• Q : Calculate the total power received....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Calculate the total power received at Rx if the power being transmitted is 20W, the distance for transmission is 5KM and the signal gain per kilometer is -0.2dB. Given that the transmitter has a

  • Q : Number of students are answering a questionnaire....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A number of students are answering a questionnaire form that has 55 questions. Answer to each question is given as an integer number ranging from 0 to 5. Write a C or C++ program that first reads

  • Q : Display the location number on the screen....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Temperature measurements are done in a room in five different locations during a week (seven days) once a day. Write a program that first reads the five temperature values measured in the first

  • Q : An electron and a photon travling....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An electron and a photon travling in a vacuum have the same value for energy, but the wavelength of the photon is 100 times the wavelength of the electron. What is the value of their common energ

  • Q : Cubic crystal structure of lattice....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For a unit cell of zinc blende cubic crystal structure of lattice constant "a" find:the distance between the nearest neighboring atoms in terms of the lattice constant, and if each attom is allowe

  • Q : Using the time independent one dimensional schrodinger....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Using the time independent one dimensional Schrodinger equation, find the expression of the allowed energy levels for an electron in infinite potential well of width Δz= L (i.e. solve the

  • Q : Property of materials find the density....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Property of Materials Find the density for germanium (Ge) semiconductor atoms give that its lattice constant a-5.66Å (Angstrom) and atomic weight is 72.59 g/mole.

  • Q : The input audio frequency range....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The input audio frequency range is f 0, 3.5] kHz.The ADC operates at the programmable sample rate of fs = n8kHz, n an integer.c) You decide to place an ideal analog lowpass anti-aliasing filter

  • Q : The ends of a length of wire are labeleda....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The ends of a length of wire are labeleda and b. If the current in the wire is iab = -3A, are electrons moving toward a or b? How much charge passes through a cross section of the wire in 3 sec

  • Q : Consider a three slab geometry....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider a three slab geometry, where each slab carries a uniform charge density and has equal width W in the z direction and in?nite extent in x and y directions. In slab 1, extending over W <

  • Q : The current is due to free electrons....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A curemt of 1600A exists in a recatangular (0.4 by 16cm) bus bar. The current is due to free electrons moving through the at an avg velocity V m/s. If the concentration of free electrons is 10^29

  • Q : The force between the wire....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Two such wires are connected to the load. The wires run parallel to each other with a separation of 1mm. The second wire carries the return current. If the current flowing is again 13A DC, estim

  • Q : Electronics students are discussing electrical units....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Two electronics students are discussing electrical units. Student A says that electrical power is measured in units called coulombs. Student B says that the abbreviation 400 k stands for 400,000

  • Q : An electric oven operates....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An electric oven operates at 120V. If its power rating is 0.6kW, what amount of current does it draw, and how much energy does it consume in 12 minutes of operation?

  • Q : What is the magnitude and direction....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A certain cross section lies in the x-y plane. If 3x10^20 electrons go through the cross section in the z-direction in 4 seconds, and simultaneously 1.5x10^20 protons go through the same cross s

  • Q : Generate and plot the response....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a MATLAB function, fcosine, which will generate the values from a finite-length sinusoid A cos for n1≤ n ≤ nf. The function will need a total of five input arguments: A, ?0, ?, n1, and

  • Q : A continuous-time signal....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A continuous-time signal x(t) = cos(φ(t)), where φ(t) = ω0 + sin(ω0t), is to be sampled at a rate fs.What is the system's Nyquist sample rate if ω0 = 1000/(2π) rad/sec.?

  • Q : What the process engineer....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What the process engineer really wants is to have 95% of the Boron just below the oxide. However there is an oxide thickness and tolerance of 110nm +- 4nm. Also, there is an implanter voltage reduct

  • Q : What implant energy is necessary....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Standard implant problem: a) What implant energy is necessary to make a Boron implant through a 110nm layer of gate oxide if the peak of the implant is supposed to be at the SiO2 surface? b) Sketch

  • Q : Applying the bandpass sampling theorem....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Applying the bandpass sampling theorem to a signal of bandwidth W around a certain frequency f0, what happens to the minimum required fs when the bandwidth is shrunk to zero? Explain the result.

  • Q : Discuss how with corporate backing....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Discuss how, with corporate backing, engineers who subscribe to fred cuny's ideas about effective disaster relief in his disasters and development (oxford university press,1983) might approach t

  • Q : A detailed gate level schematic diagram....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Use as few 3×8 binary-decimal decoders and 3-input NOR gates as possible to implement a BCD Squaring circuit. That is, it accepts a BCD digit, X (in 4-bit binary form) as input to produce

  • Q : A large database and has customers distributed....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Imagine you are advising a company that owns a large database and has customers distributed across the USA. The company wants to give its customers the lowest possible latency when accessing its

  • Q : A database from its current location....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Suppose you want to move a database from its current location to a new location (and computer) that is three hours driving time away. The data has been copied on to 50 DVDs, each containing 4.7G

  • Q : How can you build a selective gate....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How can you build a Selective Gate? Using a presettable divide-by-N counter and a gating circuit that will gate the clock pulses from the clock. It should let three pulses pass and than block t

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