• Q : Conflicting hrm systems....
    HR Management :

    Discuss one conflicting HRM practice and recommend one or more alternative HRM practices that could appropriately minimize, or even eliminate, the conflict.

  • Q : Pay equity and strategic management for hrm....
    HR Management :

    You have been asked to evaluate whether a company's pay structure is fair to women and minorities. How would you go about answering this question?

  • Q : Sample job description for actual role....
    HR Management :

    Develop a sample job description for the actual role you perform or desire to have and demonstrate how you would protect your company from claims that what employees are asked to do once hired were

  • Q : Conducting research on employee attitudes....
    HR Management :

    You are the manager of a hotel. There have been several complaints from guests relating to employee attitudes. Provide a description of three different types of research that might be appropriate fo

  • Q : Topics in human resources management....
    HR Management :

    Discuss how will you go about developing a new wage and salary system for your HRM employees. What will it be based on? Please discuss your plan of action, and also include an implementation plan.

  • Q : Common discretionary and contingent assessment methods....
    HR Management :

    What are the most common discretionary and contingent assessment methods? What are the comparisons and differences between the uses of these two methods?

  • Q : Why do we need human resource directors....
    HR Management :

    How can staffing system management, retention management, recruitment planning, strategy development, and recruitment planning help the future profession of HR? Why do we need Human Resource Directo

  • Q : Organizational behaviour theories....
    HR Management :

    Please, write a literature review to highlight how organizational behavioral theories apply to professional practice. The literature review should provide critical analysis and synthesis of the mate

  • Q : Role of benefits in compensation....
    HR Management :

    Discuss the role of benefits in compensation. Review the primary reasons an organization provides benefits to its employees; predict future trends in relation to employee benefits, including nationa

  • Q : Global business hrm strategies....
    HR Management :

    Identify an organization (the organization can be yours), research HR-related practices, and evaluate how the HR-related practices enable talent acquisition, employment law, and knowledge management

  • Q : Human resource director tasks-rewards and characteristics....
    HR Management :

    A summary of the tasks performed by Human Resource Director and the KSAOs necessary for the job. A summary of the extrinsic and intrinsic rewards received by the Human Resource Director. What characte

  • Q : Management development activities....
    HR Management :

    What types of training and management development activities have you experienced that have benefited your career? Where do you seeing training and development going in the future within your organi

  • Q : Trends for human resource professionals....
    HR Management :

    The specific case study addressed is: What do you think are the most important trends that HR professionals must be aware of today regarding pay, labor, and succession planning?

  • Q : Issues of human resource management....
    HR Management :

    The primary issue is that people want to be challenged. People want to be challenged, at least initially, in terms of their assignments. They also want to be continuously challenged. Why does senior

  • Q : Determining survey information....
    HR Management :

    Employment at a resort is a good career opportunity. I view the housekeeping positions as part of hospitality, because these individuals are responsible for the upkeep of your rooms.

  • Q : Example of attestation engagement-fraud scheme....
    HR Management :

    Describe an example of an attestation engagement. Describe a fraud scheme that could be used for information assets and explain the controls that can mitigate this fraud risk. Explain the links betwee

  • Q : Training programs-human resource development....
    HR Management :

    Write about training programs (according to Human Resource Development) used within your organization.

  • Q : Employee training and career development....
    HR Management :

    Explain the role of training in an organization's development. Describe different employee development methods and their benefits.

  • Q : Human resources and human resources management functions....
    HR Management :

    Describe the relationship between the Human Resources and the Human Resources Management functions in a large organization. How might a small organization handle the responsibilities of these two ar

  • Q : Hr triad in action....
    HR Management :

    Discuss how you've seen the HR Triad in action at a company you've worked for or are familiar with and identify which member of the HR Triad had the most responsibility for ensuring effective manage

  • Q : Implications of employee subordination....
    HR Management :

    Do you feel the employee experiencing these issues in the workplace should attempt to "rally the troops"? Why or why not? If this is not an appropriate course of action, what should she do to stop t

  • Q : Resource allocation in health care....
    HR Management :

    Describe some of the conflicts that exist between clinical staff and financial management in resource allocation and discuss the role that a health care organization's mission statement and values pla

  • Q : Employee selection plan development....
    HR Management :

    Make a detailed selection plan for the position of a department manager to determine the most important KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities and other) for this position.

  • Q : Conceptual-human and technical strengths....
    HR Management :

    Evaluate the characteristics of the new workplace. Assume you are a manager with over 20 years of experience. What challenges have you faced as required competencies have changed?

  • Q : Project management process groups....
    HR Management :

    Develop a project plan that covers all project groups and knowledge areas. Develop project plans that integrate project procurement and contracting activities across project groups. Apply the nine p

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