• Q : Show your units....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Solve the following equation for m and n. You should assume that m and n are real numbers. The variable n is an angle, and you should show your units.(m+67.3j)/23?n equals 4.794 - 1.875j

  • Q : A function to prompt the user for an angle....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a script that will call: a function to prompt the user for an angle in degrees and call a function to calculate and return the angle in radians (note:pi radian =180) and call a function to

  • Q : The velocity of wave propagation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A 50-ohm air slotted line is used to measure a load impedance. Adjacent voltage minima are found at 20.2 cm and 28.7 cm from the load when the unknown load is connected and Vmax = 0:95 V and Vmin =

  • Q : Assuming the diameter of the reflector....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A small parabolic reflector (dish) of revolution, referred to as a paraboloid, is now being advertised as a TV antenna for direct broadcast. Assuming the diameter of the reflector is 1meter, det

  • Q : Evaluate the reactive and distortion power produced....
    Electrical Engineering :

    My thesis topic is distortion power and its effect on the power quality generated by wind energy system. this work is going to be base on the IEEE 1459-2000 or IEEE 1459-2010 standard. the advance

  • Q : Explain how to get the solution to this problem....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Each pole of a 100 kW, 250 V flat compound generator has a shunt field of 2000 turns and a series field of 7 turns. If the total shunt field resistance is 100 ohm, calculate the mmf when the mac

  • Q : Shows a generator is delivering....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Shows a generator is delivering 1.0 p.u power to the infinite bus with generator terminal voltage of vt=1.0 p.u.please determine and plot the power angle curves of the maximum power that can be

  • Q : The segment digits....
    Electrical Engineering :

    USE VHDL and the two 7 segment digits on your eSOC to count up from 0~99 with 0.5 second interval. Once it reaches 99, count down 99~0 and repeats 0~99 (up and down) continuously."

  • Q : The source of electricity is an on-board fuel....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An ideal PEM cell needs 30.35 g H2 to produce one kWh of electrical output. Suppose an electric car can travel 10 miles per kWh. How much hydrogen would be needed to give the car a range of 300

  • Q : The average torque and maximum torque....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A d.c machime has a torque angle of 90 degree. When rotating the at 3000rpm with a field current of 1A, the generated voltage is 100v. When the two windings are connected to a a.c supply of

  • Q : What is the actual value....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Your cat's summer kitty-cottage needs a new roof. You are considering the following two proposals and feel a 15-year analysis period is in line with your cat' remaining lives. (There is no salvag

  • Q : Deduce an expression for the power....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Q1 Show that the power in a three-phase, three-wire system with balanced loads is constant at every instant. Deduce an expression for the power in terms of the line voltage, line current,and the po

  • Q : Electric power service....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Suppose you are building a guest house far away from electric power service, but you desire to have electricity available to energize light bulbs, a radio, a computer, and other useful devices.

  • Q : Flashcards to help study for cisco certified network....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Im new to Course hero and i was wonder i there's flashcards to help study for Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)? i work for cisco and want to start studying for it.

  • Q : The atomic radius of a single aluminum atom....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Aluminum has the FCC crystal structure. Its atomic weight is 26.98g/mole, and its density is 2.70g/cm3. Determine the atomic radius of a single aluminum atom?

  • Q : Describe the advantages....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Describe the advantages of a 4- to 20 mA current loop as an input signal compared to a 0- to 5- V input signal?

  • Q : The parameters of a single-circuit transmission line....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What are the four characteristic parameters of a transmission line? Which parameter is used to calculate the real loss? Which parameter is used to calculate the charging current? Which parameter is

  • Q : Find the maximum instantaneous power....
    Electrical Engineering :

    With abs of V = 100 V, the instantaneous power p(t) into a network N has a maximum value 1707 W and a minimum value of -293 W.Find a possible series RL circuit equivalent to N.Find S = P + jQ into N.

  • Q : The cross section of a feeder and distributer....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Show that the cross section of a feeder and distributer would be reduced to1/k and 1/(k*k) of their respective values with an increase in working voltage by k times?

  • Q : Each memory location contains....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The addressability of the LC-3 is 16 bits; i.e., each memory location contains 16 bits of data. In this assignment, you are asked to write a program in LC-3 machine language to count the number

  • Q : Specified to be a stable system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For what range of values of a is the system stable?If 0 < a < 1, plot the pole-zero diagram and shade the region of convergence. Do the same for a > 1.H(z) is to be cascaded with a system H(z

  • Q : Equation to find frequency response....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In the same last problem, use the single block equation to find frequency response and then plots the Amplitude Spectrum and the Phase Spectrum by using Matlab or MathCad. Hint: H(jw)=A(w)e^(jp

  • Q : What distance must the electron be red....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A 100 eV electron is red in a perpendicular direction toward the centre of a very large plate that has a uniform surface charge density of 3:0  106C=m2 From what distance must the electron be red i

  • Q : A silica fiber has an outer diameter....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A silica fiber has an outer diameter of 125 micro meter. What is the total volume of silica for a 1-km length? This fiber is wound on a spool whose unloaded diameter is 20 em. The spool height is

  • Q : The filter has linear-phase....
    Electrical Engineering :

    4An analog signal xa(t), band-limited to 5 Hz, is sampled at a rate of 10 samples per second to give a discrete-time signal x(n) = xa(0.1n). The discrete-time signal x(n) is then filtered with a

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