• Q : Electric pencil sharpener....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An electric pencil sharpener is rated 240 mW, 6 V is connected to a 9-V battery and a series-dropping resistor Rx needed to power the sharpener. Calculate the value of the series-dropping resist

  • Q : The voltage drops across three resistors....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The voltage drops across three resistors in series are measured to be 10.0V, 15.0V, and 25.0V. If the largest resistor is 47.0 ?, what is the value of the smallest resistor?

  • Q : Reads wep pages to visually disabled users....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Using the four basic application types introduced classify the following system and explain your classification point of a sale system in a supermarket ?system that sends out reminders that magazine

  • Q : Develop a system to learn morse code....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Develop a system to learn Morse Code. The system will have one input and 26 outputs (one per letter). The user sends in Morse Code pulses on the input, and as characters are completed the appr

  • Q : Present your diagram of the mapping....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Use Microsoft Excel to compare costs from at least three different vendors and reasons to accept specific bids. Present your diagram of the mapping of the Local Area Network throughout the buildi

  • Q : What is the minimum number of bits....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What is the minimum number of bits required to represent each of the following decimal numbers: 10, 1000, 100,000, and 1,000,000?

  • Q : The output response for a system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The output response for a system is given as Vo(t) = A(1 - e^-at) sin(at). Is this a proper representation for an output response given that it contains a sinusoidal term? Fully explain your ans

  • Q : Compute the power loss in a transmission....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Compute the power loss in a transmission line with a resistance of 0.05 ohms/mile. Compute the power loss if 500kW of power is transmitted from a power generating station to cities at distances

  • Q : Compute the diameter in centimeters....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Compute the diameter in centimeters of a steel rod, an aluminum rod, and a copper rod, which can withstand a particular compression load?

  • Q : Complex impedance to calculate....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a passive 1-pole RLC notch filter suitable for filtering out 60Hz pickup noise. Use complex impedance to calculate the ratio Vout/Vin vs. freq - ignore phase.

  • Q : Design a full-wave bridge rectifier....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a full-wave bridge rectifier to deliver 12DC with less than 0.1V ripples into a load drawing 100mA. Specify any components as well as the input AC voltage required. Assume 0.6V diode drop

  • Q : Cycle option électromécanique....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Salut a tous ;je suis étudiant en fin de cycle option électromécanique et je voulais s'avoir les dimensions d'un panneau PV de modèle ecen2060 ET le lieu de fabricati

  • Q : Factory worker wages....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Factory worker wages, according to data released by city chamber of commerce, the weekly wages of factory workers are normally distributed according to the probability density function f(x)= (1/

  • Q : Steady state temperature distribution....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You have a rectangular baking tray (0 < x < .5meters and 0 < y < 1meters) that you place in an oven. The heated coils beneath the tray create a nonconstant heating affect. The tray h

  • Q : The energy crisis....
    Electrical Engineering :

    On the lines of "Energy Crisis- Can you look up some information about the Energy Crisis from the 1970's and compare and contrast the various factors and conditions to today's situation.

  • Q : Advantage of star connection over delta....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Is there any advantage of star connection over delta w.r.t. induction motors? Also, is there any advantage or disadvantage of star connection over delta w.r.t. distribution and transmission of p

  • Q : On electrical controls....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Where can I find a copy of the Answers to Textbook Review Questions in the Industrial Motor Control, 6 th edition, by Stephen L. Herman? This is an electrical book I purchesed to bone up on elec

  • Q : The additional inductance....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A single phase bridge rectifier supplies 24 Vdc to a load resistance of 0.4 ohms and an inductance of 3 mH. The available ac supply is 240 V at 50 Hz. The forward voltage drop of each diode is 1

  • Q : The verge of an even larger financial collapse....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The energy crisis - What are your thoughts to this student. "It is my opinion that we should begin to loosen our dependency of foreign oil We are a nation that is capable of self sustaining but

  • Q : The price increases or decreases....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What is an example of a good that you have found remains unchanged whether the price increases or decreases?

  • Q : Enablement play in the following areas....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What role does IM/IT enablement play in the following areas of KL Enterprise corporate activities? By that I mean, how does IM/IT help KL carry out day-to-day operations and transacting, how doe

  • Q : How the reforms of mikhail gorbachev....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Analyze how the reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev led to the breakup of the Soviet Union. Point out what events led to the ascendency of Gorbachev to party leadership, and then identify and analyze G

  • Q : Rocks by use of vertical electric soundings....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How can I detect a Cave entrance on a rocky cliff now buried under 20 feet earth / rocks by use of Vertical Electric Soundings ?

  • Q : The one-way bandwidth....
    Electrical Engineering :

    As was mentioned, the one-way bandwidth available to a single operator in the AMPS system is 12.5 MHz with a channel bandwidth of 30 kHz and 21 control channels. We would like to calculate the e

  • Q : The grayscale input image....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Code for Implementing a FindBitPlanes function to return any of the 8 bit plane images of the grayscale input image.Calling function FindBitPlanes to obtain the four most significant bit plane image

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