• Q : Center of the central bright fringe problem....
    Physics :

    Coherent light with wavelength 603 passes through two very narrow slits, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen a distance of 3.00 from the slits. The first-order bright fringe is a d

  • Q : Find the angle between initial polarization direction....
    Physics :

    If only 18 percent of the light gets through both of them, what is the angle between the initial polarization direction of the incident light and the first polarizer?

  • Q : What value of f will reduce the acceleration of the system....
    Physics :

    Suppose that in the same Atwood setup another string is attached to the bottom of m1 and a constant force f is applied, retarding the upward motion of m1. If m1 = 4.80 kg and m2 = 9.60 kg, what valu

  • Q : Determine longest wavelength and shortest wavelength....
    Physics :

    In the line spectrum of atomic hydrogen there is a group of lines that are produced when electrons, excited to high energy levels, make transitions to the n = 3 level. Determine (a) the longest wav

  • Q : Kinetic energy of an particle....
    Physics :

    In a Rutherford scattering experiment a target nucleus has a diameter of 1.6 x 10-14 m. The incoming particle has a mass of 6.64 x 10-27 kg. What is the kinetic energy of an particle that has a de

  • Q : Find the normal frequencies w'' and w"....
    Physics :

    Two harmonic oscillators A and B, of mass m and spring constants kA and kB, respectively, are coupled together by a spring of spring constant kC. Find the normal frequencies w' and w" and describe t

  • Q : Stop at constant angular acceleration....
    Physics :

    At t=0 a grinding wheel has an angular velocity of 24.2 rad/s. It has a constant angular acceleration of 24.2 rad/s^2 until a circuit breaker trips at t = 1.2 seconds. From then on, it turns throug

  • Q : What is the mass of the object....
    Physics :

    an object is held up by two ropes. rope 1 makes an angle of 65 degrees above horizontal and the tension in it is T1 = 26N. rope 2 makes an angle of 32 degrees above the horizontal and the object is

  • Q : X-compont and y-component of the dump truck....
    Physics :

    A 12-foot-long bed of a dump truck loaded with debris must rise to an angle of 30 degrees before the debris will spill out. What is the x-compont and y-component of the dump truck bed at the given

  • Q : What is the emissivity of the wall....
    Physics :

    The radiant energy emitted per second per square meter is the same as the heat lost per second per square meter due to conduction. What is the emissivity of the wall?

  • Q : Magnitude of electric potential difference in two conductors....
    Physics :

    If the surface charge density on one of the inner faces is 88 pC/m2 and the other inner face -88 pC/m2, what is the magnitude of the electric potential difference between the two conductors?

  • Q : External force given by the expression....
    Physics :

    A 2.00-kg object attached to a spring moves without friction (b = 0) and is driven by an external force given by the expression F = 4.60sin(2pi*t), where F is in newtons and t is in seconds. The for

  • Q : Find magnitude and sign needed to make total electric field....
    Physics :

    An unknown additional charge q_3 is now placed at point B, located at coordinates (0 rm m, 15.0 m). Find the magnitude and sign of q_3 needed to make the total electric field at point A equal to zero.

  • Q : What would the volume of the same number of moles....
    Physics :

    What would the volume of the same number of moles of hydrogen be at an altitude of 40 km where the pressure is 0.33 x 103 Pa and the temperature is -130C?

  • Q : Computing effective spring constant....
    Physics :

    A mass of 4.0 kg, resting on a horizontal frictionless surface, is attached on the right to a horizontal spring with spring constant 20 N/m and on the left to a horizontal spring with spring consta

  • Q : What is the rotational speed of the record....
    Physics :

    A wad of wet putty of mass 0.030 kg drops vertically onto the record from above and sticks to the edge of the record. What is the rotational speed of the record immediately after the putty sticks to

  • Q : Minimum number of photons....
    Physics :

    The dye laser used in the treatment of the port-wine stain in the drawing has a wavelength of 585 nm. A carbon dioxide laser produces a wavelength of 1.06 x 10-5 m. What is the minimum number of ph

  • Q : Estimate the wavelength....
    Physics :

    A certain element has an atomic number of Z = 45. Using the Bohr model, estimate the wavelength of the Kα X-ray.

  • Q : What force is needed to pull the sled....
    Physics :

    Suppose a 50-N sled is resting on packed snow. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.14. If a person weighing 590 N sits on the sled, what force is needed to pull the sled across the snow at con

  • Q : Social psychology-attributional processes....
    Physics :

    In social psychology, attributional processes refer to:

  • Q : How many wavelengths of sound....
    Physics :

    The distance between a loudspeaker and the left ear of a listener is 3.36 m. (a) Calculate the time required for sound to travel this distance taking the speed of sound to be 343 m/s. (b) Assuming t

  • Q : Find the resistance needed in an circuit....
    Physics :

    Find the resistance needed in an circuit to bring a 22 capacitor from zero charge to 75 of its full charge in 120 .

  • Q : Determining sexually molested....
    Physics :

    Freud's refusal to believe his patients who said they were sexually molested as children is an example of ________.

  • Q : Pair of identical resistors....
    Physics :

    When a pair of identical resistors are connected in series, the

  • Q : Calculate the initial temperature....
    Physics :

    A hot iron horseshoe (mass = 0.50 kg) which has just been forged, is dropped into 1.45 L of water in a 0.50 kg iron pot initially at 22oC. If the final equilibrium temperature is 32oC, calculate the

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