• Q : The user is over or under budget....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a program that asks the user to enter the amount that he or she has budgeted for a month. A loop should then prompt the user to enter each of his or her expenses for the month, and keep a

  • Q : A two element array of isotropic antennas....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A two element array of isotropic antennas to be used to get maximum radiation and a null in opposite directions along the array axis.find the required phase difference and the distance between t

  • Q : The plates of a parallel plates capacitor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The plates of a parallel plates capacitor are 5mm apart and2m2 in area,the plates are in a vacum.a potential difference of 10000 volts is applied across the capacitor.calculate.(1)the capacitanc

  • Q : Develop a c++ program....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Drivers are concerned with the mileage obtained by their cars. One driver has kept track of several tankful of gasoline by recording miles driven and gallons used for each tankful. Develop a c++

  • Q : Impulse response of the systems....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider the following systems described by their difference equation. Find the transfer function and impulse response of the systems

  • Q : The charge remain on the insulator....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Suppose I have a charge on an insulator. If I touch it to a conductor, what happens? (Since charge doesn't flow on insulators, does the charge remain on the insulator? Is some of the charge tran

  • Q : Create a ladder program to control a washing machine....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Create a ladder program to control a washing machine. This washing machine would have a fill cycle to one level, a 10 second wash cycle, a 10 second rinse cycle and then drain. Include a start bu

  • Q : The resistance of each conductor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You run a 50ft extension cord to a load. The resistance of each conductor in the cord is 0.05Ω /foot. If the load were directly connected to the source voltage of 120V it would draw 10A.

  • Q : The voltages and currents directions....
    Electrical Engineering :

    I want to know if the equations I derived are correct ? and if they are not correct what is the correct equations for the 2 modes of operation. I need the circuit to be drawn ( with the voltages

  • Q : Several small wires conducting electricity....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Is it better to have several small wires conducting electricity or one big wire of the same cross section or better to have it the other way around? WHY?

  • Q : Reference the textbook problem....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Reference the textbook problem 4.8. The RTD of Problem 4.7 is used in the bridge circuit of Figure 4.4. If R1 = R2 = R3 = 100Ω and the supply voltage is 10.0 V, calculate the voltage the d

  • Q : Create a partial truth table....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Create a partial truth table showing the requirements for a seven-segment decoder to output a hexadecimal digit. This requires four input bits and six output states, A - F. For each output state

  • Q : Does the speedwire wiring system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Does the SpeedWire wiring system still exist? I see many references to it at the Course Hero site, but none in Bicc Vero catalog info.

  • Q : Lenth and cables....
    Electrical Engineering :

    If 16mm copper cables were replaced with aluminium cables capable of carrying the same current, what is the resistance and dimentions of each cable, and the total weight saving? There are six ca

  • Q : What value of capacitance....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A series cct comprises of L=159mH and R=10ohm and a variable C connected to 5mV sinusoidal supply F=1mHz.what value of capacitance will result in resonance condition and the dynamic impedance,the

  • Q : Construct the state diagram....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Construct the state diagram and primitive flow table for an asynchronous network that has input and output. The input sequence X1X2=00, 01, and 11 causes the output to become 1. The next change

  • Q : The switch has been open for along time....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The switch has been open for along time .at t=0the switch is closed .find the differential equation for capacitor voltage and initial condition vc(0). find vo(t) using laplace transformation for

  • Q : Explain further why i cant have the audio on the outputs....
    Electrical Engineering :

    I used the circuit same as on the datasheet CS6422. But in my case I did not use any of the control pins (DATA,STROBE,DRDY,RSET) instead I put pull up resistor for RSET (50K from 5VDC). From the

  • Q : Write down the matlab code....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write down the matlab code for KNN classification. Instead of distance between your data points,use cosine similarity between them and choose the k closest(i.e.maximum cosine similarity)points.

  • Q : What effect does the capacitor bank....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Star-connected capacitor bank is used to correct this power factor to 0.95 lagging. star-connected capacitor bank to correct this power factor to 0.95 lagging. What effect does the capacitor bank

  • Q : What in your definition a smart electric grid....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Many hoped an investment by the current administration in clean energy would improve our electric grids and create the so called 'smart' electric grids that will increase the efficiency and opera

  • Q : Two critical security gaps....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Pick two specific energy assets such as a specific power plant, natural gas processing plant, oil tanker, oil production platform, transmission system etc. Provide the exact name, location, addre

  • Q : The standards and programs in place....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In spite of the standards and programs in place for US electric infrastructure, such as the INEEL, NERC programs it appears that in early April, 2009, our grid was penetrated (and compromised)

  • Q : The phase angle....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider a coil which has a resistance of 0.314Ω and an inductance of 0.002 H being supplied by 240 Vrms, 50 Hz AC source. By finding the phase angle first, find the power factor.

  • Q : How does intel architecture....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How does Intel's architecture differ from MiPS?four processor examples of the above differences between the following register architectures;accumulator, stack and general purpose. in which situatio

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