• Q : Categorical imperative....
    Other Subject :

    Suppose you're a police captain who is training new recruits. Take a position on Kant's claim that the "categorical imperative" is the basis of morality.

  • Q : Morality of legal punishment....
    Other Subject :

    Examine two ways in which legal and moral rights in criminal justice might collide and recommend at least one principle by which to make decisions. Support your view with an example.

  • Q : Recognizing uncritical thinking....
    Other Subject :

    Suppose you're a new police chief of a department with a history of bias against protected groups (e.g., minorities, gays, and women), addressing the entire police force.

  • Q : Determining ideal ways of life....
    Other Subject :

    Ideals and values come in conflict despite our best intentions whenever people from different walks of life come together.

  • Q : Relationship of mind and body....
    Other Subject :

    What does Plato mean by immortality? What is the relationship of the mind and the body? How is Christianity's views of death similar and different from Plato's views?

  • Q : Approving loans regardless of background....
    Other Subject :

    Assume you were a loan officer for bank. The leaders in organization have encouraged all loan officers to approve loans regardless of income or credit background.

  • Q : Understanding death in old testament....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss four key points that are important for understanding death in the Old Testament. What changes in the New Testament with respect to the idea of death?

  • Q : Education-basic healthcare and housing....
    Other Subject :

    Recognize some of the features and values you associate with just society. For example, does it include access to quality education, basic healthcare, and housing?

  • Q : Concept of suffering....
    Other Subject :

    In this assignment, you will explore the philosophical significance of presence of evil in our lives. Begin by explaining a specific situation in which a human being suffers needless pain.

  • Q : Religious and philosophical compatibility....
    Other Subject :

    Are religion and philosophy compatible with each other? Do faith and reason have to be kept in isolated compartments of our lives, or can we engage in both ways of thinking about ultimate questions?

  • Q : Excellent tools for exploring intuitions....
    Other Subject :

    Practical examples are excellent tools for exploring our intuitions on this issue, so try to introduce at least one concrete case from your own experience for which you would accept full responsibil

  • Q : Making moral decisions....
    Other Subject :

    When faced with the need to make a moral decision, should we take into account the fulfillment of our own character, or the performance of dutiful action, or the most likely consequences?

  • Q : Ethical theories-aristotle-aquinas-kant....
    Other Subject :

    What makes right actions right and wrong actions wrong? Our readings for this week have defended 3 types of answers to this question: the normative theories of deontological, teleological, and virtu

  • Q : Feminist ethics....
    Other Subject :

    One productive direction for our discourse in this discussion might be to look for ways in which feminist ethics fits with the traditional normative theories.

  • Q : Six major principles of idea....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss the six major principles of IDEA. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of co-teaching. Describe at least 5 for each.

  • Q : Characteristics of quality programs....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the characteristics of quality programs that integrate curriculum focusing on children with special needs, family interests, and cultural diversity?

  • Q : Domains of assessment of students....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss the purposes, models, methods, and domains of assessment of students with learning disabilities. Provide illustrations adapting instruction to learner abilities, styles and deficits.

  • Q : Disproportional representation of minority students....
    Other Subject :

    Discuss some factors that contribute to the disproportional representation of minority students in special education classes?

  • Q : Inter-relationships between teaching-learning....
    Other Subject :

    How do you view the inter-relationships between teaching, learning, and technology? Cite an illustration from your classroom or worksite where you have incorporated an instructional tool using techn

  • Q : Contrast the education of students with special needs....
    Other Subject :

    In your own words, compare and contrast the education of students with special needs in the 1960's versus today.

  • Q : Assessment and special education....
    Other Subject :

    Why is it important for educators to have a clear understanding of assesssments? How does assessment measure true success and failure for a student?

  • Q : Assessment tools for accommodating students....
    Other Subject :

    Mention and examine assessment tools used for accommodating students through inclusion, remediation and enrichment.

  • Q : Technology in special needs classrooms....
    Other Subject :

    Research different types of assistive technology, what is one piece of assistive tech you think as a teacher would be beneficial in your classroom and how it would be used by your students with disa

  • Q : General education placements-self-contained placements....
    Other Subject :

    Things can be presented differently when it comes to students who are in general education placements versus students in self-contained placements.

  • Q : Older special needs children....
    Other Subject :

    Remember that students with more severe disabilities can go to school until they are 22 so they may spend many more than four years in high school.

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