• Q : Characteristics and educational needs....
    Other Subject :

    For this assignment, you will explore disability areas to raise awareness about the characteristics and educational needs of each area.

  • Q : Informal reading inventory....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss an Informal Reading Inventory (IRI). In brief explain the process of administering an IRI. Explain the process of miscue analysis and how you might use the information from an IRI to meet th

  • Q : Emotional behavior disorder assessments....
    Other Subject :

    Recommend assessments which are stable and do not need change. Recommend assessments which need some change and what the changes would be. Recommend assessments which need to be discontinued and why t

  • Q : Research on-line teaching....
    Other Subject :

    Using ProQuest, research one article on on-line teaching. Post a summary of the article and your reflective thoughts regarding on-line teaching.

  • Q : Benefits of using music for talented....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss the benefits of using music for talented and gifted students as an instructional tool? Find an example of evaluation research from your literature review or additional search.

  • Q : Concept of special education....
    Other Subject :

    Critically illustrate out the concept of special education. What is the impact of both cultural diversity and linguistic diversity on special education?

  • Q : Influence of inclusion of special education students....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the influence of inclusion of special education students in the calculations of Adequate Yearly Progress required by NCLB for school districts?

  • Q : Summary of instructional technique....
    Other Subject :

    Choose one of the following topics. Give a summary of instructional technique. Additional resources might be found using ProQuest or in Educational Impact videos using the search feature and enterin

  • Q : Gifted students in classroom....
    Other Subject :

    You've created a lesson plan for classroom. You've employed this lesson for years and have never had a special needs student in class.

  • Q : Student behavior and social interaction....
    Other Subject :

    How are managing student behavior and social interaction encompassed in the daily instructional program?

  • Q : Identifying culturally diverse gifted students....
    Other Subject :

    Why is it difficult to recognize and recognize culturally diverse gifted learners? Critically discuss how educators can identify and provide rigor for these students in the curriculum.

  • Q : Conception of giftedness entitled....
    Other Subject :

    Give a critical analysis of James Borland's conception of giftedness entitled "Gifted Education Without Gifted Children". Include key strengths and weaknesses, and questions left unanswered.

  • Q : Issues of underrepresentation of culturally diverse....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss issues of underrepresentation of culturally diverse students in gifted programs.

  • Q : Kolloff model of gifted education....
    Other Subject :

    Examine Feldhusen and Kolloff's model of gifted education. Provide strengths and weaknesses, and compare it to another model of gifted education.

  • Q : Carol schlichter talents unlimited model of gifted....
    Other Subject :

    Give a detailed analysis of Carol Schlichter's Talents Unlimited Model of gifted education, including strengths, weaknesses, comparison to other models of gifted education

  • Q : Inclusion in regualar education classroom....
    Other Subject :

    You teach in regular education classroom of 30 students. Among them are: one student who has learning disability, two students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), one English Langu

  • Q : Optimal learning conditions for gifted learners....
    Other Subject :

    Compare and contrast optimal learning conditions for gifted learners with those for students with learning disabilities.

  • Q : Concerns of distance education....
    Other Subject :

    Identify and describe an issue of concern in Distance Education. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of a specific synchronous OR asynchronous technology in addressing this concern

  • Q : Format and content of alternative assessment....
    Other Subject :

    How can the general format and content of an alternative assessment support student language proficiency goals?

  • Q : Define assistive technology....
    Other Subject :

    What do you understand by the term assistive technology? What are some examples of assistive devices?

  • Q : Sensory intergration....
    Other Subject :

    Please discuss why is sensory intergration important in young children and what would be a result if a child had perceptual impairments.

  • Q : Types of physical and health impairments....
    Other Subject :

    Considering the different types of physical and health impairments, do you believe that certain impairments affect normal motor development more significantly than others?

  • Q : Educational placements for students with disabilities....
    Other Subject :

    Recognize six educational placements for students with disabilities. Describe the role of each placement and any issues that may be present within the placements.

  • Q : Disadvantages of inclusion-mainstreaming....
    Other Subject :

    Studies show that there are many disadvantages to inclusion and mainstreaming for the special education student and might not be the best way to educate special education students.

  • Q : General education colleagues....
    Other Subject :

    What advice and suggestions do you offer your general education colleagues, who are concerned regarding having children who are deaf or hard of hearing in their classrooms?

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