• Q : Discussed as an american artist....
    History :

    The painter Mary Cassatt is often discussed as an American artist who, at the end of the nineteenth century, became intimately involved with the European Impressionists and strongly recommended them

  • Q : Describe three amendments in the bill of rights....
    History :

    The bill of rights is the first ten amendments to the united states constitution. Describe three amendments in the bill of rights. Discuss why each amendment in your essay is an important right to

  • Q : Explain the growing national debates morality....
    History :

    Explain the growing national debates about morality in the late 19th century, particularly in relation to the changing role of women and family.

  • Q : Identify three points at which intervention by the federal....
    History :

    In a short essay , identify three points at which intervention by the federal government could have slowed or perhaps even stopped the Depression.

  • Q : The single greatest influence on nomadic cultures....
    History :

    The single greatest influence on nomadic cultures was.The migratory patterns of their flock.Violence.The dominance of the male within the tribe,clan and family.The material possessions of the nomad.

  • Q : What greek scientist devoted his life....
    History :

    What greek scientist devoted his life to studying mathematics and developed many of the geometry rules used today?

  • Q : What extent do you agree....
    History :

    The reichstag fire was an important event in hitlers consolidation of power;January 1933 to August 1934. To what extent do you agree?

  • Q : What does this statement means....
    History :

    What does this statement means? He believed that political liberty threatened the efficiency if the state with anarchy.

  • Q : What kind of relationship did the american political leaders....
    History :

    What kind of relationship did the American political leaders of the 1920s promote between business and government?

  • Q : Why did germany help lenin get back to russia....
    History :

    Why was the Panama Canal built?  Which country started the project?  Which country finished it?  Give at least two reasons as to why it took so long to be completed.

  • Q : Decisions that led to the vietnam war....
    History :

    Explain the way of thinking of the Japanese soldiers in WWII. Give specific details that exemplify this attitude towards war. How did this attitude affect the decsions the US made during the war in

  • Q : What was john winthrop saying in his sermon....
    History :

    What was John winthrop saying in his sermon A Model of Christian Charity? Like what was the main point he was trying to get across?

  • Q : Include their location organization....
    History :

    The essay shoyld have a thesis statement. The essay should include their location, organization, political, economic, social, technology, inventions, achievements and contribution to the modern wor

  • Q : What difficulties did early humans face....
    History :

    What difficulties did early humans face in migrating to Australia and the Americas and what are the theories about how they overcame those difficulties?

  • Q : The new world after the american revolution....
    History :

    write a persuasive letter of 5 paragraphs examining the new world after the american revolution.give a logical argument as to why the english should or should not come to the new world after the am

  • Q : Explain the growing national debates....
    History :

    Explain the growing national debates about morality in the late 19th century, particularly in relation to the changing roles of women and the family.

  • Q : What caused the erosion of african americans....
    History :

    What caused the erosion of African Americans' rights in the New South after Reconstruction had ended?No words limits.

  • Q : Religious criticism in the freethought era....
    History :

    Religious criticism in the Freethought era is distinguished from the earlier Enlightenment era by being much less academic and much more popular, it's when religious criticism moved into normal soci

  • Q : Civilization was more impressive....
    History :

    Do some research on both aztec and inca familarize yourself with them both and then decide which you think is more impressive prepare a short essay in which you take a position and respond to the q

  • Q : How did leaders deal with religions....
    History :

    How did leaders deal with religions other than their own in their empires? What was the effect among their subjects? Why/how did this differ in different areas?

  • Q : Explain how the second industrial revolution....
    History :

    Explain how the Second Industrial Revolution affected the North, South, West, and Midwest. Which region would you have preferred to live in during this period? Why

  • Q : What were hakluyt main reasons....
    History :

    What were Hakluyt's main reasons for recommending colonization? Of his reasons, which was the most important? Overall, how would colonization benefit England?

  • Q : The scientific revolution....
    History :

    This week we will be focusing on the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment. Focusing on the primary sources, think about the what ways that the discoveries and innovation of the Scientific Revolu

  • Q : What is the natural divinity....
    History :

    What religious belief does The Gilgamesh Epic express? What is the natural divinity?of evil? What is the relationship of humans to the gods?

  • Q : Describe how the influence of the west....
    History :

    With the adven of Maritime exploration the influence of the West (at this point, meaning wester europe) changed greatly. Describe how the influence of the West changed with regards to economic.

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