• Q : Calculate the torsional spring stiffness constant....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Calculate the torsional spring stiffness constant for a steel shaft 0.5" in diameter and 2.5 ft long.Express your result in lbf/rad, and in ft/deg.

  • Q : The mesh current method....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Apply the mesh current method to the network of figure 4-33 and write the matrix equation by inspection. Obtain current I1 by expanding the numerator determinant about the column containing the

  • Q : Estimate the worst case variation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A wafer 100mm in diameter is mounted in an electron-beam evaporation system in which spherical radius is 40cm.Estimate the worst case variation in film thickness between the center and edges of

  • Q : Design the combinational logic circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design the combinational logic circuit for an elevator controller such that the option to go up or down by only one floor is disabled. Assume that the building the elevator is in has 4 floors. Y

  • Q : Write the logic equation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Professor Patt is trying to decide when he should shave his beard. Your job is to design a logic circuit whose output Y is equal to 1 when Professor Patt should shave his beard, and 0 when he sho

  • Q : The symbol table on the right....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Using the symbol table on the right, show the LC-3 assembly language generated by a non- optimizing C compiler for each of the following C statements. (Note: "Non-optimizing" means that all variab

  • Q : A positive charge of magnitude....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A positive charge of magnitude q1 lies at the origin. Derive an expression for the incremental work done in moving a second point charge q2 through a distance dx from the starting position (x, y

  • Q : A sphere of radius a has a bound charge....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A sphere of radius a has a bound charge of Q distributed uniformly over it. The sphere is surrounded by a uniform fluid dielectric medium of permittivity .The fluid contains a free charge density g

  • Q : Find the expected value of the net reward....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Suppose a fair coin is tossed n times. Each coin toss costs 'd' dollars and the reward in obtaining 'X' heads is aX^2 + bX. Find the expected value of the net reward.

  • Q : What are the spreading codes....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Depicts a simplified scheme for CDMA encoding and decoding. There are seven logical channels,all using DSSS with a spreading code of 7 bits. Assume that all sources are synchronized. If all seven so

  • Q : How do you find the calculus....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How do you find the calculus, the derivative and integral of a sinewave?How do you show that a triangle wave can be obtained from a square?What is the inverse of dSQ/dt?

  • Q : The battery in his calculator died....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Ohn "explains" to Jasmine, after the battery in his calculator died, that a 9 Volt battery can be used to charge a 1.5 Volt battery simply by connecting their negative terminals together and con

  • Q : The potential and electric feild distrivution....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The upper and lower conducting pltes of a large parallel plate capacitor are separeted by distance d and maintanied at potentials V0 and 0 respectively. a dilectric slab of dielectric constant 6.

  • Q : A discrete memoryless source has a symbol alphabet....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A discrete memoryless source has a symbol alphabet of |A| = 10. Determine the upper and lower bounds on its entropy?

  • Q : Discrete memoryless source has a symbol alphabet....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A dishonest gambler has a loaded die which turns up the number 1 with probability 2/3 and the numbers 2 to 6 with probability 1/15 each. Unfortunately, he left his loaded die in a box with two hon

  • Q : Find the normal force exerted by the pavement....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A curve of radius 159 m is banked at an angle of 11°. An 810-kg car negotiates the curve at 93 km/h without skidding. Neglect the effects of air drag and rolling friction. Find the normal fo

  • Q : A series combination of a capacitor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What is the impedance of a resistor R in parallel with a series combination of a capacitor C and an inductor L? Assume angular frequency omega(w).

  • Q : The most probable electron energy....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Show that the most probable electron energy in the conduction band of a semiconductor is (kT)/2 above the bottom of the band (assume that the Fermi level is several kT below the conduction band)

  • Q : What power is being delivered....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The current i = 2t2 - 1 A, 1≤ t ≤ 3 s, is flowing through a certain circuit element. (a) If the element is a 4 H inductor, what energy is delivered to it in the given time interval? (b) If th

  • Q : Binary decimal decoders....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Use as few 3×8 binary-decimal decoders and 3-input NOR gates as possible to implement a BCD Squaring circuit. That is, it accepts a BCD digit, X (in 4-bit binary form) as input to produce

  • Q : The company or experiments....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Imagine you are advising a company that owns a large database and has customers distributed across the USA. The company wants to give its customers the lowest possible latency when accessing its

  • Q : A database from its current location....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Suppose you want to move a database from its current location to a new location (and computer) that is three hours driving time away. The data has been copied on to 50 DVDs, each containing 4.7G

  • Q : The donor concentration in a silicon....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The donor concentration in a silicon sample at 300K is ND = 1.2 x 1015 cm-3. 1 x 1016 cm-3 acceptor atoms are added to form a compensated p-type semiconductor so that the Fermi level is 0.26 eV

  • Q : Determine the instantaneous power absorbed....
    Electrical Engineering :

    RC ciruit= Current course (3u(-t) A) in parrallel to 6k ohm resistor and 5uF cap. Determine the instantaneous power absorbed by the resistor at t=(0); 30ms; and 90ms?

  • Q : How do you write kirchhoff''s voltage law....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How do you write Kirchhoff's voltage law equation for a circuit.How do you write flow rate equations for a fluid tank system.What is the exact form of the step response of a 1st-order differential

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