• Q : The development of the classical civilizations of china....
    History :

    Discuss the differences between the development of the classical civilizations of china, india, mediterranean, and Middle East with the civilizations of the americas and the pacific.

  • Q : What were the coercive acts....
    History :

    How did the Americans resist the Stamp Act? What forms of resistance were particularly effective? Who were the Sons of Liberty, and what did they do? What role did "crowd politics" begin to play in

  • Q : Explain your position by giving two detailed....
    History :

    In your opinion, was it neurotic or realistic for Metternich to have a "dissolution complex" about the dissolving or breakup of his very diverse Austrian Empire? Explain your position by giving two

  • Q : How did the calvinists and roman catholic....
    History :

    How did the Calvinists and Roman Catholic churches differ in terms of their internal organization, reconciliation with political doctrines, and influence on art?

  • Q : Explain the alexander hamilton a major contributor....
    History :

    Limited the power of the new Federal government in a way acceptable to Anti-Federalists. After the Civil War, which of the following was crucial in maintaining the Republican Party's hold on the Presi

  • Q : Discribe the different pre-conquest native americans....
    History :

    Discribe the different pre-conquest native americans and the european nations that colonized north america. Explain diversity of english speaking colonies of north america and the motives on the migra

  • Q : The treasury of ateus is an excellent example....
    History :

    The treasury of Ateus is an excellent example of a. a beehive tomb b. a Minoan sarcophagus c. Mycenaean frescos d. Mycenaean fortification e. a temple treasury?

  • Q : The yellow and nile rivers as punishment....
    History :

    When societies are desperate for labor, they need all hands on deck and cannot spend energy on building status and class.

  • Q : The maya empire relationship....
    History :

    Not very stringent, since they were mostly illiterate and preserved history through oral story-tellers who roamed the countryside.

  • Q : Evaluate the positive and negative outcomes....
    History :

    The Final Paper must contain a minimum of 1700 words in length and use proper APA formatting. The paper must contain a bibliography at the end and in-text citations that are in parenthetical APA fo

  • Q : What aspects of american political-economic....
    History :

    What aspects of American political-economic culture do the authors think will/can protect us from rule by an aristocracy?

  • Q : What does it mean to talk about an aristocracy....
    History :

    What does it mean to talk about an "aristocracy" in the American political-economic context and how/when do the various authors see our country as theatened by this political form?

  • Q : What old world product became widely....
    History :

    What Old World product became widely popular in Eurasia only once it was cultivated in the New World? What factor led the English to attempt to kill off entire Native American peoples?to kill off ent

  • Q : Human rights during the nazi party....
    History :

    Using the book Night and film Life is Beautiful, and historical fact as evidence, please explain how Jewish citizens were systematically stripped of their human rights during the Nazi party in Germa

  • Q : What is a citizen....
    History :

    What is a citizen's right to privacy, and in what form has it manifested in recent years? discuss at least three different forms of the privacy debate with example?

  • Q : A group of elite american protesters....
    History :

    A group of elite american protesters durning the time of the revolution who actively tried to keep the mobs from destroying too much property-a diffrence from the french revolution?

  • Q : Describe the levels of the caste system....
    History :

    Describe the levels of the caste system and explain what the caste system was based on and how it was created. how is a caste system different than a class system?

  • Q : The babylonian and hittite empires....
    History :

    There were many empires that rose and fell between 2300 B.C. and 334 B.C. Write a brief essay that compares and contrasts the Babylonian and Hittite empires. In what ways were they alike, and how w

  • Q : Which artists frequently mixes masks with bunraku....
    History :

    Which artists frequently mixes masks with bunraku-style puppets, shadow puppets and other manipulated objects in a single production?

  • Q : The specific state and national policies....
    History :

    The specific state and national policies that further entrenched "the problem of the color-line" with regard to African Americans and immigrants through the First World War.

  • Q : Who was the director of the sculptural programs....
    History :

    Who was the director of the sculptural programs on the Parthenon? a. Polykleitos b. Euthymides c. Praxiteles d. Phidias e. Myron?

  • Q : Why are the pyramids constructed....
    History :

    Why are the pyramids constructed by the ancient Egyptians considered to be arcitectural and engineering marvels even today?

  • Q : Briefly summarize the event....
    History :

    Briefly summarize the event and then describe the effects it had on the American people. Examine how this fear helped or hindered the American people. Examples could include a red scare.

  • Q : What distinguished the internal migration....
    History :

    What distinguished the internal migration of Americans during World War II from that of the World War I era?

  • Q : How would land elevation....
    History :

    How would land elevation have changed if Coroado had traveled 150 miles due west from what is today Arizona instead of east toward New Mexico?

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