• Q : Acceleration on the rough ice....
    Physics :

    A speed skater moving across frictionless ice at 10 m/s hits a 5 m wide patch of rough ice. She slows steadily, then continues on at 5.8 m/s. What is her acceleration on the rough ice?

  • Q : Length of a bicycle being ridden....
    Physics :

    Suppose the speed of light in a vacuum were only 25.0 mi/h. Find the length of a bicycle being ridden at a speed of 20.0 mi/h as measured by an observer sitting on a park bench, given that its prope

  • Q : Resistivity of the cell membrane....
    Physics :

    What is the time constant of a 9.5 -thick membrane surrounding a 4.0×10-2 diameter spherical cell? Assume the resistivity of the cell membrane as and the dielectric constant is approximately

  • Q : Enforcement officer in an intergalactic....
    Physics :

    A law enforcement officer in an intergalactic "police car" turns on a red flashing light and sees it generate a flash every 1.5 s. A person on earth measures that the time between flashes is 2.5 s.

  • Q : Determine the distance d....
    Physics :

    A spotlight on a boat is y = 2.1 m above the water, and the light strikes the water at a point that is x = 7.4 m horizontally displaced from the spotlight (see the drawing). The depth of the water i

  • Q : What mass would have to be....
    Physics :

    a uniform meterstick pivoted at its center has a 100-gram masssuspended at the 25.0 cm position? (a.)at what position should a 75.0 gram mass be suspended to put the system in equilibrium?(b.)what m

  • Q : Coefficient of static friction between the chair and floor....
    Physics :

    A 20 kg chair initially at rest on a horizontal floor requires a 376 N horizontal force to set it in motion. Once the chair is in motion, a 339 N horizontal force keeps it moving at a constant veloc

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the force exerted....
    Physics :

    A roller coaster is towed up an incline at a steady speed of 0.50 m/s by a chain parallel to the surface of the incline. The slope is 3.0 %, which means that the elevation increases by 3.0 m for eve

  • Q : What is the angular width of the beam....
    Physics :

    A beam of parallel rays from a 29 MHz citizen's band radio transmitter passes between two electrically conducting (hence opaque to radio waves) buildings located 45 m apart. What is the angular wid

  • Q : Computing damped oscillations to initial amplitude....
    Physics :

    For a damped oscillator with a mass of 210 g, a spring constant 61 N/m and a damping coefficient of 59 g/s, what is the ratio of the amplitude of the damped oscillations to the initial amplitude at

  • Q : What is the change in the gravitational potential energy....
    Physics :

    What is the change in the gravitational potential energy of a Boeing 767 jet as it soars from the runway up to a cruising altitude of 10.2 km? Assume its mass is a constant 2.04×10^5 kg.

  • Q : Compute the magnitude of the field....
    Physics :

    A proton moves perpendicularly to a uniform magnetic field B with a speed of 1 × 107 m/s and experiences an acceleration of 4.8 × 1013 m/s2 in the positive x direction when its velocity

  • Q : Skateboarder at the bottom of the ramp....
    Physics :

    A 61 kg skateboarder is moving down a ramp with a 7.0 m radius of curvature. At the bottom of this ramp he reaches a speed of 7.8 m s. What upward force acts on the skateboarder at the bottom of th

  • Q : Determine the tangential acceleration of a bug....
    Physics :

    What is the tangential acceleration of a bug on the rim of a 11.0-in.-diameter disk if the disk accelerates uniformly from rest to an angular speed of 79.0 rev/min in 3.60 s? One second after the bu

  • Q : Order-of-magnitude estimate....
    Physics :

    Make an order-of-magnitude estimate of the number of revolutions through which a typical automobile tire turns in 1 yr. State the quantities you measure or estimate and their values. (Estimate the

  • Q : Eastward component of vector....
    Physics :

    A displacement vector is 53.0 m in length and is directed 33.0o east of north. What is the northward component of this vector? What is the eastward component of this vector?

  • Q : What is the direction of the third force....
    Physics :

    An object in equilibrium has three forces ex- erted on it. A(n) 31 N force acts at 79.6?, and a(n) 53 N force acts at 57.6?. What is the direction of the third force? (Consider all angles to be mea

  • Q : Calculate the number of lines per centimeter on the grating....
    Physics :

    The yellow light from a helium discharge tube has a wavelength of 587.5 . When this light illuminates a certain diffraction grating it produces a first-order principal maximum at an angle of 1.050.

  • Q : Magnitude of the normal force exerted by the bottom block....
    Physics :

    Three blocks are arranged in a stack on a frictionless horizontal surface. The bottom block has a mass of 37.0 kg. A block of mass 18.0 kg sits on top of it and a 28.0 kg block sits on top of the m

  • Q : Launch pad with an upward acceleration....
    Physics :

    A rocket blasts off vertically from rest on the launch pad with an upward acceleration of 2.30 . At 10.0 after blastoff, the engines suddenly fail, which means that the force they produce instantly

  • Q : What is the friction force that acts on him....
    Physics :

    A firefighter of mass 69 kg slides down a vertical pole with an acceleration of 3 m/s2. The acceleration of gravity is 10 m/s2 . What is the friction force that acts on him?

  • Q : Maximum coefficient of performance....
    Physics :

    Carnot engine operated "in reverse" as a heat pump achieves the maximum coefficient of performance. A Carnot heat pump operates to warm a house, where the outside temperature is 12°C and the ins

  • Q : Find the minimum coefficient of friction....
    Physics :

    A penny is placed at the outer edge of a disk (radius = 0.150 m) that rotates about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the disk at its center. The period of the rotation is 1.80 s. Find the mini

  • Q : What is the speed final of the electron....
    Physics :

    Two stationary positive point charges, charge 1 of magnitude 3.10 nC and charge 2 of magnitude 1.74 nC, are separated by a distance of 36.0 cm. An electron is released from rest at the point midway

  • Q : What is the percent efficiency of the engine....
    Physics :

    During one engine cycle, a lawnmower engine does 55.2 J of net work. In the process, it expels 153 J of energy as heat. What is the percent efficiency of the engine?

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