• Q : What is its maximum profit on the ice....
    Physics :

    Suppose water costs 0.56 cents per kg, and energy costs 10 cents per kWh. If the market charges 99 cents for 2.3 kg of ice, what is its maximum profit on the ice? Express your answer to the nearest

  • Q : By how much is the mechanical energy....
    Physics :

    From the launch to the return to the ground, by how much is the mechanical energy of the skier-Earth system reduced because of air drag?

  • Q : Speed of the large cart after the collision....
    Physics :

    A small, 300 {rm g} cart is moving at 1.60 {rm m/s} on an air track when it collides with a larger, 3.00 {rm kg} cart at rest. After the collision, the small cart recoils at 0.890 {rm m/s}. What is

  • Q : Determine magnitude of the acceleration of the chair....
    Physics :

    A 8.1 kg chair is pushed across a frictionless floor with a force of 42 N that is applied at an angle of 22° downward from the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the chair

  • Q : Determine how fast is the bag moving when the bullet exits....
    Physics :

    A 35.0-g bullet moving at 475 m/s strikes a 5.0-kg bag of flour that is on ice, at rest. The bullet passes through the bag, leaving at 295 m/s. How fast is the bag moving when the bullet exits?

  • Q : Ratio of the radius of the aluminum sphere....
    Physics :

    A uniform lead sphere and a uniform aluminum sphere have the same mass. What is the ratio of the radius of the aluminum sphere to the radius of the lead sphere?

  • Q : How fast is the spaceship traveling....
    Physics :

    A spaceship is coming directly toward you while you are in the international space station. you are told that the spaceship is shining sodium light. you have an apparatus that an resolve two closel

  • Q : Calculate the charge on the plates....
    Physics :

    Calculate the charge on the plates when t=0.500 u_s (mu sub s and find the electric field between the plates when t=0.500 u_s.

  • Q : What common temperature must they have in order....
    Physics :

    A steel ball bearing is 4 cm in diameter at 27C. A bronze plate has a hole that is 3.997 cm in diameter at 27C. What common temperature must they have in order for the ball to just squeeze throug

  • Q : What is the safe''s coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    Bonnie and Clyde are sliding 380 bank safe across the floor to their getaway car. The safe slides with a constant speed if Clyde pushes from behind with 420 of force while Bonnie pulls forward on a

  • Q : Gibbs energy of the ideal gas....
    Physics :

    Start with the ideal gas partition function and show that the Helmholtz energy for the ideal gas is not proportional to N, whereas the Gibbs energy of the ideal gas is.

  • Q : Electrical charge-current and voltage....
    Physics :

    Define and discuss the following: electrical charge, current, and voltage. What are the units of measurement of each?

  • Q : What is the minimum value of f....
    Physics :

    A 3.0-{rm kg} block sits on top of a 5.0-{rm kg} block which is on a horizontal surface. The 5.0-{rm kg} block is pulled to the right with a force vec F as shown in the figure . The coefficient of

  • Q : Sound wave travels through a pregnant womans abdomen....
    Physics :

    A 2.20- sound wave travels through a pregnant woman's abdomen and is reflected from the fetal heart wall of her unborn baby. The heart wall is moving toward the sound receiver as the heart beats. T

  • Q : What were the work done by the worker''s force....
    Physics :

    If the coefficient of kinetic friction between block and floor was 0.19, what were (a) the work done by the worker's force and (b) the increase in thermal energy of the block-floor system?

  • Q : Find the conduction rate through the slab....
    Physics :

    Consider the slab shown in Figure 18-18. Suppose that L = 26.0 cm, A = 93.0 cm2, and the material is copper. If TH = 120°C, TC = 13.0°C, and a steady state is reached, find the conduction r

  • Q : Finding the magnitude of the horizontal component....
    Physics :

    A jetliner is moving at a speed of 216 m/s. The vertical component of the plane's velocity is 79.7 m/s. Determine the magnitude of the horizontal component of the plane's velocity.

  • Q : Computing the acceleration of the crate....
    Physics :

    To move a large crate of mass 30.5 kg across a rough floor, you push on it with a force at an an angle of = 22.3° below the horizontal, as shown in the figure below. Calculate the acceleration

  • Q : What is the reading on each of the scales....
    Physics :

    A 58 kg woman stands on a very light, rigid board that rests on a bathroom scale at each end. What is the reading on each of the scales?

  • Q : Find the acceleration of the block....
    Physics :

    A 3.00-kg block starts from rest at the top of a 28.5° incline and slides 2.00 m down the incline in 1.20 s. (a) Find the acceleration of the block.

  • Q : Constant acceleration of cheetah....
    Physics :

    A cheetah is hunting. Its prey runs for 3.4 s at a constant velocity of +9.3 m/s. Starting from rest, what constant acceleration must the cheetah maintain in order to run the same distance as its p

  • Q : What is the grocery carts final speed in joules....
    Physics :

    A 106.0 N grocery cart is pushed 12.0 m along an aisle by a shopper who exerts a constant horizontal force of 40.0 N. If all frictional forces are neglected and the cart starts from rest, what is t

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the average force....
    Physics :

    A 691 g ball strikes a wall at 12.5 m/s and rebounds at 13.5 m/s. The ball is in contact with the wall for 0.035 s. What is the magnitude of the average force acting on the ball during the collision

  • Q : Block of cement when pulled sideways....
    Physics :

    What is the acceleration of a 59 kg block of cement when pulled sideways with a net force of 279 N?

  • Q : Determine the speed just before hitting the net....
    Physics :

    A person of mass 89.7 kg escapes from a burning building by jumping from a window situated 27.5 m above a catching net. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . If air resistance exerts a force of

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