• Q : Voltmeter read across the second capacitor....
    Physics :

    Suppose after charging a 4.8 μF capacitor to 5 V, you connect it to the second uncharged capacitor of 13 μF. What voltage will your voltmeter read across the second capacitor after repeating

  • Q : Determine the speed of the faster spaceship....
    Physics :

    The proper length of one spaceship is 2.8 times that of another. The two spaceships are traveling in the same direction and, while both are passing overhead, an Earth observer measures the two spac

  • Q : Find the magnitude and direction of rocket acceleration....
    Physics :

    A rocket of mass 3.18 × 105 kg is in flight near earth's surface. Its thrust is directed at an angle of 62.2 ° above the horizontal and has a magnitude of 7.40 × 106 N. Find the (a)

  • Q : What is x-coordinate, at which the electric potential +600 v....
    Physics :

    The center plane at x = 0.0 m is an equipotential surface on which V = 0. An electron is projected from x = 0.0 m, with an initial kinetic energy K = 300 eV, in the positive x-direction. what is the

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the particle....
    Physics :

    An 8.00 {rm kg} point mass and a 15.0 {rm kg} point mass are held in place 50.0 {rm cm} apart. A particle of mass m is released from a point between the two masses 20.0 {rm cm} from the 8.00 {rm kg

  • Q : Appropriate calculation for the power....
    Physics :

    You are worried about the heat generated by the device with the 20 ohm resistance since it will be located next to a sensitive low temperature experiment so you do the appropriate calculation for th

  • Q : What is the magnetic field in that region of space....
    Physics :

    A cosmic-ray proton in interstellar space has an energy of 18.0 MeV and executes a circular orbit having a radius equal to that of Earth's orbit around the Sun (1.50 1011 m). What is the magnetic fi

  • Q : Shape of a uniform solid disk....
    Physics :

    A 12.0-{rm kg} box resting on a horizontal, frictionless surface is attached to a 5.00-{rm kg} weight by a thin, light wire that passes over a frictionless pulley (the figure ). The pulley has the

  • Q : What is the force on the ball....
    Physics :

    A 15 kg baseball is thrown upward with an initial speed of 20 m/s. What is the force on the ball when it reaches half of its maximum height?

  • Q : Calculate the force required to produce aceleration....
    Physics :

    An object of mass 300kg is observed to accelerate at the rate of 4m/s^2. Calculate the force required to produce this aceleration.

  • Q : Estimate the tension in the rope....
    Physics :

    A gymnast of mass 69.0 kg hangs from a vertical rope attached to the ceiling. You can ignore the weight of the rope and assume that the rope does not stretch. Use the value 9.81 for the acceleratio

  • Q : How much charge does the battery supply to each plate....
    Physics :

    An AA battery is connected to a parallel-plate capacitor having 4.0-cm-diameter plates spaced 2 mm apart. How much charge does the battery supply to each plate?

  • Q : How much work per cycle is required to operate refrigrator....
    Physics :

    In each cycle of its operation, a refrigerator removes 10 J of heat from the inside of the refrigerator and releases 38 J of heat into the room. How much work per cycle is required to operate this r

  • Q : Field size dependence factor....
    Physics :

    The air dose calibration factor - ADR is 112.6 cGy/min at 80 cm for 10×10 cm2 field, and the field size dependence factor for 6×12 cm2 field is 0.995. The arm is 9 cm in diameter. The is

  • Q : Barbell rotates clockwise about its own center....
    Physics :

    A barbell consists of two small balls, each with mass 500 grams (0.50 kg), at the ends of a very low mass rod of length d = 45 cm (0.45 m). The center of the barbell is mounted on the end of a low m

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the impulse....
    Physics :

    Car w/ mass os 1536 kg collides w/ wall and bounces back off the wall. The initial and final speeds are 12 m/s and 1.6 m/s. Collision lasted for .19 s, Find the magnitude of the impulse

  • Q : Find individual masses....
    Physics :

    Two objects attract each other gravitationally with a force of 3.1 * 10-10 N when they are 0.55 m apart. Their total mass is 4.4 kg. Find their individual masses.

  • Q : New pressure of the air in the chamber....
    Physics :

    A bicycle pump contains air at STP. As the tire is pumped up, the volume of air decreases by 46 percent with each stroke. What is the new pressure of the air in the chamber after the first stroke,

  • Q : Determining the particle initial velocity....
    Physics :

    A particle has an acceleration of" +5.24 m/s2 for 0.300 s. At the end of this time the particle's velocity is +9.41 m/s. What was the particle's initial velocity?

  • Q : What is the astronaut''s tangential acceleration....
    Physics :

    Astronauts use a centrifuge to simulate the acceleration of a rocket launch. The centrifuge takes 40.0 s to speed up from rest to its top speed of 1 rotation every 1.30 s. The astronaut is strapped

  • Q : Determine the total viscous drag force....
    Physics :

    The boundary-layer velocity profile is approximated as parabolic. Determine the total viscous drag force on the plate assuming that the pressure drag is negligible.

  • Q : What is the magnitude of n at the lowest point....
    Physics :

    A student of weight 672 N rides a steadily rotating Ferris wheel (the student sits upright). At the highest point, the magnitude of the normal force N on the student from the seat is 559 N. (a) What

  • Q : Components of the submarine displacement....
    Physics :

    A submarine dives 100.0 m at an angle of 9.0° below the horizontal. What are the horizontal and vertical components of the submarine's displacement?

  • Q : What is the ?nal velocity of the two-vehicle mass....
    Physics :

    A 1500 kg car traveling at 15.4 m/s to the south collides with a 6400 kg truck that is initially at rest at a stoplight. The car and truck stick together and move together after the collision. What

  • Q : How far below the mirror surface is the image of the bulb....
    Physics :

    small lightbulb suspended at distance y2 = 1.57 m above the surface of the water in a swimming pool where the water depth is y1 = 1.57 m. The bottom of the pool is a large mirror. How far below the

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