• Q : Implementation of e-procurement in organization....
    Other Management :

    Discuss and illustrate out the main issues to be considered in implementation of e-procurement in organization. Discuss and illustrate out the essentials that a contract should satisfy in order to be

  • Q : Major roles of the project manager....
    Other Management :

    Identify and describe the major roles of the Project Manager with illustrations where necessary. Determine and illustrate out the different activities of strategic management procedure.

  • Q : Implication of cost of quality....
    Other Management :

    The quality cost system concept can be applied to enhance productivity. Discuss and illustrate out the implication of cost of quality for this fast food chain when expanding in a new market. Use app

  • Q : Factor of risk assessment....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate out the factors which should be considered while performing the risk assessment.

  • Q : Contents of health risk management checklist....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate out the contents of Health Risk Management checklist. Illustrate out the use of ‘Hani-Raafat risk calculator’ as a semi-quantitative tool for assessment of risks.

  • Q : Dissimilar approaches to organisation and management....
    Other Management :

    Which one of the dissimilar approaches to organisation and management would you choose as most relevant to analysis of a specific work situation in the tourism industry? Provide an assessment of the

  • Q : Requirements of managers and staff....
    Other Management :

    How far does the above proclamation apply to our local context? What steps must be taken to satisfy the requirements of managers and staff?

  • Q : Underlined concept of manager....
    Other Management :

    Choose any one of the underlined concept and illustrate out how as a manager use it to achieve your organisation’s objectives.

  • Q : Procedure of negotiation....
    Other Management :

    What suggestion would you give to corporate leaders in Negotiating with “Angry Publics”? How can the procedure of Negotiation be managed in your favour?

  • Q : Sales budgets and quotas....
    Other Management :

    What do you mean by the term Sales Budget? Describe in brief the main purpose of sales budget.

  • Q : Sales training programs....
    Other Management :

    What do you mean by the term training to salesman? Illustrate the main objectives of the sales training?

  • Q : Tools of monetary policy in the economy....
    Other Management :

    The function of the financial system is only to channel funds from the surplus units to deficit units. Discuss. Examine the tools of monetary policy in the economy.

  • Q : The sales organization....
    Other Management :

    As a manager of a firm selling toilet soaps, how will you organize your sales department?

  • Q : Rationale behind financial sector development....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate out the rationale behind financial sector development and liberalisation in developing economy like Mauritius.

  • Q : Concept of sales territory....
    Other Management :

    Describe the concept of sales territory. Why is it essential to divide the market into sales territories?

  • Q : Personal selling-sales activities and tasks....
    Other Management :

    What are the different elements of communication mix? Describe the significance of personal selling in the communication mix.

  • Q : Introduction to sales management....
    Other Management :

    Sales management is the core activity of the marketing. Critically analyze the significance of this statement.

  • Q : Predictive maintenance strategy....
    Other Management :

    In brief discuss and illustrate out the Predictive Maintenance strategy and list some of techniques employed for implementing in work environment.

  • Q : Operator involved maintenance....
    Other Management :

    Operator Involved Maintenance (OIM) is a standard industrial approach aimed at providing operators better understanding  or operations in industrial setting  to prevent problems.

  • Q : Upper limb disorders....
    Other Management :

    What do you understand by the term Upper Limb Disorders? Illustrate out the hazards to look for when conducting a manual handling assessment and suggest ways of decreasing the risk of injury.

  • Q : Planning phase of risk assessment....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate out the factors which should be considered throughout the planning phase of risk assessment.

  • Q : Concept of rainwater harvesting....
    Other Management :

    In brief illustrate the concept of rainwater harvesting and its opportunities in the Mauritius. Illustrate out the concept of water management plan and describe how it can be implemented in an organis

  • Q : Enterprise resource planning....
    Other Management :

    What do you understand by the phrase ‘Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)’? What are the three (3) areas of professional services that companies seek for, so as to execute ERP systems?

  • Q : Obligations of companies operating on global context....
    Other Management :

    Define good governance and illustrate out its significance in business context. Illustrate out the obligations of companies operating on global context to safeguard ethical trade.

  • Q : Ethical issues in corporate governance....
    Other Management :

    What are the individual and situational factors affecting ethical decision-making? Illustrate out the Ethical issues in Corporate Governance.

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