• Q : Image due to light passing through both lenses....
    Physics :

    Two converging lenses having focal lengths of f1=10 cm and f2=20 cm are placed a distance d=50 cm apart. The image due to light passing through both lenses is to be located between the lenses at th

  • Q : What minimum horsepower must a motor have....
    Physics :

    What minimum horsepower must a motor have to be able to drag a 280 box along a level floor at a speed of 1.05 if the coefficient of friction is 0.50?

  • Q : What are the magnitude of the cat''s centripetal acceleration....
    Physics :

    A cat rides a merry-go-round turning with uniform circular motion. At time t1 = 2.20 s, the cat's velocity is (2.10 m/s) + (2.40 m/s) , measured on a horizontal xy coordinate system. At t2 = 6.00 s,

  • Q : Amplitude of the associated electric field....
    Physics :

    A sinusoidal electromagnetic wave having a magnetic field of amplitude 1.25 mu {rm T} and a wavelength of 432 {rm nm} is traveling in the + x direction through empty space. What is the frequency of

  • Q : At what angle is the beam refracted....
    Physics :

    A scuba diver shines a flashlight from beneath the surface of water (n = 1.33) such ... such that the light strikes the water-air boundary with an angle of incidence of 37 . At what angle is the be

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the fourth displacement....
    Physics :

    A spelunker is surveying a care. He follows a passage 100 meters straight east, then 50 meters on a direction 30 degree west of north, then 150 meters at 45 degree west south. After a fourth unknow

  • Q : How fast (in mph) would you have to run....
    Physics :

    You have a mass of 64 kg. How fast (in mph) would you have to run to have the same momentum as an 18-wheeler (m = 28,000 kg) rolling along at 2 mph?

  • Q : Energy of the oscillating system....
    Physics :

    A damped mass-spring system oscillates at 205 Hz. The time constant of the system is 2.0 s. At t = 0, the amplitude of oscillation is 4.7 cm and the energy of the oscillating system is then 47 J.

  • Q : Determine the average net force exerted....
    Physics :

    A 75 kg human cannonball is shot out of an 20-meter-long-cannon.if the human cannonball spends 1.23 seconds in the cannon, determine the average net force exerted on him in the barrel of the cannon

  • Q : What average force is exerted on the car....
    Physics :

    a 900 kg drag race car accelerates from rest to 103 km/hr in 0.862 seconds. What average force is exerted on the car?

  • Q : What is the total work they do on the supertanker....
    Physics :

    Two tugboats pull a disabled supertanker. Each tug exerts constant force of 1.20 multiplied by 106 N, one 19° west of north and the other 19° east of north, as they pull the tanker 0.69 km

  • Q : What is the trucks acceleration and deceleration....
    Physics :

    A 2300 kg truck moves 30 m/s for 7.5 seconds and then coasts to a stop in 72 seconds. What is the trucks acceleration and deceleration?

  • Q : What is the net force on each side of the box....
    Physics :

    A cubic box of volume 6.1×10-2 is filled with air at atmospheric pressure at 20 . The box is closed and heated to 178. What is the net force on each side of the box?

  • Q : Newtons law of cooling to estimate the time....
    Physics :

    A container of hot water at 80 degrees cools to 79 degrees in 15 seconds when it is placed in a room that is t 20 degrees. use newton's law of cooling to estimate the time it will take for the cont

  • Q : Determine the length of the displacement vector....
    Physics :

    A boy runs 10.2 blocks North, 17 blocks Northeast, and 11.9 blocks West. Determine the length of the displacement vector that goes from the starting point to his final position.

  • Q : Weight and volume are filled with equal amounts....
    Physics :

    Two balloons that have the same weight and volume are filled with equal amounts of helium. One is rigid and the other is free to expand as the pressure outside decreases. When released, which will r

  • Q : How far is the point from the wire....
    Physics :

    A long, straight wire carries a current of 50 A. The magnetic field produced by this current at a certain point is 9.0 10-5 T. How far is the point from the wire?

  • Q : De broglie wavelength of the neutrino....
    Physics :

    Suppose a neutrino is created and has an energy of 27.0 MeV. (a) Assuming the neutrino, like the photon, has no mass and travels at the speed of light, find the momentum of the neutrino. (b) Determ

  • Q : How much force did the tree apply to the bullet....
    Physics :

    a bullet is shot horizontally into a tree. the 0.002-kg bullet hits the tree at 450 m/s. It embeds itself into the tree 15cm. how much force (assumed constant) did the tree apply to the bullet.

  • Q : What is the raise in temperature of the bullet....
    Physics :

    A 2 g lead (cp = 128 J/kg•°C) bullet traveling at 325 m/s is stopped by a large tree. If half the kinetic energy of the bullet is transformed into internal energy and remains with the bull

  • Q : Determine the maximum energy of the scattered photon....
    Physics :

    Consider a veryhigh energycosmic ray photon, with energy 109mp = 1018 eV as measured in the Sun's rest frame, scattering off a cosmic microwave background photon with energy 2 x 10-4 eV . Determine

  • Q : What are the distances of these three points from speaker....
    Physics :

    Speakers A and B are vibrating in phase. They are directly facing each other, are 8.0 m apart, and are each playing a 79.0 Hz tone. The speed of sound is 343 m/s. On the line between the speakers th

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity....
    Physics :

    A loudspeaker of mass 18.0 {rm kg} is suspended a distance of h = 1.20 {rm m} below the ceiling by two cables that make equal angles with the ceiling. Each cable has a length of l = 2.70 {rm m}. Wh

  • Q : What is the ball''s speed at the lowest point....
    Physics :

    A pendulum is made by tying a 530 ball to a 43.0 -long string. The pendulum is pulled 24.0 to one side, then released.

  • Q : Amount of energy equal to the internal energy....
    Physics :

    Helium (He), a monatomic gas, fills a 0.035 m3 container. The pressure of the gas is 7.7 × 105 Pa. How long would a 0.25 hp engine have to run (1 hp = 746 W) to produce an amount of energy eq

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