• Q : Scattered off of an electron and experiences....
    Physics :

    A high-frequency photon is scattered off of an electron and experiences a change of wavelength of 8.0×10-4 .At what angle must a detector be placed to detect the scattered photon (relative to

  • Q : What was the speed of the cart just before it hit the spring....
    Physics :

    A 10kg runaway grocery cart runs into a spring with spring constant 230 N/m and compresses it by 65 cm. What was the speed of the cart just before it hit the spring?

  • Q : How far is the point from the wire....
    Physics :

    A long, straight wire carries a current of 42 A. The magnetic field produced by this current at a certain point is 6.0 10-5 T. How far is the point from the wire?

  • Q : What was the speed of the cart right....
    Physics :

    A 10 runaway grocery cart runs into a spring with spring constant 230 and compresses it by 65. What was the speed of the cart right before it hit the spring?

  • Q : Acceleration of the two masses....
    Physics :

    Assuming that the cord does not slip on the pulley, find (a) the acceleration of the two masses and (b) the tensions T1 and T2.

  • Q : Find the tension in the rope....
    Physics :

    The ramp is inclined at 30.0° with respect to the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the log and the ramp is 0.870, and the log has an acceleration of 0.900 m/s2. Find the t

  • Q : Find the horizontal component of the book''s velocity....
    Physics :

    A physics book slides off a horizontal table top with a speed of 1.45 . It strikes the floor after a time of 0.440 . Ignore air resistance.Find the horizontal component of the book's velocity just b

  • Q : Determine the constant speed of the mass....
    Physics :

    Consider a conical pendulum with an 20 kg mass on a 10 m wire making an angle of 3° with the vertical. The tension in the wire is 199 N. Determine the constant speed of the mass to maintain thi

  • Q : How fast is the car moving....
    Physics :

    A person with perfect pitch sits on a bus bench listening to the 455hz horn of an approaching car.If the person detects a frequency of 475hz , how fast is the car moving?

  • Q : Find the biologically equivalent dose....
    Physics :

    A beam of particles is directed at a 0.014-kg tumor. There are 2.3 x 1010 particles per second reaching the tumor, and the energy of each particle is 4.0 MeV. The RBE for the radiation is 14. Find

  • Q : Friction between the treasure chest....
    Physics :

    Assume there is no friction between the treasure chest and the ground. What is the net force of the treasure chest?

  • Q : How much work is done by a force = (3x n) +(5 n)....
    Physics :

    How much work is done by a force = (3x N) +(5 N), with x in meters, that moves a particle from a position i = (3 m) +(4 m), to a position f = -(5 m) -(3 m).

  • Q : On how steep a hill can you leave a car parked....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of static friction between hard rubber and normal street pavement is about 0.8. On how steep a hill (maximum angle) can you leave a car parked? Assume the car weighs 4200 lbs.

  • Q : Exposure of one roentgen deposits....
    Physics :

    One kilogram of dry air at STP conditions is exposed to 1.00 R of X-rays. One roentgen is defined by Equation 32.1 in Section 32.1. An equivalent definition can be based on the fact that an exposure

  • Q : How much heat has been added to the gas....
    Physics :

    If the internal energy of an ideal gas increases by 150 J at the same time that the gas expands and does 240 J of work on its surroundings, how much heat has been added to the gas.

  • Q : Characteristics for intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor....
    Physics :

    What is the difference between the voltage current characteristics for intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor in both forward as well as reverse direction?

  • Q : Electrons from a great distance....
    Physics :

    How much work must be done to bring 3 electrons from a great distance apart to within 2.55E-10 m from one another (at the corners of an equilateral triangle)?

  • Q : How far is it from your eyes to the image of your toes....
    Physics :

    It is 150 cm from your eyes to your toes. You're standing 200 cm in front of a tall mirror. How far is it from your eyes to the image of your toes?

  • Q : What is the radius of curvature....
    Physics :

    You look into a shaving mirror and the upright image of your face is 40.0 cm away from you. The image has a magnification of 1.50. (a) How far away are you from the mirror? (b) What is the radius o

  • Q : Value of the universal gravitational constants....
    Physics :

    A 390 kg mass is brought close to a second mass of 144 kg on a frictional surface with coefficient of friction 1.1. At what distance will the second mass begin to slide toward the ?rst mass? value

  • Q : How much work is being done on the box....
    Physics :

    A 35 kg box is being pushed up a ramp with a force of 115 N. The length of the ramp is 5.00m. How much work is being done on the box?

  • Q : Explain mechanical energy of system....
    Physics :

    A mass-spring system oscillates with an amplitude of 5.80 cm. If the spring constant is 245 N/m and the mass is 538 g, determine the mechanical energy of the system.

  • Q : Calculate the free energy change of the system....
    Physics :

    For a process, the enthalpy change and the entropy change of the system is 173000 J and its entropy change is 210 J/K. Calculate the free energy change of the system at 298 K.

  • Q : Vertex of a concave spherical mirror....
    Physics :

    An object 2.00 cm tall is placed 14.0 cm to the left of the vertex of a concave spherical mirror whose radius of curvature is 24.0 cm. What is the height h_i of the image?

  • Q : Components of the reaction force....
    Physics :

    A 1200-N uniform boom is supported by a cable as in the figure. The boom is pivoted at the bottom, and a 2 000-N object hangs from its top. Find the tension in the cable and the components of the r

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