• Q : Complete with component values....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Give a circuit, complete with component values, for a weighted sum- mer that shifts the dc level of a sine-wave signal of 3 sin (ωt) V from zero to -3 V. Assume that in addition to the sin

  • Q : A transconductance amplifier....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A transconductance amplifier with Ri = 2 kΩ, Gm = 40 mA/V , and Ro = 20kΩ is fed with a voltage source having a source resistance of 2kΩ and is loaded with a 1kΩ resistanc

  • Q : Generate a bounce diagram....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Generate a bounce diagram for the voltage V(z, t) for a I-m-Iong lossless line characterized by Zo = 50 ohm and u_p = 2c/3 (where c is the velocity of light) if the line is fed by a step voltage

  • Q : The probability mass function....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You are to generate 1000 random numbers in [0,1] and obtain an exponential random variable with mean 5, representing the inter-arrival times of packets to a buffer. Then plot the probability dens

  • Q : Calculate the maximum power....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Calculate the maximum power that can be sent through an a=2cm , b=1cm air-filled waveguide at 12 GHz such that dielectric breakdown does not occur. Assume that the dielectric strength of air at

  • Q : Managing and controlling a video....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Provide a high-level block diagram for such an interface.Provide a high-level timing diagram for the interface to the SRAM from the microprocessor, assuming that separate address and data busses ar

  • Q : Features of the lossless line....
    Electrical Engineering :

    It is dispersion less (u_p is independent of frequency); and (2) its characteristic impedance Z_o is purely real. Sometimes, it is not possible to design a transmission line such that R' «ω

  • Q : Determine range of frequencies....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Two MOSFETs are employed as current-bidirectional two-quadrant switches in a bidirectional battery charger/discharger based on the dc-dc buck converter. This converter interfaces a 16 V battery t

  • Q : What is the radius of the outer conductor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Polyethylene with ?_r = 2.25 is used as the insulating material in a lossless coaxial line with a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω. The radius of the inner conductor is 1.2 mm.What is the r

  • Q : The course of eel....
    Electrical Engineering :

    There is the file named like 'HS11_08', or 'HS05_08', in the course of eel 5840 in university of florida. But I cannot open it. Can you help me to get that file. And there a lot of other files t

  • Q : The system block diagram....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Refer to the system block diagram. If power Ps=10W, power gain factor G1=150, and power gain G2=14 dB, find the maximum value of LdB (path loss in dB) such that the power delivered to the resis

  • Q : Find the average value of the function....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A generator provides the following voltage signal: v(t) = 2 + 3 sin(100pi) + 4 cos(250pi). Find the average value of the function. Note: pi = 3.1416 in this equation?

  • Q : The voltage on a lossless transmission....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Using a slotted line, the voltage on a lossless transmission line was found to have a maximum magnitude of 1.5 V and a minimum magnitude of 0.6 V. Find the magnitude of the load's reflection coe

  • Q : Calculate the required thickness....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Calculate the required thickness [in x-direction] of a silicon wafer in nm to create an 0.2 eV energy difference between the two lowest Enx energy states, use mn*= 0.3 x mo with mo = 9.11x10-31

  • Q : What driving torque will be required....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A meta dyne with a uniform air gap is driven at constant speed with a constant dc voltage applied to the q brushes the stator is unexcited. Determine the current in the two circuit and the volta

  • Q : Laplace transformed voltage equation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Can someone help me with the following questions? "In a given RC circuit in the file what is Vo(t)? Laplace transformed voltage equation would be Vo(s) = Vi(s) x [(1/(sC)) / (R + 1/(sC))] whe

  • Q : An operating frequency....
    Electrical Engineering :

    At an operating frequency of 300 MHz, it is desired to use a section of a loss less 50-Ω transmission line terminated in a short circuit to construct an equivalent load with reactance X =

  • Q : Voltage standing wave ratio....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Using a slotted line, the following results were obtained: distance of first minimum from the load = 4 cm; distance of second minimum from the load = 14 cm; voltage standing-wave ratio = 1.5. If

  • Q : Lossless transmission line....
    Electrical Engineering :

    On a 150-Q lossless transmission line, the following observations were noted: distance of first voltage minimum from the load = 3 ern; distance of first voltage maximum from the load = 9 em: S =

  • Q : The equivalent circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Draw the equivalent circuit referred to (i) the high- and (ii) the low-voltage sides. Label the impedances numerically. Consider the transformer to deliver its rated kilovoltamperes at 0.80 power fa

  • Q : The central perpendicular axis....
    Electrical Engineering :

    At what distance along the central perpendicular axis of a uniformly charged plastic disk of radius 0.6m is the magnitude of the electric field equal to one-half the magnitude of the filed at th

  • Q : Generate a sinusoidal signal....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You want to generate a sinusoidal signal which frequency "F" varies continuously and PARABOLICALLY from 500 Hz to 3500 Hz for the first 5 seconds and goes back to 500 Hz for the next 5 seconds,

  • Q : Continuous assignment statements....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Rewrite the following code using only continuous assignment statements. module behav_module(input a, b, c, d, e, output reg x, y); always @(a, b, c, d) begin if (a) x = (b & c) | d; else x =

  • Q : Calculate the modulation index....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider a signal x(t) = 10 cos(2pi*fct + 4 cos 2pi*fmt). Assume frequency modulation. The message frequency fm = 2:3 kHz. Calculate the modulation index and find the bandwidth when (a) fm is

  • Q : A manufacturer specification sheet....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A manufacturer specification sheet lists the transfer function of a pressure sensor as 45±5% mV/kPa with a time constant of 4±10%. A highly accurate test system applies a step chan

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