• Q : Performing a training needs assessment....
    Other Management :

    You have just been hired as HRD Manager in a well established firm specialised in retail trade. You have been asked to perform a Training Needs Assessment before management can embark on a training

  • Q : Case study of delta international ltd....
    Other Management :

    Engineering, construction and management company, Delta International Ltd invests US$50 million annually on employee development.  The company employs some 20,000 workers in more than 25 countr

  • Q : Concept of tourism demand....
    Other Management :

    Using relevant instances to illustrate your arguments state the concept of tourism demand and discuss the factors influencing demand both in country of origin and country of destination.

  • Q : Corporate information system-competitive advantage....
    Other Management :

    Using instances of your own, describe how a corporate information system can provide competitive advantage to the organization. Explain and discuss why it is extremely significant to consult all sta

  • Q : Storefront model and the auction model in e-commerce....
    Other Management :

    Explain the differentiation between the storefront model and the auction model in e-commerce. Explain, with the aid of instances, the differentiation between B-2-B and B-2-C business strategies over t

  • Q : Mcclelland-s need for achievement theory....
    Other Management :

    In a people-oriented organisation, interpersonal skills are necessary. What should you do to make your interpersonal skills more effectual in your organization?

  • Q : Mechanism of escrow dealings-duties of escrow....
    Other Management :

    Explain briefly the mechanism of escrow dealings and how the system operates to diminish fraud. Explain the obligations and duties of escrow agent.

  • Q : Disaster through poor strategy implementation....
    Other Management :

    Good strategy can result in disaster through poor strategy implementation. Discuss and illustrate the main issues that should be addressed in implementing a strategy.

  • Q : Role of good governance and ethics in business....
    Other Management :

    Describe and explain the role of good governance and ethics in business, in local, national and international contexts. What are the likely costs associated with unethical behaviour and the benefits d

  • Q : Interrelated functions of corporate social responsibility....
    Other Management :

    According to Archie Caroll, what are the four interrelated functions of corporate social responsibility? Use examples from the Mauritian context to demonstrate your answer.

  • Q : Weaknesses of business-civil society collaborations....
    Other Management :

    Investigate the strengths and weaknesses of Business-Civil Society collaborations. Determine the individual and situational factors affecting ethical decision-making.

  • Q : Failure pattern and failure mode of machinery and plants....
    Other Management :

    Explain clearly the failure pattern and failure mode of machinery and plants? What do you understand by the term “Maintenance job planning”?

  • Q : Possible causes and effects of electric shock on a human....
    Other Management :

    Describe and discuss the possible causes and effects of electric shock on a human body. Explain and describe the three main kinds of electrical fault which may take place in a circuit.

  • Q : Main kinds of estimating methodology....
    Other Management :

    Accurate estimation is crucial for effective planning and control and is allocated with time, information, experience of estimator, methods employed and funding. Discuss and describe the three main

  • Q : Evaluating the consequences of alternative solutions....
    Other Management :

    Elaborate on the criteria employed for evaluating the consequences of alternative solutions to a problem in decision-making process.

  • Q : Encoding and retrieval failures-relevance of classical....
    Other Management :

    Demonstrate and discuss the relevance of Classical Conditioning in human beings with suitable instances where appropriate. How does forgetting involve encoding and retrieval failures? Describe this st

  • Q : Discuss the concept of the johari window....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate and discuss the concept of the Johari window and demonstrate with a diagram how it can enhance relationships between people in organisations.

  • Q : Principles of sustainable development....
    Other Management :

    Explain the 3 principles of sustainable development and discuss and explain how they interact with each other. Describe completely the Environment Coordination Committee.

  • Q : Objective and aim of risk management....
    Other Management :

    What is the objective and aim of risk management? Define and explain the Methodology of process approach in ISO 9000.

  • Q : Basic elements of the audit procedure....
    Other Management :

    Describe the basic elements of the audit procedure. Describe the different existing environmental policy instruments which will support the implementation of National Environment Policy (NEP 20

  • Q : Explaining challenges faced in implementation of crm....
    Other Management :

    Write down the challenges faced in Implementation of CRM? Describe in detail.Describe the scenario of   e - CRM in Call Centres.

  • Q : Personal growth and development of employees....
    Other Management :

    ‘Job design is significant to the personal growth and development of employees’. Explain, with instances, the different techniques for job design commonly employed by managers.

  • Q : Development of good risk management practice....
    Other Management :

    Management of risk principles are necessary for the development of good risk management practice. Discuss.

  • Q : Performance management approach....
    Other Management :

    The beekeeper established a bee performance management approach which measured how many flowers each bee visited. The beekeeper provided feedback to each bee at mid-season on his individual performa

  • Q : Sectional and promotional groups....
    Other Management :

    Make a distinction between sectional and promotional groups. Give instances to support your answer. What are the arguments in favour of and against CSR? Support your answer with instances.

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