• Q : Hierarchy of needs proposed by abraham maslow....
    Other Management :

    By using the hierarchy of needs proposed by Abraham Maslow, discuss how he views the process of personal development. Use instances to support your answer.

  • Q : Horizontal consistency of goals....
    Other Management :

    Explain the following statement:  Horizontal consistency of goals is as significant as vertical consistency. As owner of local, independent supermarket explain and discuss how you would evaluate

  • Q : Criteria for market segmentation viability....
    Other Management :

    What are the reasons why retention enhances the impacts of Profitability? Name all the three Criteria for Market segmentation viability?

  • Q : Key cross-functional crm processes....
    Other Management :

    Research exhibits that there are five (5) key cross-functional CRM processes which need to be considered by most organizations. What are they?

  • Q : Decisional roles as projected by mintzberg....
    Other Management :

    Henry Mintzberg has put a lot of emphasis on decision making as an extremely aspect of managers’ job. In this context, explain and discuss the decisional roles as projected by Mintzberg.

  • Q : Role of managers with respect to business environment....
    Other Management :

    Explain and discuss the omnipotent and symbolic view of assessing the role of managers with respect to business environment.

  • Q : Effective communication in workplace....
    Other Management :

    Elaborate on four intercultural differences which might affect effective communication in the workplace and discuss the solutions which you would propose to overcome problems which may occur when co

  • Q : Usefulness in writing effective business messages....
    Other Management :

    Elaborate on its usefulness in the writing effective business messages. Discuss and illustrate the preparations that candidate invited for an interview to be made before attending an interview.

  • Q : Performance review and reward review....
    Other Management :

    Make a distinction between ‘performance review’ and ‘reward review’ in employment process. What impact do these reviews have on motivation in work place?

  • Q : Central theme of scientific management....
    Other Management :

    Discuss and illustrate the central theme of Scientific Management. Do you think that the scientific management improves productivity in the organization? Provide your arguments.

  • Q : Globalisation the role of the hrd....
    Other Management :

    In the era of globalisation the role of the HRD has evolved. Explain using instances. Evaluating HRD has a chief role to play in any program.  Discuss with the aid of examples.

  • Q : Process of the socialisation....
    Other Management :

    Compare the way Freud, Piaget and Mead explain the process of the Socialisation. Use examples in local context to critically examine the Social Conflict theorists’ assertion that the family ser

  • Q : Approach to staffing for international business....
    Other Management :

    Briefly outline the major rationale behind each approach to staffing for international business. What are the main merits and disadvantages of each approach?

  • Q : Sources of stress for entrepreneur....
    Other Management :

    Identify the various kinds of risks confronting the entrepreneur. Describe and discuss the sources of stress for entrepreneur and suggest ways to deal with them.

  • Q : Case study–planning to fail....
    Other Management :

    Three years ago, Alvin left the Polytechnic after being qualified as a mechanic. Encouraged by his friends and backed by his parents, he decided to open a small auto-mechanic workshop.

  • Q : Chief determinant of entrepreneurial activity....
    Other Management :

    “The existence as well as the quality of institutions is a chief determinant of entrepreneurial activity”. Discuss and explain this statement.

  • Q : Case study-rod-s delights....
    Other Management :

    Annie has just completed her undergraduate studies in Marketing. Unlike most of her friends, she is not looking for job in Mauritius. She wants to return to her native island, Rodrigues, and work fo

  • Q : Destination life cycle concept....
    Other Management :

    Using relevant instances to illustrate your arguments, critically inspect the destination life cycle concept and discuss how far the model can be employed as a tool for tourism planning and policy m

  • Q : Definitions of strategy from dissimilar thinkers....
    Other Management :

    Discuss two definitions of strategy from dissimilar thinkers/ authors. Define and recognize three different levels of strategy.

  • Q : Types of team in tqm environment....
    Other Management :

    There are various types of team in a TQM environment. You are needed to identify those teams and to comment on their particular characteristics.

  • Q : Different phases of group development....
    Other Management :

    Explain completely the different phases of group development. The significance of team work cannot be underestimated in today’s business organisations. Why is this so?

  • Q : Excessive exposure to hot working environment....
    Other Management :

    What are the heat-induced disorders which might result from excessive exposure to a hot working environment? How can we alleviate such health problems?

  • Q : Components of typical local exhaust ventilation system....
    Other Management :

    Name all five components of a typical local exhaust ventilation system and their respective functions. Briefly describe the two main cold-induced illnesses that employees may suffer from when working

  • Q : Contents of a training programme for cashiers....
    Other Management :

    Outline and describe the contents of a training programme for cashiers in view to limit the severity and risk of musculoskeletal disorders.

  • Q : What are the challenges facing public sector....
    Other Management :

    Giving appropriate instances, describe what are the challenges facing public sector and how they impact on human resources management?

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