• Q : Kant categorical imperative-america ethical dilemma....
    Other Subject :

    The change in American values has been portrayed, in general, by move away from traditional Judeo-Christian ethics toward diversity, relativism, and self-fulfillment.

  • Q : Emotivism and moral reasoning....
    Other Subject :

    One of Rachel's biggest claims against emotivism is that it seems to lack reasons. What are moral reasons? How do they differ from other kinds of evidence, such as physical facts?

  • Q : Convergence and divergence....
    Other Subject :

    Write down a 750-1,000 word essay describing the convergence or divergence among the following topics: virtue, character, love, law, and Christian ethical behavior as taught in the Bible.

  • Q : Essentialism and feminist theory....
    Other Subject :

    How has feminist theory itself been criticized as essentialist? How do such criticisms relate to those claims that feminists themselves make against traditional philosphical concepts?

  • Q : Ethical issues with aging....
    Other Subject :

    Give an overview of the ethical challenges a feminist/female-centered ethical framework brings to the discussion of how to best care for the aging/elderly.

  • Q : Ethical universalism and cultural relativism....
    Other Subject :

    Sam, a graduate student in anthropology, received a summer grant to study tribal life in the Amazon River basin. Before he embarked on his scholarly journey, Sam visited his family physician.

  • Q : Aristotles philosophy of virtue....
    Other Subject :

    Baby Boomer Bob is a professionally employed, married man with grown children and grandchildren. He works in a human services agency and lives in a gracious home with his bright, attractive, profess

  • Q : Utilitarian calculation of painful....
    Other Subject :

    Perform the utilitarian calculation of painful or pleasurable consequences to evaluate a controversial ethical issue - abortion.

  • Q : Utilitarianism and deontology....
    Other Subject :

    Use the compare and contrast template provided to organize your thoughts and ideas. Complete the template and attach it to the final paper.

  • Q : Ethical theories-moral philosophers....
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    Which of ethical theories do you think that moral philosophers must focus on thinking about over the next 10-15 years (see below)?

  • Q : Effect of study of ethics....
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    Does studying ethics inspire students and professors to be morally better people? Aristotle thought that we learned ethics only through life experience, and that intellectual or academic training di

  • Q : Differences between capitalist-socialist....
    Other Subject :

    Critically discuss the differences between Capitalist, Socialist, Fairness, and Libertarian notions of justice? What are the strongest and weakest parts of each theory?

  • Q : Moral standards and ethics....
    Other Subject :

    Measure the promotional practices of the companies in terms of moral standards which you think are appropriate for the sort of environment in which the companies are operating.

  • Q : Price-fixing scheme and ge....
    Other Subject :

    Measure the price-fixing scheme from ethical point of view (your evaluation should explain the effects of scheme on society's welfare, on the moral rights of society's members, and on the distributi

  • Q : View of justice in classical philosophy....
    Other Subject :

    Thrasymachus the Sophist has defined "Justice" as "the interest of the stronger parties". In light of Socrates' considered view of Justice as expounded over the course of the Republic

  • Q : Employees level of job satisfaction....
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    Why should employers care regarding their employees' level of job satisfaction? Why are modern employees increasingly unsatisfied with their jobs?

  • Q : Happiness and rationality....
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    Suppose that you've to undergo some operation that would leave you perfectly healthy, but without your ability to reason. As part of this operation, you'd still be capable to feel pleasure but not p

  • Q : Pro and con side of capital punishment....
    Other Subject :

    The outline consists of the pro and con side of capital punishment. The pro side consists of retribution, heinous of crime, victim's rights.

  • Q : Ethical decision making in international business....
    Other Subject :

    As project manager, Kelly is leading a team on international business trip where she is scheduled to do a presentation on its project and to negotiate a deal.

  • Q : Legal versus ethical in decision-making....
    Other Subject :

    Recognize a situation in an organization that could be considered legally acceptable, but would still pose an ethical problem for the organization.

  • Q : Convergence of us generally accepted accounting....
    Other Subject :

    Examine the convergence of U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Describe the advantages of a single set of financial statemen

  • Q : Discuss the concept of worldview....
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    In brief discuss the concept of worldview and present an argument for the application of this concept to business leadership.

  • Q : World-view and leadership in organizations....
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    Can someone please aid me with these questions? Individual Statement presenting Integration of Personal Worldview and Business Leadership

  • Q : Claim of consequentialism....
    Other Subject :

    Analyze the claim of consequentialism that actions are "right" to the extent they have beneficial consequences. Describe a situation in which a judge might apply the principle that the end justifies

  • Q : Relevancy of kohlberg moral stages....
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    Take a position for or against the effectiveness and relevancy of Kohlberg's Moral Stages for working with criminals. Explain a reason so few reach Stage 6.

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