• Q : Determining the echolocation....
    Physics :

    An owl is chasing a squirrel and is using echolocation (the reflection of sound) to aid in the hunt. If the squirrel is 40.5 m from the owl, how long does it take sound to travel from the owl to the

  • Q : Tangential velocity and tangential acceleration of point....
    Physics :

    A bicycle wheel of radius r = 0.5 m starts from rest and rolls 150 m without slipping in 30 s. Assuming that the angular acceleration of the wheel was constant, calculate: a) the angular accelerati

  • Q : Splitting of the atom....
    Physics :

    What is meant by the expression "splitting of the atom?" Does this relate to nuclear fusion or nuclear fission? What is the difference between the two?

  • Q : Find the smallest possible value....
    Physics :

    Offers one approach to problems of this type. For an electron in a hydrogen atom, the z component of the angular momentum has a maximum value of Lz = 1.06 x 10-34 J•s. Find the smallest possib

  • Q : Bullet leaving the gun at certain speed....
    Physics :

    A hunter aims directly at a target (on the same level) 140 m away. (a) If the bullet leaves the gun at a speed of 280 m/s, by how much will it miss the target?

  • Q : Lowest point on the trajectory....
    Physics :

    (a) What is the speed of the pendulum when it passes through the lowest point on its trajectory?

  • Q : What is the blocks distance from equilibrium....
    Physics :

    What is the block's distance from equilibrium when the speed is 66 cm/s?

  • Q : How much energy is dissipated....
    Physics :

    How much energy is dissipated in the first 2 s interval?

  • Q : What is the average force exerted by the wall....
    Physics :

    A 4.60 kg steel ball strikes a wall with a speed of 13.0 m/s at an angle of 60.0° with the surface. It bounces off with the same speed and angle. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.2

  • Q : Magnitude of the tension in the wire....
    Physics :

    A 1360-N uniform beam is attached to a vertical wall at one end and is supported by a cable at the other end. A 1960-N crate hangs from the far end of the beam. Using the data shown in the figure,

  • Q : Find out the period of the motion....
    Physics :

    At t = 0, a 738g mass at rest on the end of a horizontal spring (k = 101N/m) is struck by a hammer, which gives it an initial speed of 2.58m/s. Determine the period of the motion.

  • Q : What was the magnitude and direction of initial velocity....
    Physics :

    A golf ball is struck with a five iron on level ground. It lands 105.0 m away 5.00 s later. What was the magnitude and direction of the initial velocity?

  • Q : Enormous amounts of work during a race....
    Physics :

    Bicyclists in the Tour de France do enormous amounts of work during a race. For example, the average power per kilogram generated by Lance Armstrong (m = 75.0 kg) is 6.50 W per kilogram of his body

  • Q : Thermal equilibrium within surrounding water....
    Physics :

    A diver 60 deep in 10 fresh water exhales a 1.0 diameter bubble. What is the bubble's diameter just as it reaches the surface of the lake, where the water temperature is 20? Assume that the air bub

  • Q : Calculate the coefficient of static friction....
    Physics :

    A block of 7.8kg on an inclined plane just begins to slide at an angle of inclination of 35 degree. calculate the coefficient of static friction between the block and the incline?

  • Q : What is the angular acceleration of pedals....
    Physics :

    A cyclist accelerates uniformly from a speed of 10 km/hr to 30 km/hr in 8 seconds. His wheels are 0.71 m in diameter, and for the gear he is in, the pedals make 1 revolution for every 3 revolutions

  • Q : Problem on energy contained in the dessert....
    Physics :

    The skin temperature of this individual is 36°C and that of her environment is 19° C. The emissivity of her skin is 0.75 and its surface area is 1.3 m2. How much time would it take for her t

  • Q : How much total expense or loss should be recognized....
    Physics :

    If the company were to obtain insurance on the property, it would cost them $1,000,000 per year. The company estimates that on average it will incur losses of $800,000 per year. During 2007, $350,00

  • Q : Drops a package of emergency rations....
    Physics :

    An Alaskan rescue plane traveling 35 m/s drops a package of emergency rations from a height of 136 m to a stranded party of explorers.

  • Q : Block to return to its equilibrium position....
    Physics :

    A spring of k=12 N/m has a block of mass 11 kg attached to it on a frictionless table. If the block is pulled a distance 0.17 m to the right and released from rest, how long will it take the block

  • Q : Determining the mass of the ice cube....
    Physics :

    A cube of ice is taken from the freezer at -8.3°C and placed in a 105 g aluminum calorimeter filled with 295 g of water at room temperature of 20°C. The final situation is observed to be all

  • Q : Find the velocity of the package....
    Physics :

    An alaskan rescue plane drops a package of emergency rations to a stranded party of explorers. The plane is traveling horizontally at 30m/s at a height of 200m above the ground. What horizontal dist

  • Q : Bullet has stopped moving relative to the block....
    Physics :

    A 2.0 g bullet traveling at 700 m/s hits and becomes embedded in s stationary 5.0 kg wood block. What is the speed of the block immediately after the bullet has stopped moving relative to the block

  • Q : What is the speed of the block....
    Physics :

    A 2.0 g bullet traveling at 700 m/s hits and becomes embedded in s stationary 5.0 kg wood block. What is the speed of the block immediately after the bullet has stopped moving relative to the block?

  • Q : Mechanism keeping the spring squeezed....
    Physics :

    Between the two is squeezed a spring (spring constant = 1108 N/m). The spring is compressed by 0.142 m from its unstrained length. With what speed does each block move away when the mechanism keepin

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