• Q : Assume steady-state conditions....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A current source of 12 cos 2000t A, a 200-ohm resistor, and a 0.2-H inductor are in parallel. Assume steady-state conditions exist. At t = 1 ms, find the power being absorbed by the (a) resistor

  • Q : What is the cross price elasticity....
    Electrical Engineering :

    XYZ Corporation is a manufacturer of widgets. Over the past several months, it has been selling its widgets for $100 each and unit sales have averaged 5,000 units per month. This month its compet

  • Q : Determine the battery voltage....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The magnetic circuit shown in figure 1.17 has a mean core length of 52 cm and a cross-sectional area of 18 cm^2. The length of the air gap is 0.14 cm. Determine the battery voltage required to ob

  • Q : What is the distance between the slits....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Two slits produce fringes on a screen that is at a distance of 2.05 m from the slits. When the wavelength is 608 nm, the fringe spacing is 1.3 cm.What is the distance between the slits?For the sam

  • Q : The magnetic circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The magnetic circuit shown with a mean core length of 52 cm and a cross sectional area of 18 cm^2. the length of the air gap is 0.14 cm. Determine the battery voltage required to obtain a flux d

  • Q : Electricity indicating a common unit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Explain briefly the following terms with respect to electricity indicating a common unit where appropriate:alternating current, hertz, direct current,amperage,conductor, insulator, resistaance,

  • Q : Determine which is closest to the numeric....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a program that retrieve 2 bytes(NUM 1 and NUM2) from memory ,determine which is closest to the numeric value 50 and indicate the result by setting a variable named CLOSEST to 1?

  • Q : Find the probability the receiver makes a decoding error....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Suppose a transmission channel operates at 10 Mbps and has a bit error rate of 10-2. Bit errors occur at random and independent of each other. Suppose that the following code is used. To tran

  • Q : The first microprocessors were packaged as a dual inline....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The first microprocessors were packaged as a Dual Inline Pin (DIP) integrated circuit. Would DIP and quad versions have the same signals?

  • Q : Communications equipment circuits....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What are some good examples of test equipment that is available for use in diagnosing and repairing communications equipment circuits? Also can you provide some test equipment manufacturer web

  • Q : The input & across the output....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A two port network has the y parameter Y11=10, Y12=-20, Y22=2, all in milli mhos, find the new y parameter, if a 100ohm register is connected across the input & across the output?

  • Q : Common definition of spectral efficiency....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The one way bandwidth available to a single operator in the telecommunication system is 12.5 Mhz with a bandwidth of 30 Khz and 21 control channels. Calculate the efficiency with which this syste

  • Q : Voltage of the output noise....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Gaussian white noise, perfectly band-limited to 0-10MHz, is passed through a perfectly rectangular filter of bandwidth 18 kHz, gain 3 dB, and center frequency 455 kHz. If the RMS voltage of the inp

  • Q : The noise produced by a resistor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The noise produced by a resistor is to be amplified by a noiseless amplifier having a voltage gain of 75 and a bandwidth of 100 kHz. A sensitive meter at the output reads 240 μV rms. assuming

  • Q : Specific volume and enthalphy....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Explain briefly the following properties of moist air: dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, relative humidity, humidity ratio, dew point, specific volume and enthalphy?

  • Q : Design a third-order butterworth highpass....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a third-order Butterworth highpass filter with fc=100 Hz and high frequency gain of 20 dB using the standard form of the third-order Butterworth polynomial (s+1)(s^2+s+1)?

  • Q : What is the energy storage capacity of the battery....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A certain 11 V dry-cell battery, completely discharged, requires a current of 100 mA for 1.2 hr to completely recharge. What is the energy storage capacity of the battery, assuming the voltage d

  • Q : Given two single pole switches....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Given two single pole switches, write a program that will turn on an output when both switch A and B are closed. And given two single pole switches, write a program that will turn on an output w

  • Q : Explain the consequence in your own words....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Refer to the oscilloscope trigger setting. What could happen to the waveform display if the Negative Slope were to be chosen? Explain the consequence in your own words and also sketch the wavefo

  • Q : The resistance of a length of wire....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Temperature can be measured by measuring the resistance of a length of wire since the resistance of many materials changes with temperature. Platinum resistance thermometers utilize this principal

  • Q : Two parallel unreliable links....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Suppose station A and B are interconnected through two parallel unreliable links, where each link has a failure probability of 0.1. Calculate the average seconds per day when A and B lose commun

  • Q : Efficiency in a power transformer....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Efficiency in a power transformer is 98.6% when loaded such that its core losses equal the copper losses. Calculate the per unit resistance of this transformer?

  • Q : About microelectronic circuit documents....
    Electrical Engineering :

    About microelectronic circuit documents on the site, are these handouts for the course or just the figures in the chapter?

  • Q : The largest in north america....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In December 2007, what at the time was the largest in North America, a solar voltaic power plant was activated at Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas, Nevada. Seventy-two 25-square-inch silicon ph

  • Q : A multi-threaded process forks....
    Electrical Engineering :

    If a multi-threaded process forks, a problem occurs if the child gets copies of all the parents's threads. Suppose that one of the original threads was waiting for keyboard input. Now two threads a

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