• Q : Arrangements is placed between the hot and cold objects....
    Physics :

    Two objects are maintained at constant temperatures, one hot and one cold. Two identical bars can be attached end to end, as in part a of the drawing, or one on top of the other, as in part b. When

  • Q : Clockwise direction to be the negative direction....
    Physics :

    Taking the clockwise direction to be the negative direction, what is (a) the net torque produced by the two forces and (b) the angular acceleration of the disk?

  • Q : Acceleration due to gravity on planet....
    Physics :

    Inside a starship at rest on the earth, a ball rolls off the top of a horizontal table and lands a distance from the foot of the table. This starship now lands on the unexplored Planet X. The comma

  • Q : Car brakes with constant acceleration....
    Physics :

    You are driving to the grocery store at 19. You are 130 from an intersection when the traffic light turns red. Assume that your reaction time is 0.77 and that your car brakes with constant accelerat

  • Q : Neglect energy exchanges with the environment....
    Physics :

    Treat the coffee as though it were pure water and neglect energy exchanges with the environment. The specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg·K. The latent heat of fusion is 333 kJ/kg. The density

  • Q : Vector combinations on basis of angle....
    Physics :

    Rank the vector combinations on the basis of their angle, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis. Vectors parallel to the positive x axis have an angle of 0. All angle measures fall bet

  • Q : What is the longest wavelength of light....
    Physics :

    A quantum simple harmonic oscillator consists of an electron bound by a restoring force proportional to its position relative to a certain equilibrium point. The proportionality constant is 8.99N/m

  • Q : How much later does it hit the ground....
    Physics :

    A football is kicked at ground level with a speed of 10.0 m/s at an angle of 31.0° to the horizontal. How much later does it hit the ground?

  • Q : Determinethe magnitude of the friction force....
    Physics :

    A uniform ladder 15 ft long is leaning against a frictionless wall at an angle of 53° above the horizontal. The weight of the ladder is 30 pounds. A 75-lb boy climbs 6.0-ft up the ladder. What

  • Q : What is the mass of an ice cube....
    Physics :

    Your 300 cup of coffee is too hot to drink when served at 93. What is the mass of an ice cube, taken from a -17 freezer, that will cool your coffee to a pleasant 56

  • Q : What is the minimum force the nurse needs....
    Physics :

    A 1.0mL syringe has an inner diameter of 6.0mm , a needle inner diameter of 0.29mm , and a plunger pad diameter (where you place your finger) of 1.2cm . A nurse uses the syringe to inject medicine i

  • Q : What is the magnitude of fa....
    Physics :

    A constant horizontal force Fa pushes a 3.70 kg FedEx package across a frictionless floor on which an xy coordinate system has been drawn. The figure below gives the package's x and y velocity compo

  • Q : What should be the spring constant of a spring....
    Physics :

    What should be the spring constant of a spring designed to bring a 1500 car to rest from a speed of 80 so that the occupants undergo a maximum acceleration of 5.0?

  • Q : Find the density of the object....
    Physics :

    An object weighs 317 N in air. When tied to a string, connected to a balance, and immersed in water, it weighs 264 N. When it is immersed in oil, it weighs 268 N. Find the density of the object.

  • Q : How long will it take the bee to travel to the ?ower....
    Physics :

    A bee ?ies to a ?ower 538 m due south of its hive. The bee's speed in still air is 0.75 m/s, and there is a wind blowing toward the south at 0.2 m/s. How long will it take the bee to travel to the

  • Q : What is the electric potential energy u....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.05 mu C, are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.700 m. What is the electric potential energy U of the system?

  • Q : What is the upward acceleration of the airplane....
    Physics :

    The density of the air is 1.29kg/m3, the mass of the airplane is 1x10^5, and each wing has an area of 26.0m2? what is the upward acceleration of the airplane due to Bernoulli effect?

  • Q : How far does the muon travel before coming to rest....
    Physics :

    A muon (an elementary particle) is shot with initial speed 5.20x10^6 m/s into a region where an electric field produces an acceleration of 1.30x10^14 m/s^2 directed opposite to the initial velocity

  • Q : Coefficient of static friction between the wall....
    Physics :

    A popular ride at an amusement park involves standing in a cylindrical room. The room rotates and the wall presses against the rider as the floor drops down until the rider is no longer touching it.

  • Q : Frictionless surface with initial velocity....
    Physics :

    An ice block is pushed horizontally on a frictionless surface with initial velocity v0. At some point, it comes to a nearly semicircular bump with a radius R=0.42m and a height h=0.33m above the gro

  • Q : What is the work done on the disk by the spring....
    Physics :

    which stretches the spring by 4 cm. Note: Friction is negligibe. What is the work done on the disk by the spring during one full circle?

  • Q : Projectile sports question....
    Physics :

    In baseball the strike zone is approx. between 1.92ft and 3.83ft vertically from the ground. The pitcher releases the ball at 5ft of the ground and is 50ft from home plate. The ball is thrown at 146

  • Q : Hauling the platform out of your truck....
    Physics :

    You have a summer job working downtown washing windows on skyscrapers (the pay is great and so are the medical benefits). The platform you and your partner are using to get to the windows is a meter

  • Q : What is the acceleration in given case....
    Physics :

    A uniform horizontal wire with a linear mass density of 0.50 g/m carries a 1.8 A current. It is placed in a constant magnetic field with a strength of 4.00 10-3 T.

  • Q : Davisson and germer experiment....
    Physics :

    Consider a crystal with the atoms arranged in a cubic array, each atom a distance 0.91 °A from its nearest neighbor. Examine the conditions for Bragg reflection from atomic planes connecting dia

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