• Q : How much work is done on the gas....
    Physics :

    An ideal monatomic gas expands adiabatically from an initial temperature of 368 K and volume of 4.6 m3 to a final volume of 11 m3. If the initial pressure is 1.5 multiplied by Patm, how much work is

  • Q : How much is the charge on each plate....
    Physics :

    It takes 8.5 J of energy to move a 3 mC charge from one plate of a 9.0 microfarad capacitor to the other. How much is the charge on each plate?

  • Q : Calculate the emf that could be induced in a loop....
    Physics :

    Calculate the emf that could be induced in a loop around the outside of the tongue by this motion of the head. (A typical tongue area is 25 times 10^-4 m^2.

  • Q : Problem based in solar energy....
    Physics :

    A 5.0-m-diameter garden pond is 0.200 deep. Solar energy is incident on the pond at an average rate of 400 If the water absorbs all the solar energy and does not exchange energy with its surroundin

  • Q : Calculate the resultant gravitational force....
    Physics :

    Three uniform spheres of mass m1 = 2.00 kg, 4.00 kg, and m2 = 6.00 kg are placed at the corners of a right triangle. Calculate the resultant gravitational force on the 4.00 kg object, assuming the

  • Q : What was the magnitude of the applied horizontal force....
    Physics :

    While rearranging a dorm room, a student does 300 J of work in moving a desk 2.0m. What was the magnitude of the applied horizontal force?

  • Q : Activity of the radioactive material....
    Physics :

    A device used in radiation therapy for cancer contains 0.20 g of cobalt

  • Q : Determine the vertical and horizontal components....
    Physics :

    A 16 g rifle bullet traveling 240 m/s buries itself in a 3.4 kg pendulum hanging on a 2.6 m long string, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the vertical and horizontal compon

  • Q : Top surface of glycerin and top surface of the alcohol....
    Physics :

    Glycerin is poured into an open U-shaped tube until the height in both sides is 38 cm. Ethyl alcohol is then poured into one arm until the height of the alcohol column is 34 cm. The two liquids do

  • Q : How far does sam land from base of the cliff....
    Physics :

    Sam 75 kg takes off up a 50 m high, 10 degrees frictionless slope on his jet-powered skis. The skis have a thrust of 200 N. He keeps his skis tilted at 10 degrees after becoming airborne, how far do

  • Q : What is the volume of a cylinder....
    Physics :

    what is the volume of a cylinder that has a radius of 54.5 cm and length of 235.76 cm? how many LIters-L of a specific liquid would this cylinder container hold? how many millimeters-mL if a specif

  • Q : Magnitude-direction of the acceleration of the particle....
    Physics :

    An 8.00 {rm kg} point mass and a 15.0 {rm kg} point mass are held in place 50.0 {rm cm} apart. A particle of mass m is released from a point between the two masses 20.0 {rm cm} from the 8.00 {rm kg

  • Q : What is the velocity v of the smaller fish before lunch....
    Physics :

    A 4.5 kg fish swimming 2 m/s swallows an absent minded 1 kg fish swimming toward it at a velocity that brings both fish to a halt immediately after lunch. What is the velocity v of the smaller fish

  • Q : At what angle is the beam refracted....
    Physics :

    A scuba diver shines a flashlight from beneath the surface of water (n = 1.33) such that the light strikes the water-air boundary with an angle of incidence of 37°. At what angle is the beam re

  • Q : How much energy is used to operate the oven....
    Physics :

    The temperature in an electric oven is 160 °C. The temperature at the outer surface in the kitchen is 50 °C. The oven (surface area = 1.6 m2) is insulated with material that has a thickness

  • Q : Determine the change in internal energy....
    Physics :

    A sample of gas is taken through cycle abca shown in the p-V diagram of Figure 2. The net work done is +2.0 J. Along path ab, the magnitude of the work done is 4.0 J, the energy transferred to the

  • Q : What is macrotest....
    Physics :

    What is macrotest? Definition of Macrotest? How a macrotest is carried on? On what basis a Aluminium Round bar can fail this test.

  • Q : Find the final speeds of the masses....
    Physics :

    Two masses m and 3m are moving toward each other along the x axis with the same initial speeds vi . Mass m is traveling to the left, while mass 3m is traveling to the right. They undergo a head-on e

  • Q : Fahrenheit and kelvin thermometers....
    Physics :

    Calculate the one temperature at which Fahrenheit and Kelvin thermometers agree with each other.

  • Q : Thermal coefficient of copper....
    Physics :

    A copper telephone wire has essentially no sag between poles 34.0 m apart on a winter day when the temperature is -20.0°C. How much longer is the wire on a summer day when TC = 36.0°C? Assu

  • Q : String to completely unwind....
    Physics :

    A 24 inch string is wrapped around the 1/8 inch radius axis of a yo yo. Starting from rest, the yo yo descends with a constant angular acceleration of 4 rad/seconds squared. How long will it take t

  • Q : Total distance traveled....
    Physics :

    If you ride in a bus east for 5km, and then travel west for 25 km and then walk 3m to the back of the bus, what is your final displacement? What is your total distance traveled?

  • Q : Find the acceleration and the instantateous speed of body....
    Physics :

    A partial record of a freely falling body showed only three consecutive points. the distance from the first to the second point was 24.55 cm. that from the first to the third was 58.92 cm. the time

  • Q : What is the momentum of the car....
    Physics :

    A 30 g car rolls from a hill 12 cm high and it traveling at 154 cm/s as it travels along a 275 cm horizontil track.What is the momentum of the car?

  • Q : Determine equivalent number of miles in scientific notation....
    Physics :

    Write 2.5 x 10^6 light-years in the equivalent number of miles in scientific notation. Please show workings.

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