
    History :

    In this unit, we will study the Japanese internment during World War II. Now you have the chance to do some research and put together what you discover into a short essay.

  • Q : Why jackson pollock style of painting....
    History :

    When researching the Internet for addition resources, use reliable/credible sites.All writing must be in your own words. Do not cut and paste information from the Web site.

  • Q : Seventeenth centuries as a monolith....
    History :

    Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as uniform. "

  • Q : The fifteenth and seventeenth centuries....
    History :

    Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as uniform. "

  • Q : How did rasputin gain such a strong influence....
    History :

    How did Rasputin gain such a strong influence over the czarina? What was his effect on the process of policy making within Russian government? What qualities do you think Rasputin had that made him

  • Q : How did the patriots use....
    History :

    How did the Patriots [Sons of Liberty] use the so-called Boston "massacre" to their advantage? Why was this important? (not the event, but how it was used)

  • Q : How have you been wounded....
    History :

    How have you been wounded? Have you lost a friend in battle? Are you a volunteer or were you drafted? Do you believe in the war? This part of your story will be fictional, of course, but the answe

  • Q : A reconstruction of the relevant view....
    History :

    This kind of essay involves writing an extended version of the sort of essay you wrote for Assignment 3. Essays of Type A should contain three parts.

  • Q : Determine each word meaning.....
    History :

    After reading the following lines from "To a Mouse," translate each word in italics, identifying the strategy you used to determine each word's meaning."I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee / Wi' m

  • Q : Why did the russian nobility....
    History :

    In this SAS Curriculum Pathways Web Inquiry you will be provided links to primary sources that you will examine to help you answer the focus question: Why did the Russian nobility and middle class

  • Q : Which enlightened monarch was the most enlightened....
    History :

    In this SAS Curriculum Pathways Web Inquiry you will be provided links to primary sources that you will examine to help you answer the focus question: Which enlightened monarch was the most enlight

  • Q : What arguments do these ethical dilemmas....
    History :

    Ccompare and contrast the impeachment trials of Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton. Identify ethical dilemmas presented by each.

  • Q : The first european colonies in the new world....
    History :

    When studying the first European colonies in the new world ,many scholars breaks them into four primary groups.The chesa Peake, New England, the middle colonies, and lower south.What might be a rea

  • Q : The dress of the early middle ages....
    History :

    When the dress of the early Middle Ages is compared with the dress of ancient Greece and Rome, which of the following are the most pronounced changes in clothing.

  • Q : The committee of public safety....
    History :

    You are an American newspaper publisher in 1793 and you receive a letter requesting help from the Committee of Public Safety, the revolutionaries in France. They want you to write an article for Am

  • Q : Discuss the image of jesus that the film makers....
    History :

    Choose a film posted on Content Tab, discuss the image of Jesus that the film makers put forward and how this reflects contemporary culture.

  • Q : Explain the history of world civilizations....
    History :

    A prominent publishing company, has contacted you about the possibility of writing a new textbook for the first semester History of World Civilizations course.

  • Q : What is winthrop vision of society....
    History :

    What is Winthrop's vision of society? What is the starting point of his analysis? What would he think of the proposition "All men are created equal"?

  • Q : Describe the economic changes in the united states....
    History :

    Describe the economic, political, social, and cultural changes in the United States following WWI. How did the war provide for some of the changes? How were some changes a backlash to the war era?

  • Q : What way could the period between the thirteenth....
    History :

    In what way could the period between the thirteenth and the seventeenth centuries in the history of the Muslim world be considered a period of ascendancy? Discuss why that period is called a period

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