• Q : Minimum uncertainty of the position of the baseball....
    Physics :

    At a baseball game, a radar gun measures the speed of a 138 g baseball to be 137.32 ± 0.11 km/h. a.) what is the minimum uncertainty of the position of the baseball?

  • Q : Boat acceleration....
    Physics :

    Starting from rest, a speedboat reaches a speed of 2.3 m/s in 1.2 s. What is the boat's speed after an additional 2.5 s has elapsed, assuming the boat's acceleration remains the same?

  • Q : At what angle should the road be banked....
    Physics :

    A highway curve has a radius of 125 m. At what angle should the road be banked so that a car traveling at 27.4 m/s has no tendency to skid sideways on the road?

  • Q : Energy of the oscillating system problem....
    Physics :

    A damped mass-spring system oscillates at 170 Hz. The time constant of the system is 2.0 s. At t = 0, the amplitude of oscillation is 5.9 cm and the energy of the oscillating system is then 59 J.

  • Q : What is the value of h....
    Physics :

    A 603 kg automobile is moving at 24.0 m/s at a height of 5.0 m above the bottom of a hill when it runs out of gasoline. The car coasts down the hill and then continues coasting up the other side unt

  • Q : What is the largest wavelength....
    Physics :

    Two sources emit waves that are in phase with each other. What is the largest wavelength that will give constructive interference at an observation point 181 from one source and 355 from the other

  • Q : Find the total number of lines....
    Physics :

    Find the total number of lines in a 2.9 -wide diffraction grating whose third-order spectrum has the 640 hydrogen- spectral line at an angular position of 39.

  • Q : How much force pulls forward on the ice....
    Physics :

    A 1.50 m-long, 530 g rope pulls a 7.00 kg block of ice across a horizontal, frictionless surface. The block accelerates at 1.90 {rm m}/{rm s}^{2}. How much force pulls forward on (a) the ice, (b) th

  • Q : Calculate the net work done by the force....
    Physics :

    A weightlifter lifts a weight of mass 50.0 kg through a distance of 0.680 m, then lowers it gently. He does this 27 times. Calculate the net work done by the force of friction due to the rope rubbin

  • Q : What is the rate constant for this reaction....
    Physics :

    The reactant concentration in a first-order reaction was 7.50×10-2 after 45.0 and 9.10×10-3 after 85.0 . What is the rate constant for this reaction?

  • Q : Calculate the velocity of the object as a function of time.....
    Physics :

    an object with mass m initially at rest is acted on by a force where k1 and k2 are constants Calculate the velocity of the object as a function of time.

  • Q : What was the tension in string an instant before it broke....
    Physics :

    A 100 ball on a 60 long string is swung in a vertical circle whose center is 200 above the floor. The string suddenly breaks when it is parallel to the ground and the ball is moving upward. The ball

  • Q : How many calories of heat are generated....
    Physics :

    A bicycle and rider have a combined mass of 119.0kg. How many calories of heat are generated in the brakes when the bicycle comes to a stop from a speed of 36.5km/h?

  • Q : Find the final speeds of the two objects....
    Physics :

    They undergo an elastic glancing collision such that m is moving downward after the collision at right angles from its initial direction. (a) find the final speeds of the two objects (b) What is the

  • Q : Magnitude of magnetic field at center of square....
    Physics :

    A straight wire (length=8.0m) is bent to form a square. If the wire carries a current of 20 A, what is the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of the square?

  • Q : How much kinetic energy did each piece acquire....
    Physics :

    An explosion breaks an object into two pieces, one of which has 1.8 times the mass of the other. If 10000 J were released in the explosion, how much kinetic energy did each piece acquire?

  • Q : What is the work done by (a) the tension in the cable....
    Physics :

    A cable lifts a 1270-kg elevator at a constant velocity for a distance of 49.7 m. What is the work done by (a) the tension in the cable and (b) the elevator's weight?

  • Q : Calculate the maximum emf induced in the coil....
    Physics :

    A 100-turn square wire coil of area 0.040 m2 rotates about a vertical axis at 1 500 rev/min, as indicated in Figure P20.26. The horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field at the location of

  • Q : Static friction supplies the centripetal force problem....
    Physics :

    When the tire surface is rotating at a maximum speed of 18 m/s, the stone flies out of the tread. The magnitude FN of the normal force that each side of the tread channel exerts on the stone is 1.8

  • Q : Computational equation proportional....
    Physics :

    What is the computational equation proportional to the tangent frequency to propagate teleological consciousness

  • Q : Find the blocks acceleration if uk=.18....
    Physics :

    A wooden block with mass 0.28 rests on a horizontal table, connected to a string that hangs vertically over a friction-less pulley on the table's edge. From the other end of the string hangs a 0.17

  • Q : What is the apparent distance from the upper benzene surface....
    Physics :

    A layer of benzene 2.50 deep floats on water that is 6.50 deep. a) What is the apparent distance from the upper benzene surface to the bottom of the water layer when it is viewed at normal inciden

  • Q : Speakers produce a single-frequency tone....
    Physics :

    Moe, Larry, and Curly stand in a line with a spacing of = 1.00 . Larry is 3.00 in front of a pair of stereo speakers 0.800 apart, as shown in the figure . The speakers produce a single-frequency to

  • Q : What angular speed must such a cylinder have....
    Physics :

    It has been suggested that rotating cylinders about 11 mi long and 4.5 mi in diameter be placed in space and used as colonies. What angular speed must such a cylinder have so that the centripetal ac

  • Q : Made of sedimentary rock....
    Physics :

    The engineers who built the Vaiont Reservoir in Italy should have anticipated the possibility of a ________ because the valley in which the dam was located had hillsides made of sedimentary rock th

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