• Q : Consider a laser transition....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Simultaneous pumping into both the upper and the lower laser levels. Consider a laser transition between two upper energy levels E1 and E2 in an atomic system similar to that discussed in this s

  • Q : Signal power absorbtion....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Signal-power absorbtion by a collection of atoms: Where does the absorbed power go? Consider the net steady-state power per unit volume that is absorbed by the atoms, from the applied signal, i

  • Q : Obtain expressions for Fourier components....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For the waveform shown below, obtain expressions for Fourier components for fundamental, 5th, 7th, and 11th elements, write out (using Taylor Series and Newton - Raphson method, you are not re

  • Q : The power of the signal....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Signal path of a GSM radio receiver is composed of an antenna followed by a BPF, LNA, BPF, Mixer, IF BPF and IF amplifier. If the noise temperature of the antenna is 400K and the noise figure of

  • Q : An intrinsic semiconductor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An intrinsic semiconductor (Si) is doped with a p-type impurity. The minority carrier population in that material at room temperature is measured to be 11250 per cm^3. Given that, at room tempera

  • Q : Maintenance of downstream habitats consistent....
    Electrical Engineering :

    There is another issue associated with dams and fish, and that is permitting enough flow to maintain downstream habitats. In Northern California, there's been a fight going on for years over how

  • Q : The circular dimensions denotes a diameter....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A student decides to have a little fun and designs an RTD with the pattern shown below. If the RTD is made of Ni with a resistivity of 1.2 x 10-7m and a Ni film thickness of 0.2?m, then what is

  • Q : Capacitors and two resistor with one capacitor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Have a Wheatstone bridge with two capacitors and two resistor with one capacitor unknown need to find the value of the unknown resistor values equal 2.2K and 1K and the known capacitor equals .0

  • Q : Explain from an atomic viewpoint....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Explain from an atomic viewpoint why the charges that are transferred during the buildup of electrostatic charges arise from the transfer of electrons rather than protons.

  • Q : What are the drawbacks to developing resources offshore....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Even if we have plenty of land available to develop onshore wind resources, are there still advantages to building offshore wind turbines? What are the drawbacks to developing resources offshore?

  • Q : Display the average of the positive numbers....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a program that prompts the user to successively input a number. The loop will terminate if the user will input a number less than one (1). The program will then display the average of the

  • Q : Two antennas at the same location....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Two antennas at the same location on earth receive a signal from a satellite directly overhead at altitude h = 36.0 km. Both antennas have been optimized for this purpose and both are observed t

  • Q : A drum has a radius....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A drum has a radius of 0.40 m and a moment of inertia of 4.7 kg · m2. The frictional torque of the drum bearings is 3.0 N · m. A ring at one end of a rope is slipped on a short peg on

  • Q : This equation vgs and vds....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The problem is that there are two variables in this equation Vgs and Vds. I am confused how to expand in Taylor series around some operating point (Vgso,Vdso). For first order and second order ter

  • Q : A nolinear distortion results in the generation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A nolinear distortion results in the generation of frequencies in the output that are not present in the input. If the dynamic curve can be represented by ic = Aib + B(ib^2), and if the input si

  • Q : Models of a motor scooter....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Your company assembles five different models of a motor scooter that is sold in specialty stores in the US. The company uses the same engine for all five models. You have been given the assignm

  • Q : The vertical distance between the inlet and outlet....
    Electrical Engineering :

    It is proposed to build a 400MW-hydropower station on the shore of the Dead Sea. The plant will drain seawater from the Mediterranean through turbines and into the Dead Sea. The vertical distanc

  • Q : The ordinary differential equation solvers....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An RLC circuit can be represented by a second order differential equation; however, in MATLAB® the ordinary differential equation solvers such as ode45 only utilize first order differential

  • Q : The forward-bias current....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The forward-bias current in a GaAs pn-junction at T = 300 K is ID = 15 mA. The reverse-saturation current is IS = 10^-19 A. Determine the required forward-bias diode voltage.

  • Q : Replacing your old switches....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You have researched a new type of switch and proved that upgrading your switches to this model is feasible. What step do you take next before replacing your old switches?

  • Q : The linear velocity of the center....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A solid sphere (I = 0.4MR2) of radius 0.06 m and mass 0.50 kg rolls without slipping 14m down a 30º inclined plane. At the bottom of the plane, the linear velocity of the center of mass of t

  • Q : What horizontal distance does it travel....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A baseball is hit with a speed of 27.0 at an angle of 47.0. It lands on the flat roof of a 12.0 -tall nearby building. If the ball was hit when it was 1.2 above the ground, what horizontal distance

  • Q : Relative pathname is interpreted....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Which of the following relative pathname is interpreted as "the rock.htm file is in the same folder as the current file"?

  • Q : The angular velocity of a polar vector....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The angular velocity of a polar vector is 720 degrees/sec. what is the angle 0.001 sec after the vector passes through 0 degrees?

  • Q : Explain the general convexity....
    Electrical Engineering :

    f(X,y)=y'*inv(X)*y, dom f={(X,y)|X+x'>0}. is f convex? If not give a simple counterexample.I can proof convexity when X is restricted to Sn via its epigraph but I don't know how to explain the

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