• Q : Counseling skills for managers....
    HR Management :

    In increased stress levels of working a reason for growth of counseling services. Comment on it.

  • Q : Hrm and quality management....
    HR Management :

    What steps the company requires undertaking to empower their employees to initiate the HR activities in the company?

  • Q : Importance of human resource planning in hrm....
    HR Management :

    What is Human Resource Planning? Explain its importance in HRM. Discuss in detail Human Resource Development System.

  • Q : Explaining lewin model of organizational change....
    HR Management :

    Critically examine Lewin’s model of organizational changExplain Tuckman’s model of Group Development. How can group effectiveness be improved?

  • Q : Summarize article using economic models....
    HR Management :

    Write a short explanation of the article using one of the following economic models: GDP, AD & AS or circular flow of income.

  • Q : Explaining laissez-faire for slim profit margin....
    HR Management :

    Should central and state governments be able to legislate minimum wages rather than adopting a laissez-faire attitude that will allow employers operating on a slim profit margin to pay only what the

  • Q : Methods of recruitment-trade unions....
    HR Management :

    hy workers join trade unions? Write a detail account on job analysis and job description. Explain its need and significance. Briefly describe the methods of recruitment.

  • Q : Contributions of henry fayol to management thought....
    HR Management :

    Explain the contributions made by Henry Fayol to management thought. What do you understand by managerial control? Describe in detail the techniques of control in an organization.

  • Q : Key elements to an efficient human resource strategy....
    HR Management :

    Describe the three key elements to an efficient human resource strategy and describe any problems that could arise if such a strategy is not considered to be a vital part of the entire organization

  • Q : Collective bargaining in the public sector....
    HR Management :

    Describe the distinctive features of collective bargaining in the public sector.

  • Q : Contingency style of management....
    HR Management :

    Is the contingency style of management the most suitable in today’s world? Give a brief but clear explanation of the contingency style before starting your analysis or assessment.

  • Q : Guidelines for effective group presentation....
    HR Management :

    What are the essential features of an effective presentation? What are the guidelines for the effective group presentation? Differentiate between horizontal and vertical communication. Support your an

  • Q : Consumer credit services department....
    HR Management :

    Wanda was made supervisor of the four representatives in Consumer Credit Services Department of Winston Country Savings Bank when the earlier boss was promoted. Wanda was a senior representative in

  • Q : Giddens structuration theory and taylor theory....
    HR Management :

    How does Giddens’s structuration theory and Taylor’s theory of text and conversation help you describe and understand employment interview process?

  • Q : Significant part of career advisers....
    HR Management :

    Explain what you would include in curriculum vitae. Justify why a significant part of career advisers’ work should involve visiting and contacting employers.

  • Q : Hospitality in hrm....
    HR Management :

    Describe what you consider to be the key features which contribute to efficient management of people at work.

  • Q : Characteristics of good team leader....
    HR Management :

    Explain the characteristics of the good team leader. What do you understand by the term Change? Explain the process of Change.

  • Q : Significance of hrm in any public sector or private sector....
    HR Management :

    How far is Human Resource Management an organized approach to managing people as compared to the Personnel Management?

  • Q : Factors which might affect intercultural communication....
    HR Management :

    Determine and describe factors which might affect intercultural communication. Elaborate on ways to communicate effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds.

  • Q : Advantages of working in a team....
    HR Management :

    Describe the advantages of working in a team. Determine the problems which you might experience while working in teams and describe how you propose to overcome them.

  • Q : Substantive procedures that the auditor would perform....
    HR Management :

    Describe the shortcomings of this system and suggest ways of enhancing the system. Describe tests of control and list test of control which the auditor would perform on this system. Explain the substa

  • Q : Significance of control for managers....
    HR Management :

    Discuss the significance of control for managers to accomplish the objectives of organization. Employees in an organisation will be more efficient if they are motivated. Using 2 theories of motivatio

  • Q : Internal environment of organisation....
    HR Management :

    From above statement, describe what you understand by the term internal environment of organisation. How managers can diminish the influence of specific external environment on their organization?

  • Q : Work of managers as proposed by henry fayol....
    HR Management :

    XYZ Ltd is a company which likes to inspire its employees by the internal promotion. Subsequently, many technical workers were promoted as first line managers in organization because of their better

  • Q : Human resource management practices and policies....
    HR Management :

    By discussing the techniques used, describe what benefits external assessment centers offer over the standard practices used by internal HR departments.

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