• Q : The babylonian and hittite empires....
    History :

    There were many empires that rose and fell between 2300 B.C. and 334 B.C. Write a brief essay that compares and contrasts the Babylonian and Hittite empires. In what ways were they alike, and how w

  • Q : Which artists frequently mixes masks with bunraku....
    History :

    Which artists frequently mixes masks with bunraku-style puppets, shadow puppets and other manipulated objects in a single production?

  • Q : The specific state and national policies....
    History :

    The specific state and national policies that further entrenched "the problem of the color-line" with regard to African Americans and immigrants through the First World War.

  • Q : Who was the director of the sculptural programs....
    History :

    Who was the director of the sculptural programs on the Parthenon? a. Polykleitos b. Euthymides c. Praxiteles d. Phidias e. Myron?

  • Q : Why are the pyramids constructed....
    History :

    Why are the pyramids constructed by the ancient Egyptians considered to be arcitectural and engineering marvels even today?

  • Q : Briefly summarize the event....
    History :

    Briefly summarize the event and then describe the effects it had on the American people. Examine how this fear helped or hindered the American people. Examples could include a red scare.

  • Q : What distinguished the internal migration....
    History :

    What distinguished the internal migration of Americans during World War II from that of the World War I era?

  • Q : How would land elevation....
    History :

    How would land elevation have changed if Coroado had traveled 150 miles due west from what is today Arizona instead of east toward New Mexico?

  • Q : How might the idea of deep time....
    History :

    Roberts concludes (p. 203) that, "despite the irrefutable scientific evidence of vast antiquity, a sizeable minority of the Western world still rejects deep time in favor of a universe that has been

  • Q : Who believed japan was superior....
    History :

    Atsutane was a nationalist who believed japan was superior to all other nations. How would his portrayal of the dutch strengthen such beliefs?

  • Q : What reasons might european countries....
    History :

    What reasons might european countries have given to push for greater military power in china after the tai ping rebllion?

  • Q : How would you interpret....
    History :

    What does the phrase ' to have an axe to grind' have to do with the construction of history? describe another event that was widely accepted as historical truth, despite a lack of evidence?

  • Q : How did it contribute to america....
    History :

    In the aftermath of the Vietnam War, the nation struggled as a giant might to generate positive momentum. Select one specific challenge that, in your opinion, was the most significant problem that c

  • Q : What does the phrase....
    History :

    What does the phrase ' to have an axe to grind' have to do with the construction of history? describe another event that was widely accepted as historical truth, despite a lack of evidence?

  • Q : Create your own town....
    History :

    My son is working on a project "Legacy of Ancient Greece - Create Your Own Town" and he is the "City Planner" and has drafted his ideas and has typed the written part.

  • Q : What way could african slaves maintain....
    History :

    In what way could African slaves maintain a degree of control over their situations as slaves and their being forced to live a foreign culture?

  • Q : Which of word out of the four doesnt belong....
    History :

    Which of word out of the four doesnt belong, and how are the rest related? terence powderley, wobblies, knights of labor and social reforms?

  • Q : What is the problem of the twentieth century....
    History :

    African American intellectual W.E.B. Du Bois wrote "the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line." While Du Bois was mainly reflecting upon the lack of equality of African A

  • Q : What is response to these critics....
    History :

    You are Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo and you want desperately to transform your country's economy by following the "Washington Consensus.

  • Q : How did wilson support for the league of nations....
    History :

    How did Wilson's support for the League of Nations stand in the way of the Senate support for the Treaty of Versailles?

  • Q : What did herbert hoover institute to encourage....
    History :

    What did herbert hoover institute to encourage americans at home to eat less food, could be shipped to the soldiers overseas?

  • Q : What do you think of argument....
    History :

    Regarding James Monroe's speech to congress in favor of giving Native American lands over to U.S. citizens: What do you think of his argument? What about it does or does not make sense or seem righ

  • Q : How does lincoln position....
    History :

    How does Lincoln's position on approval and funding of the Mexican-American War mirror that of many Democrats regarding the Iraq war that began in 2003?

  • Q : How did the institution of slavery affect whites....
    History :

    Lastly, how do Douglass's experiences with whites help you better understand the causes and course of the Civil War?

  • Q : Humanity and the future in the weekly work schedule....
    History :

    Broadly speaking, Kurzweil is optimistic about a future in which humans and thinking machines share the planet; Joy strikes me as more pessimistic. Saying why, are you optimistic or pessimistic abou

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