• Q : What will be the car stopping distance....
    Physics :

    A 1500 kg automobile travels at a speed of 75 km/h along a straight concrete highway. Faced with an emergency situation, the driver jams on the brakes, and the car skids to a stop.

  • Q : Center of the central bright fringe....
    Physics :

    Coherent light with wavelength 599 passes through two very narrow slits, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen a distance of 3.00 from the slits. The first-order bright fringe is a d

  • Q : Energy of the oscillating system based problem....
    Physics :

    A damped mass-spring system oscillates at 265 Hz. The time constant of the system is 2.0 s. At t = 0, the amplitude of oscillation is 6.1 cm and the energy of the oscillating system is then 61 J.

  • Q : Slides on a horizontal frictionless surface....
    Physics :

    If the 4 kg mass slides on a horizontal frictionless surface, what is the speed of the mass 4 kg when it has fallen a distance 0.1 m downward from its rest poisiton?

  • Q : What is the normal force acting on the sled....
    Physics :

    A sled weighs 100N. it is held in place on a frictionless 20 degree slope by a rope attached to a take at the top; the rope is parallel to the slope. what is the normal force acting on the sled?

  • Q : What frequency does your friend hear....
    Physics :

    Friend of yours is singing loudly a single note at 400 Hz while driving toward you at 25.0 m/s on a day when the speed of sound is 340 m/s. What frequency does your friend hear if your friend heard

  • Q : Wavelength of light will first-order dark fringe be observed....
    Physics :

    For what wavelength of light will the first-order dark fringe be observed at this same point on the screen. For what wavelength of light will the first-order dark fringe be observed at this same poi

  • Q : What is the rotation due to optical activity....
    Physics :

    What is the rotation due to optical activity by a half-wave plate of quartz using the same light beam?

  • Q : Net force acting on driver....
    Physics :

    A driver wearing a seatbelt decelerates at the same rate as the car itself. Since modern cars have a "crumple zone" built into the front of the car, the car will decelerate over a distance of rough

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the normal force....
    Physics :

    An airplane moves 402 m/s as it travels around a vertical circular loop which has a radius of 2.8 km. What is the magnitude of the normal force on the 200 kg pilot of this plane at the bottom of th

  • Q : Find the normal force exerted on the bottom of the ladder....
    Physics :

    The upper and lower ends of the ladder rest on frictionless surfaces. The lower end is connected to the wall by a horizontal rope that is frayed and can support a maximum tension of only 80.0 N. (a

  • Q : Find the ratio of the mass of steam....
    Physics :

    Ignoring the container and the equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid at 52.0 °C, find the ratio of the mass of steam to the mass of ice. The specific heat capacity of steam is 2020 J/(kg C&de

  • Q : Escape speed from the earth....
    Physics :

    Find the rms speed of H2, helium atoms, and N2 at room temperature. Compare these to the escape speed from the earth.

  • Q : What is the altitude of the satellite....
    Physics :

    A converging lens with a diameter of 26.0 cm forms an image of a satellite passing overhead. The satellite has two green lights (wavelength 500 nm) spaced 1.24 m apart. If the lights can just be re

  • Q : Liquid is an ideal fluid in laminar flow....
    Physics :

    A vented tank of large cross-sectional area has a horizontal pipe .12m in diameter at the bottom. The tank holds a liquid whose density is 1500 kg/m^3 to a height of 4.0m. The velocity of the liqui

  • Q : Determine the magnitude of the friction force....
    Physics :

    A grinding wheel of radius 0.350m rotating on a frictionless axle is brought to rest by applying a constant frictionforce tangential to its rim. The constant torque produced by this force is 76.0 N

  • Q : What is the intensity of the smallest detectable signal....
    Physics :

    A radio receiver can dedect signals with electric field amplitudes as small as 250w/m^2. what is the intensity of the smallest detectable signal?

  • Q : What was the bullet speed as it left the barrel....
    Physics :

    A rifle is aimed horizontally at a target 58 away. The bullet hits the target 2.5 below the aim point.What was the bullet's flight time? What was the bullet's speed as it left the barrel?

  • Q : What is the maximum speed....
    Physics :

    A spring with spring constant 19 hangs from the ceiling. A ball is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. It is then pulled down 2.5 and released. The ball makes 33 oscillations in 15

  • Q : Find the location of the image....
    Physics :

    Find the location of the image. (Enter in cm. Use a negative number if the image is behind the mirror)

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the net external force....
    Physics :

    find the magnitude and direction of the net external force on the crate

  • Q : What is the grocery carts final speed....
    Physics :

    A 10.0 kg grocery is pushed 12.0 m along an aisle by a shopper who exerts a constant horizontal force of 40.0 N. a.) What work is done on the cart? b.)If all frictional forces are neglected, and th

  • Q : Pressure difference between inside and outside of window....
    Physics :

    Find the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the window.

  • Q : How much friction force must the brake apply....
    Physics :

    The 2.2 kg, 20 cm diameter disk in the figure below is spinning at 280 rpm. How much friction force must the brake apply to the rim to bring the disk to a halt in 5.0 s?

  • Q : Heat of fusion for water....
    Physics :

    How much heat is required to convert solid ice with a mass of 525 g and at a temperature of -10.5 °C to liquid water at a temperature of 69.5 °C? (The specific heat of ice is cice = 2100 J/

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