• Q : What innovations or invention....
    History :

    What innovations or invention (technology) had the biggest impact on civilization throughout history, and why? Think broadly and reflect on technologies that we cannot live without.

  • Q : What types of knowledge did people obtain....
    History :

    What is the purpose of the hexagrams in the Book of Changes? Why would people be interested in their meanings? What types of knowledge did people obtain from them? What does this reveal to you abou

  • Q : Describe the most influential independence hero....
    History :

    Identify and describe the most influential independence hero and his role in bringing about the Mexican Independence in Mexico. Be specific in describing his actions and significant role in influenc

  • Q : Explain the author''s thesis....
    History :

    Give a broad, general summary of the book. You cannot in 3-4 paragraphs summarize the entire book, but you can give an example of the author's arguments which capture the flavor of the book.

  • Q : How to write a comparison....
    History :

    Write a comparison of two art works, each from a different culture or time period within a culture, that you have studied in these tInclude what role the art work might have fulfilled in the culture

  • Q : How does director william wellman achieve....
    History :

    How does director William Wellman achieve an acceptable balance between creating a gangster, Tom Powers, with whom audiences empathize, perhaps even like, while understanding and accepting his viole

  • Q : What justification can it be argued that muhammad....
    History :

    Founder of modern egypt with what justification can it be argued that muhammad ali served to be described as such?no words limits.

  • Q : Describe alexander hamilton....
    History :

    Describe Alexander Hamilton's 4 Reports to Congress and how they affected the development of political parties in the United States?Describe and discuss the major components of the Constitution of t

  • Q : Why was rachel carson so worried about the use of ddt....
    History :

    Why was Rachel Carson so worried about the use of DDT? How did her book usher in the environmentalist movement?No words limits.

  • Q : Evaluate the great transformation....
    History :

    Explain what W. E. B. Dubois meant when he said of Reconstruction, "The slave went free,stood a moment in the sun, then moved back towards slavery.

  • Q : How did the spread of the muslim empire affect trade....
    History :

    How did the spread of the muslim empire affect trade? Think about trade networks that already existed, the arabic language, and currency and economic systems?

  • Q : What are the basic characteristics of the classical empires....
    History :

    What are the basic characteristics of the classical empires of Greece, Rome, Qin and Han China, and Maurya and Gupta India?

  • Q : Explain the organization and completeness.....
    History :

    Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as uniform.

  • Q : Why might the united states have been concerned....
    History :

    Why might the united states have been concerned early in the war about china's attitude towards U.S. involvement on the side of south vietnam?

  • Q : How did the spread of islam influence literature....
    History :

    How did the spread of Islam influence literature, the arts, and architecture? Think about the literary tradition that already existed, ways of praising allah, and Islamic belief about art.

  • Q : What ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society....
    History :

    What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society?Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain.

  • Q : Conduct research to find accounts of internment....
    History :

    In this unit, we will study the Japanese internment during World War II. Now you have the chance to do some research and put together what you discover into a short essay.

  • Q : Why jackson pollock style of painting....
    History :

    When researching the Internet for addition resources, use reliable/credible sites.All writing must be in your own words. Do not cut and paste information from the Web site.

  • Q : Seventeenth centuries as a monolith....
    History :

    Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as uniform. "

  • Q : The fifteenth and seventeenth centuries....
    History :

    Is it fair to look at the Muslim world between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries as a monolith? Discuss whether or not one could speak of the Muslim world during that period as uniform. "

  • Q : How did rasputin gain such a strong influence....
    History :

    How did Rasputin gain such a strong influence over the czarina? What was his effect on the process of policy making within Russian government? What qualities do you think Rasputin had that made him

  • Q : How did the patriots use....
    History :

    How did the Patriots [Sons of Liberty] use the so-called Boston "massacre" to their advantage? Why was this important? (not the event, but how it was used)

  • Q : How have you been wounded....
    History :

    How have you been wounded? Have you lost a friend in battle? Are you a volunteer or were you drafted? Do you believe in the war? This part of your story will be fictional, of course, but the answe

  • Q : A reconstruction of the relevant view....
    History :

    This kind of essay involves writing an extended version of the sort of essay you wrote for Assignment 3. Essays of Type A should contain three parts.

  • Q : Determine each word meaning.....
    History :

    After reading the following lines from "To a Mouse," translate each word in italics, identifying the strategy you used to determine each word's meaning."I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee / Wi' m

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