• Q : Discussion of plato understanding of rationalism....
    Other Subject :

    A discussion of Plato's understanding of rationalism and human knowing and how his Allegory of the Cave depicts this understanding and parallels Christian thought.

  • Q : Presocratic philosophy....
    Other Subject :

    Based upon Aristotle's science of the first philosophy, examine how Aristotle's metaphysics might guide contemporary people to knowledge regarding the world.

  • Q : Historical development of determinism....
    Other Subject :

    The historical development of determinism, existentialism an dualism. who the main contributors were and the evolution of how each grew out of original field of epistemology or metaphysics.

  • Q : Plato story of cave....
    Other Subject :

    Summarize Plato's story of the Cave. Discuss the Five of Aquinas. Critically Existentialism, noting 3 major Philosophers who subscribed to the view.

  • Q : Plato allegory of the cave....
    Other Subject :

    Locate and give a synopsis in an article published in the last 5 years that discusses a philosopher or a school of philosophy. What were the basic assumptions?

  • Q : Explanation of plato theory of forms....
    Other Subject :

    Please help me with complete and concise explanation of Plato's Theory of forms and the myths relating to the Forms, including discussions of the Sun, the Line and the Cave.

  • Q : Meaning of life....
    Other Subject :

    What is the meaning of life? This is, surely, ultimate philosophical question. We are here. We spend our days making a living, having little fun and feeling some pain, meeting people with background

  • Q : Soft and hard determinism....
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    Compare and contrast soft and hard determinism, referring to philosophers who held each view. ( Mill, heisenberg,and Hume).

  • Q : Voluntary and involuntary actions....
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    Distinguish between actions that are voluntary and involuntary. Have you ever been concerned with an action that was less than fully voluntary?

  • Q : Free will and determinism....
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    To what extent is human behavior determined by external and internal influences? Do we have free will? Can these two ways of accounting for human action be reconciled with each other?

  • Q : Aspects of human nature....
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    Do you believe that individual human beings survive their own deaths? Notice that your answer to this question needs to be consistent with your position on other aspects of human nature.

  • Q : Presocratic thinkers and concepts....
    Other Subject :

    There're various concepts associated with Presocratics that appear to have been decisive in development of philosophy and science.

  • Q : Greek creation story....
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    The Greek account of creation of universe gives us a peek in the minds of primitive man. This account of the creation reveals a stark contrast to modern-day versions of the creation.

  • Q : Various models or analogies of nature....
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    Summarize and discuss the key differences between the various models or analogies of nature outlined by R. G. Collingwood in the idea of nature.

  • Q : Problem of god in the history of philosophy....
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    Some philosophers, like Kierkegaard, find it reasonable to believe in God in their philosophical enterprise while others do not.

  • Q : Historical development of religious philosophy....
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    Considering the historical development of religious philosophy, whose philosophies do you think most advanced Western religious thought?

  • Q : Composition and division....
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    Discuss what is a fallacy and show the particular flaws in reasoning that correspond with the two listed below Composition and division

  • Q : Find evidence for claims....
    Other Subject :

    Recognize an area that would be considered to be pseudoscientific, such as astrology, palm reading, and ESP. Find evidence for claims made by these fields, and explain why this evidence is pseudosci

  • Q : Difference in deductive arguments....
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    Please describe the difference in deductive arguments that are valid, but not sound and deductive arguments that are valid and sound.

  • Q : Variable for scientific study....
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    Recognize a variable for scientific study that can be operationally defined. Develop an operational definition for the variable.

  • Q : Describe the socratic method....
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    Describe the Socratic method? What is it designed to do? Try to illustrate this method with a concrete example.

  • Q : Theories of consciousness and personal identity....
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    Which theory or theories of consciousness and personal identity most resembles how you understand the role of the self in the decision-making process?

  • Q : Critique of gadamer hereneutical approach....
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    What justification does Habermas offer for his critique of Gadamer's hereneutical approach to society and social science?

  • Q : Critical and creative thought....
    Other Subject :

    Explain a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been employed for better outcome. Explain why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations.

  • Q : Scientific thinking at work....
    Other Subject :

    Recognize a problem in your life which can be solved by using scientific thinking. Have you solved problems using scientific thinking at work?

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