• Q : Find the voltage drop along....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Find the Voltage Drop Along a 3 meter long 10 gauge copper wire carrying a current of 2 Amperes. The diameter of the 10 gauge wire is 2.5882 Millimeters. The resistivity of copper is 1.68e-8 Ohm

  • Q : The particles below for the wavelength....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Solids are made of nuclei and electrons. Much of our information about solids is found by studying them using other particles like light (photons) and neutrons. According to the laws of quantum mechan

  • Q : Excess surface charge densities of opposite signs....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In the figure two large, thin metal plates are parallel and close to each other. On their inner faces, the plates have excess surface charge densities of opposite signs and magnitude 6.01 x 10-2

  • Q : Calculate the beam diameter....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A pulse consisting of multiple optical waves with different wavelengths is propagating in a medium with the following dispersion characteristic. The center wavelength of the pulse is 900 nm. Find the

  • Q : What is the bandwidth required....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Twenty voice signals are to be multiplexed and transmitted over twisted pair. What is the bandwidth required (in bps) if synchronous time division multiplexing is used, along with the standard a

  • Q : Consider servomechanism....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider servomechanism. The control input is proportional to the voltage difference in the potentiometer, which in turn is proportional to the distance offset between the actual and desired posi

  • Q : Thermal energy into electrical energy....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How much 235^U is consumed per year (in g/y) to produce enough electricity to continuously run a 100 W light bulb? (b) How much coal (in g/y) would be needed (coal has a heat content of about 12

  • Q : An indiviual wishes to deposit an amount....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An indiviual wishes to deposit an amount of money now and $100 every six months so that at the end of five years $1500 will have been accumulated. With interest 4% per year, compounded semiannua

  • Q : Obtain expressions for fourier components....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In the single-phase interface for a bi-directional power flow, VS =240 V(rms) at 50 Hz and LS = 3.5 mH.. The switch-mode converter is PWM controlled in its linear range with . The converter is co

  • Q : A multimode fiber....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A multimode fiber with a 50-μm core diameter is designed to limit the intermodal dispersion to 10 ns/km. What is the numerical aperture of this fiber?for the refractive index of the cladding.

  • Q : Discrete-time system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider the following discrete-time system y[n]=10x[n]cos(0.25Pin+theta); where theta is a constant. Check if the system is a)linear, b)time invariant, c)causal, d)stable?

  • Q : The craft and maximum acceleration....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For a "Personal water craft" water is pumped from beneath the craft and discharged out the rear in a 1.25 inch diameter stream at a velocity of 75 ft/sec. Assuming that the craft and rider weigh

  • Q : Digital binary data are transmitted....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Digital binary data are transmitted with bit rate Rb = 1 Mbps over frequency selective radio channel using BPSK modulation format. The channel impulse response duration is Tc = 1ms. Find the num

  • Q : The wireless system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The wireless system uses the transmitted scheme of a binary data source, baseband signal generator and a modulator. The baseband signal generator uses the rectangular pulse. The data rate is Rb=1

  • Q : Submit an excel spreadshee....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Characterize the lvt N and P transistors for gm and rds. Range L from 45nm to 450nm (45,90,180,270,450) and W from 120nm to 2000nm (120, 240, 360, 480, 960, 1470, 1950) You should also get an Ids

  • Q : A variable reluctance sensor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A variable reluctance sensor consists of core, variable air gap and armature.The core steel rod of diameter 1cm and permeability of 100 bent to form semicircle of diameter 4cm.a coil 500 turn is

  • Q : Consider the mechanical system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider the mechanical system shown in Fig. 2.27. Let I denote the moment of inertia of the bar and block about the hinge. It is assumed that the angular displacement θ is very small. An

  • Q : The required total bit rate....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The digital data have to be transmitted using full width pulse over frequency selective channel with the bandwidth 20 MHz using OFDM technique. The propagation conditions allow considering the

  • Q : What is the ratio of the carrier density....
    Electrical Engineering :

    At room temperature, intrinsic GaAs appears in figure. With effective mass(direct)=0.065m, effective mass(indirect)=0.3m and mh=0.47m.What is the ratio of the carrier density in X to that in direc

  • Q : Write a subroutine named....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a subroutine named DIVMOD. It divides an integer in R0 by the integer in R1. The quotient will be returned in R2. The remainder will be returned in R3. The subroutine only needs to work co

  • Q : Three of the resulting pieces....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A farmer has two pieces of lumber of lengths "a" and "b" respectively (b a). He decides to build a pen in the shape of a triangle for his chickens. He makes, independently, two cuts, X and Y, on

  • Q : The dramatic tradition began....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In the West, the dramatic tradition began with the ancient .Beowulf and Canterbury Tales have one thing in common: a connection to the of ancient Greece.refers to the body of written works of a langua

  • Q : Design a logic circuit to produce a high output....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a logic circuit to produce a high output only if the input, represented by a 4-bit binary number, is greater than twelve or less than three. Implement a minimized circuit using only NAND gat

  • Q : How optimized is this design....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Could you explain how you derived the D1,D2,D0 equations from the state table Other Questions:is there any reason we chose static over dynamic since it seems dynic has more benefits? how optimized is

  • Q : Find the nonzero value....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Find the nonzero value of ω for which the expression for Z(ω) given is purely real. Give your answer as a function of R, L, and C. z(w) = [( R + jwL) / (1/jwC)] / [(R+ jwL) + (1/jwC

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