• Q : Flow speed of the medicine through the needle....
    Physics :

    A nurse uses the syringe to inject medicine into a patient whose blood pressure is 140/100. What is the minimum force the nurse needs to apply to the syringe? The nurse empties the syringe in 2.70 s

  • Q : How far will a point on the edge of the wheel have traveled....
    Physics :

    A 40 cm diameter wheel accelerates uniformly from 240 rpm to 360 rpm in 6.5 s. how far will a point on the edge of the wheel have traveled in this time?

  • Q : What are the forces on two charge....
    Physics :

    What are the forces on two charges of +0.43 C and +2.0 C, respectively, if they are separated by a distance of 1.6 m

  • Q : Find the magnitude of magnetic field and electric field....
    Physics :

    When at rest, a proton experiences a net electromagnetic force of magnitude 8.5×10-13 pointing in the positive direction. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field.

  • Q : Minimum uncertainty in velocity of oxygen molecule....
    Physics :

    In the lungs there are tiny sacs of air, which are called alveoli. An oxygen molecule (mass = 5.30 x 10-26 kg) is trapped within a sac, and the uncertainty in its position is 0.140 mm. What is the

  • Q : Find the new pressure in the tank....
    Physics :

    Gas is confined in a tank at a pressure of 1.04×108 Pa and a temperature of 23.3?C. Half of the gas is withdrawn and the temperature is raised to 67.6?C. Find the new pressure in the tank.

  • Q : Overhanging part of the plank based question....
    Physics :

    A uniform plank of length 5.5 m and weight 205 N rests horizontally on two supports, with 1.1 m of the plank hanging over the right support (see the drawing). To what distance x can a person who we

  • Q : How much more work will be required to stretch spring....
    Physics :

    If it requires 3.0 {rm J} of work to stretch a particular spring by 1.7 {rm cm} from its equilibrium length, how much more work will be required to stretch it an additional 4.1 {rm cm}?

  • Q : What is its speed when it passes....
    Physics :

    If the particle mass is m = 0.01 kg, and it moves starting from rest, what is its speed when it passes the point (x, y) = (20 cm, 50 cm)?

  • Q : Calculating the speed of the train....
    Physics :

    An alert physics student stands beside the tracks as a train rolls slowly past. He notes that the frequency of the train whistle is 443 Hz when the train is approaching him and 441 Hz when the trai

  • Q : Find the changes in internal energy....
    Physics :

    Suppose 1800 J of heat is added to 3.6 mol of argon gas at a constant pressure of 120 kPa. Treat argon as a monatomic ideal gas.

  • Q : Determine the work done on the object by the force....
    Physics :

    Determine the work done on the object by this force as it moves in a straight line from the origin to {vec r} = (12.0{hat i} + 20.0{hat j}){rm m}.

  • Q : Compton scattering from an atom or molecule....
    Physics :

    What is the maximum amount by which the wavelength of an incident photon could change when it undergoes Compton scattering from an atom or molecule with a 60.0 u mass? (1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg).

  • Q : Simple harmonic motion equation....
    Physics :

    A bungee jumper undergoes simple harmonic motion with amplitude 7.6 and frequency 0.140 . Assume the bungee jumper follows the simple harmonic motion equation.

  • Q : What was the jogger''s average speed....
    Physics :

    A jogger jogs around a circular track with a diameter of 325 m in 16 minutes. What was the jogger's average speed in m/s?

  • Q : Determining the angle in the drawing....
    Physics :

    In a Compton scattering experiment, the incident X-rays have a wavelength of 0.2682 nm, and the scattered X-rays have a wavelength of 0.2706 nm. Through what angle in the drawing are the X-rays sca

  • Q : What must be the speed of the pail at the highest point....
    Physics :

    a cord tied to a pail of water, and the pail is swung in a vertical cirlce of radius 0.600 m. What must be the speed of the pail at the highest point of the circle if no water is to spill from it?

  • Q : Determining the wavelength of an incident photon....
    Physics :

    What is the maximum amount by which the wavelength of an incident photon could change when it undergoes Compton scattering from an atom or molecule with a 60.0 u mass? (1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg).

  • Q : Wavelength of the incident x-ray photon....
    Physics :

    An X-ray photon is scattered at an angle of = 180.0° from an electron that is initially at rest. After scattering, the electron has a speed of 5.40 x 106 m/s. Find the wavelength of the inciden

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the electric field....
    Physics :

    A copper wire of cross-sectional area 2.40 × 10-6 m2 and length 3.40 m has a current of 2.00 A uniformly distributed across that area.

  • Q : Determining the upward movement....
    Physics :

    A person doing a chin-up weighs 700 N, exclusive of the arms. During the first 25.0 cm of the lift, each arm exerts an upward force of 355 N on the torso. If the upward movement starts from rest, w

  • Q : How long will it take to cook three hot dogs....
    Physics :

    The current is 13.4 A, and the energy required to cook one hot dog is 60.7 kJ. If the rate at which energy is supplied is unchanged, how long (in s) will it take to cook three hot dogs simultaneousl

  • Q : What is the average power of motor during given period....
    Physics :

    A 653 kg lift starts from rest. It moves upward for 2.8 s with constant acceleration until it reaches a cruising speed of 1.85 m/s. What is the average power of its motor during this period (in kW)

  • Q : What is the latent heat of vaporization....
    Physics :

    During the measurement the phase of the sample changes from solid to liquid, and then from liquid to gas. The mass of the sample is 10g. What is the latent heat of vaporization of Xu in [J/kg]?

  • Q : Find out the acceleration of the car....
    Physics :

    A roller coaster car has a mass of 500 kg when fully loaded with passengers. If at point A, the force exerted by the track on the car is 15000 N. What is the acceleration of the car at point A?

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