• Q : Heaviest barbell that could be lifted a distance....
    Physics :

    A box of well known breakfast cereal states that one small portion of the cereal contains 110 Calories (1 Cal = 4186 J). If 2.0 % of this energy could be converted by a weight lifter's body into wo

  • Q : Maximum number of electrons....
    Physics :

    A photomultiplier tube in a scintillation counter contains 12 of the special electrodes or dynodes. Suppose each dynode produces 5 electrons for every electron that strikes it. One photoelectron st

  • Q : Compare the force an abrupt....
    Physics :

    Compare the force an abrupt(hard) and a cushioned (soft) collision if the impulse are equivalent. use word and also sketch the force vs. time graphs.

  • Q : Gravitational potential energy of the ball changed....
    Physics :

    A 1300 {rm kg} wrecking ball hangs from a 20 {rm m}-long cable. The ball is pulled back until the cable makes an angle of 24.0^circle with the vertical. By how much has the gravitational potential

  • Q : Risk for contracting several forms of cancer....
    Physics :

    Homozygotes for AT rarely survive to adulthood. Heterozygotes rarely show symptoms while young but are at substantially incrased risk for contracting several forms of cancer as adults. Explain.

  • Q : How far must it now sail to reach its original destination....
    Physics :

    A ship sets out to sail to a point 182 km due north. An unexpected storm blows the ship to a point 158 km due east of its starting point. How far must it now sail to reach its original destination?

  • Q : Magnitude-direction of the magnetic field....
    Physics :

    The loop in figure shown carries a current I=2.50A. The semicircular portion has a radius R=5.00cm and L=10.0cm. Determine the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at point A.

  • Q : Find the electric displacement....
    Physics :

    A metal sphere of radius a carries charge Q,it is surrounded out to a radius b, by linear dielectric material of permittivity, find the electric displacement.

  • Q : Producing a single-frequency tone....
    Physics :

    Moe, Larry, and Curly stand in a line with a spacing of d = 1.30 m. Larry is 3.00 m in front of a pair of stereo speakers 0.800 m apart, as shown in the figure . The speakers produce a single-frequ

  • Q : Percent efficiency with the heat-engine....
    Physics :

    An ideal heat-engine is to be used in an environment where the ambient temperature is 22.5 °C. What should be the minimum temperature of the hot heat reservoir in order to reach at least 46.4 pe

  • Q : Velocity of air moving under the wing....
    Physics :

    How does the velocity of air moving over the top of the wing of an airplane in flight compare to the velocity of air moving under the wing?

  • Q : The banking angle of the curves....
    Physics :

    An automobile club plans to race a 760 kg car at the local racetrack. The car needs to be able to travel around several 140 m radius curves at 94 km/h. What should the banking angle of the curves be

  • Q : Separation of the isotopes at the detector....
    Physics :

    The measured masses of these isotopes are 2.32×10-26 {rm kg} ({^{14,}{rm N}}), 1.99×10-26 kg and 2.49×10-26 Kg. Find the separation of the isotopes at the detector.

  • Q : Find the forces exerted by the pillars....
    Physics :

    A 5.00m long diving board of negligible mass is supported by two pillars. One pillar is at the left end of the diving board: the other is 1.50m away. Find the forces exerted by the pillars when a 9

  • Q : What is the current in the wires attached to the plates....
    Physics :

    In a parallel plate capacitor, two plates are being discharged by a constant current. Each plate has a radius of 4.00 cm. During the discharging, at a point between the plates at radial distance 2.0

  • Q : How much thermal energy is created....
    Physics :

    A 1300 {rm N} crate slides 15 {rm m} down a ramp that makes an angle of 35^circ with the horizontal. If the crate slides at a constant speed, how much thermal energy is created?

  • Q : What was the initial kinetic energy of the electron....
    Physics :

    An electron with an initial speed of 4.00×105 is brought to rest by an electric field. What was the initial kinetic energy of the electron, in electron volts?

  • Q : Determine vertical component of acceleration....
    Physics :

    A skier is accelerating down a 30.0 hill at 1.80. a) What is the vertical component of her acceleration?

  • Q : Motion the tension in the rope supporting the bucket....
    Physics :

    A bucket of mass 2.00 is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 1.55 . At the lowest point of its motion the tension in the rope supporting the bucket is 30.0 . find the speed of the bucket.

  • Q : Determine the work done by the net external force....
    Physics :

    A water-skier is being pulled by a tow rope attached to a boat. As the driver pushes the throttle forward, the skier accelerates. A 67.1-kg water-skier has an initial speed of 7.4 m/s. Later, the sp

  • Q : What is the amplitude of oscillation....
    Physics :

    A damped mass-spring system oscillates at 255 Hz. The time constant of the system is 2.0 s. At t = 0, the amplitude of oscillation is 7.0 cm and the energy of the oscillating system is then 70 J. (

  • Q : Curve representing the distance traveled....
    Physics :

    Looking at the three curves, one can infer some details about the motion of the car. For example, the curve representing the distance traveled x starts going up from the beginning until the car come

  • Q : What are the two lowest frequencies that allow....
    Physics :

    Moe, Larry, and Curly stand in a line with a spacing of = 0.900 . Larry is 3.00 in front of a pair of stereo speakers 0.800 apart, as shown in the figure . The speakers produce a single-frequency to

  • Q : What acceleration would a 175 kg box have on this ramp....
    Physics :

    A 75 kg box slides down a 25 degree ramp with an acceleration of 3.6 m/s^2. What acceleration would a 175 kg box have on this ramp?

  • Q : Asynchronous simulation....
    Physics :

    Describe how asynchronous simulation can be used to predict the motions of this system and outline the data structures that would be required to implement such a program.

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