• Q : The chopper controls a dc machine....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The Chopper controls a dc machine with an armature inductance of 0.2mH. the armature resistance can be neglected. the armature current is 5A, switching frequency is 30kHz and diode voltage is 0.8

  • Q : Explain how the artists utilize lighting....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In Mel Brooks, Robin Hood: Mens in tights.• Explain how the artists utilize lighting in the scene. How does the lighting affect our emotional understanding of certain characters? What sort

  • Q : An assembly language subroutine....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write an assembly language subroutine that implements a 1-second delay using the TCNT timer. Include both an initialization ritual and a delay function?

  • Q : The diameter of the aluminum cables....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A load taking 24.4A, is supplied by aluminum and copper cables connected in parrel.The lenght of the copper and alumumin cables 0.178km an 0.164km respectively. the diameter of the aluminum cabl

  • Q : The asymptotic coding gain of the coder....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Using the Rate ½ K=3 convolutional encoder , create the encoder.Using the Viterbi Algorithm, implement the soft decision decoder.Using 4 PSK or 2 PSK with the same total power as a reference,

  • Q : Units of a special subassembly....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Johnson Industries received a contract to develop and produce four high-intensity long-distance receiver/transmitters for cellular telephones. The first took 2,000 labor hours and $39,000 worth of

  • Q : A certain primary cell has a terminal voltage....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A certain primary cell has a terminal voltage of 1.24 volts when supplying a current of 2A. Immediately after the load was disconnected the terminal voltage increase to 1.28 volts what is the in

  • Q : Construct interpolation polynomials of degree....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For the given functions f(x),let xo=0,x1=.6 and x2=.9.construct interpolation polynomials of degree at most one and at most two to approximate f(.45),and find the absolute error.a.f(x)=cosx b.f

  • Q : Assume a thermocouple....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Assume a thermocouple, which supplies the input to an analog input module, generates a linear voltage from 20mV to 50mV when the temperature changes from 750 degrees Fahrenheit to 1250 degrees F

  • Q : How would you develop a looping program....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How would you develop a looping program in MIPS that will take a series of decimal numbers and arrange them in ascending order from smallest to largest. The sequence of nine numbers are: 5, 3, 8

  • Q : The cross section of a cottage....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The cross section of a cottage 20 ft wide is an isosceles triangle. If the slope of a side is 1.75 and there is a second floor 9 feet above the ground floor,What is the angle at each tip of the

  • Q : Portion of the shell lands....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An explosive shell, with total mass 80 kg is launched vertically into the air from a mortar. The shell explodes in flight and breaks into two parts with masses of 30 kg and 50 kg (assume the mas

  • Q : The voltage across the resistor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A high pass filter is designed so that the input signal Vin(t)=20sin(250pit) losses 87.5% of its power as it goes through the filter.if the resistor value is 10k ohms determine the rms value of th

  • Q : The far field and derive an expression....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An L x L square transducer, submersed in water, is centered at the origin and is pointed down the +z-axis. A larger layer of homogeneous fat begins z=z0 and extends to the depth of penetration, s

  • Q : Determine the maximum and minimum spectral frequencies....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Determine the maximum and minimum spectral frequencies received from a stationary GSM transmitter that has a center frequency of exactly 1950.000000 MHzassuming that the receiver is traveling at

  • Q : A collector modulated transmitter....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A collector modulated transmitter has a supply voltage of 48 V and an average collector current of 600 mA. What is the input power to the transmitter? How much modulating signal power is neede

  • Q : The class diagram for the classes....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Draw the class diagram for the classes required in a basic microwave oven. the system should be able to set the microwave lower level between 1 and 9 and time of cooking run up to 59 min and 59

  • Q : Parallel to improve power factor to unity....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An inductor motor is connected to a 220 v ,60hz supply and drews 5.0A at 0.85 lag power factor. 1. what value of capacitor must be placed in parallel to improve power factor to unity?

  • Q : One disadvantage to using wireless....
    Electrical Engineering :

    One disadvantage to using wireless NICs is that they (and the infrastructure needed to support them) are currently somewhat more expensive than wire-bound NICs using the same bus type. Discuss w

  • Q : An electric field....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An electric field of 3.10×105 is desired between two parallel plates, each of area 36.0 and separated by 0.620 of air.What charge must be on each plate?

  • Q : A hollow conducting cylinder....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A hollow conducting cylinder has inner radius a and outer radius b and carries current I along the positive z- direction. Find H everywhere.

  • Q : Digital communication techniques....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Digital Communication Techniques A video signal contains light variations that change at a frequency as high as 3.5 MHz. What is the minimum sampling frequency for A/D conversion?

  • Q : A series of combination....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A series of combination having R=2Mohm and C=0.01 UF is connected across a D.C. voltage source of 50V. Determined capacitor voltage and charging current after 0.02s, 0.04s and 1 hour.

  • Q : The neutralization step using appropriate pourbaix diagrams....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A buried stainless steel nuclear waste storage tank contains significant amounts of dissolved radioactive Cr3+, Al3+, Fe3+ and Ni2+ at pH 2. It is proposed to neutralize this acid tank solution t

  • Q : Bode frequency response....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Bode frequency Response: using, plot the bode frequency response (Adb vs.f and θ vs.f) on a semilog graph for the following voltage gain.V2/V1 (Jf) =100 ((1+Jf/10))/(1+Jf/1k)(1+Jf/10k) .

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