• Q : What are some similarities between the soviet union or china....
    History :

    What are some similarities between the Soviet Union and china? What are some of the differences between the Soviet Union and china?  this is around the Cold War period or around 1950's or so.

  • Q : Why did communism look like a good solution....
    History :

    China Had been searching for a way to escape exploitation and political dominatation by foreign powers since the 19th century. Why did communism look like a good solution to them? Did it work?

  • Q : What was the methods did the british government use....
    History :

    What was the methods did the British government use to exercise their power in the new world from 1754-1763.No words limits.

  • Q : The united states supported the governments of taiwan....
    History :

    The United States supported the governments of Taiwan, South Korea and South Vietnam because they were anti-communist regimes. Discuss the character of these regimes.

  • Q : How representative were they of the people interests....
    History :

    A remarkable group of men met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to revise the Constitution. Who were they and how representative were they of the people's interests?

  • Q : What ways have they not been communist....
    History :

    None of the "Communist" states consider/ed themselves to have achieve communism yet. In what ways have they not been communist?no owords limits.

  • Q : When he was elected president....
    History :

    Which of the following are true statements about John F. Kennedy when he was elected president? A. He was the youngest person ever elected president.

  • Q : How did regional differences affect the development....
    History :

    Since America's independence, vast differences have existed from region to region. Consider how the historical developments of the more urban and commercial North and the more rural and agricultural

  • Q : Why the problem needed to be reformed....
    History :

    Choose one of these problems that occurred in American society during the early 1900's: child labor, unhealthy working conditions for factory workers.

  • Q : What were the driving forces....
    History :

    What were the driving forces behind the West's conquest of the world during the period 1880 - 1914? What were the main imperialist powers and in what parts of the world gained each of those colonie

  • Q : What meant abraham lincoln accession....
    History :

    What meant Abraham Lincoln's accession to power in 1860 for the conflict between North and Southern states?no words limits.

  • Q : Trace the evolution of work and labor....
    History :

    Trace the evolution of work and labor, including the demise of the slave trade and the effects of immigration, mining and manufacturing, division of labor, and the union movement.

  • Q : Describe the experiences of one group of early miagrants....
    History :

    Describe the experiences of one group of early miagrants. what difficulties did they face on their arrivial in Australia. how did they overcome adverisity.

  • Q : What impact did chinese immigration....
    History :

    What impact did Chinese immigration have on Southeast Asia? Why did the Chinese government not support overseas immigration? In the 17 to 18th century. This is from tmy history book:

  • Q : What innovations or invention....
    History :

    What innovations or invention (technology) had the biggest impact on civilization throughout history, and why? Think broadly and reflect on technologies that we cannot live without.

  • Q : What types of knowledge did people obtain....
    History :

    What is the purpose of the hexagrams in the Book of Changes? Why would people be interested in their meanings? What types of knowledge did people obtain from them? What does this reveal to you abou

  • Q : Describe the most influential independence hero....
    History :

    Identify and describe the most influential independence hero and his role in bringing about the Mexican Independence in Mexico. Be specific in describing his actions and significant role in influenc

  • Q : Explain the author''s thesis....
    History :

    Give a broad, general summary of the book. You cannot in 3-4 paragraphs summarize the entire book, but you can give an example of the author's arguments which capture the flavor of the book.

  • Q : How to write a comparison....
    History :

    Write a comparison of two art works, each from a different culture or time period within a culture, that you have studied in these tInclude what role the art work might have fulfilled in the culture

  • Q : How does director william wellman achieve....
    History :

    How does director William Wellman achieve an acceptable balance between creating a gangster, Tom Powers, with whom audiences empathize, perhaps even like, while understanding and accepting his viole

  • Q : What justification can it be argued that muhammad....
    History :

    Founder of modern egypt with what justification can it be argued that muhammad ali served to be described as such?no words limits.

  • Q : Describe alexander hamilton....
    History :

    Describe Alexander Hamilton's 4 Reports to Congress and how they affected the development of political parties in the United States?Describe and discuss the major components of the Constitution of t

  • Q : Why was rachel carson so worried about the use of ddt....
    History :

    Why was Rachel Carson so worried about the use of DDT? How did her book usher in the environmentalist movement?No words limits.

  • Q : Evaluate the great transformation....
    History :

    Explain what W. E. B. Dubois meant when he said of Reconstruction, "The slave went free,stood a moment in the sun, then moved back towards slavery.

  • Q : How did the spread of the muslim empire affect trade....
    History :

    How did the spread of the muslim empire affect trade? Think about trade networks that already existed, the arabic language, and currency and economic systems?

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