• Q : Coefficient between the floor-crate....
    Physics :

    A mover is trying to slide a uniformly filled crate of length L, height H and mass M across a floor. There is static friction with coefficient μs between the floor and the crate. The mover exert

  • Q : Area of the mirror....
    Physics :

    Suppose you are 80 cm from a plane mirror. What area of the mirror is used to reflect the rays entering one eye from a point on the tip of your nose if your pupil diameter is 5.6 mm.

  • Q : What is the distance from the loaded....
    Physics :

    a 60 kg object is attached to one end of a 40kg steel tube 2.4 m long. What is the distance from the loaded end to the balance point.

  • Q : Mass of rotating object and its period....
    Physics :

    What is the relationship between the mass of rotating object and its period?

  • Q : Find the maximum induced emf....
    Physics :

    An AC generator consists of 100 turns of wire of area 0.090 m2 and total resistance 12 Ω. The loops rotate in a magnetic field of 0.50 T at a constant angular speed of 60 revolutions per seco

  • Q : What is the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow....
    Physics :

    An 90g arrow is fired from a bow whose string exerts an average force of 135N on the arrow over a distance of 110cm. What is the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow?

  • Q : Horizontal component of the heroes displacement....
    Physics :

    A superhero flies 164 m from the top of a tall building at an angle of 16 degrees below the horizontal. What is the horizontal component of the heroes displacement?

  • Q : Car average velocity during the entire trip....
    Physics :

    A car travels along a straight stretch of road. It proceeds for 15.7 mi at 53 mi/h then 22.6 mi at 47 mi/h, and finally 49.2 mi at 34.6 mi/h. What is the car's average velocity during the entire tr

  • Q : Average speed of a nitrogen molecule....
    Physics :

    The average speed of a nitrogen molecule in air is about 6.70 102 m/s, and its mass is about 4.68 10-26 kg.

  • Q : Flat and the coefficient of friction between tires....
    Physics :

    A 2 000-kg car rounds a circular turn of radius 20 m. If the road is flat and the coefficient of friction between tires and road. ... If the road is flat and the coefficient of friction between tir

  • Q : Equilibrium point and moving upward with a speed....
    Physics :

    A 140 block hangs from a spring with spring constant 10 . At the block is 17 below the equilibrium point and moving upward with a speed of 89.0 .

  • Q : Problem based on effecitve coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A 280-kg piano slides 4.3 m down a 30o incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline. The effecitve coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.40.

  • Q : Different locations of its motion....
    Physics :

    Create a visual display for a tennis ball rolling horizontally along a table and as it goes off the table. Draw and label all forces acting on the ball in at least three different locations of its

  • Q : Compute total distance traveled and average speed....
    Physics :

    During 5 successive 1.08 min intervals, a runner moves at the following constant speeds: 0.404 km/min, 0.220 km/min, 0.160 km/min, 0.160 km/min, and 0.320 km/min. Compute the total distance travele

  • Q : Effecitve coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A 280-kg piano slides 4.3 m down a 30o incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline. The effecitve coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.40.

  • Q : Determine average speed for the trip....
    Physics :

    Sally travels by car from one city to another. She drives for 30.0 min at 69.0 km/h, 37.0 min at 34.0 km/h, and 54.0 min at 74.0 km/h, and she spends 13.0 min eating lunch and buying gas. Determine

  • Q : What is the new angular speed of the merry-go-round....
    Physics :

    A playground merry-go-round of radius R = 2.20 m has a moment of inertia I = 270 kg·m2 and is rotating at 9.0 rev/min about a frictionless vertical axle. Facing the axle, a 25.0 kg child hop

  • Q : Determine potential difference between the plates....
    Physics :

    A parallel-plate air capacitor with a capacitance of 232 has a charge of magnitude 0.133 on each plate. The plates have a separation of 0.333. What is the potential difference between the plates?

  • Q : What is the moment of inertia of the fan....
    Physics :

    When a ceiling fan rotating with an angular speed of 2.50 is turned off, a frictional torque of 0.130 slows it to a stop in 20.5, What is the moment of inertia of the fan?

  • Q : Estimate of the experimental uncertainty....
    Physics :

    Suppose you were the first to measure the value of some physical constant experimentally. How would you provide an estimate of the experimental uncertainty?

  • Q : What is the minimum coefficient of friction....
    Physics :

    In a popular amusement park ride, a rotating cylinder of radius 3.5 m is set in rotation at an angular speed of 5.28 rad/s, as shown. The floor then drops away, leaving the riders suspended against

  • Q : What volume of water did it displace....
    Physics :

    A block of iron has the dimensions of 3.00 cm x 3.00 cm x 3.00 cm. It has a mass of 213 g. When placed in water, the block sinks. What volume of water did it displace?

  • Q : Estimate the number of water molecules in person....
    Physics :

    The mass of a water molecule is 2.99 10-26 kg. If the mass of a person is 63 kg, estimate the number of water molecules in that person.

  • Q : Final equilibrium temperature....
    Physics :

    A 0.380 kg iron horseshoe that is initially at 580°C is dropped into a bucket containing 21.8 kg of water at 21.0°C. What is the final equilibrium temperature (in °C)? Neglect any heat

  • Q : What the apparent difference in depth between the toy....
    Physics :

    A plane mirror is placed on the level bottom of a swimming pool that holds water (n = 1.33) to a depth of 2.5 m. A small toy is suspended 1.9 m above the mirror. An observer above the water looks ve

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