• Q : Calculate the density of the object....
    Physics :

    An object weighing 307 N in air is immersed in water after being tied to a string connected to a balance. The scale now reads 270 N. Immersed in oil, the object weighs 282 N. Calculate the density o

  • Q : How long will it take the camel to cross the desert....
    Physics :

    A camel sets out to cross the desert, which is 20.2 km wide in the north-south direction. The camel walks at the uniform speed 1.81 km/hr along a straight line in the direction 58.1 north of East (o

  • Q : What is the material of the cable....
    Physics :

    A "gauge 8" jumper cable has a diameter d of 0.326 centimeters. The cable carries a current I of 30.0 amperes. The electric field E in the cable is 0.062 newtons per coulomb. What is the material o

  • Q : What is the centripetal force fc on the disk....
    Physics :

    A spring has a force constant of 595 N/m and an unstretched length of 6 cm. One end is attached to a post that is free to rotate in the center of a smooth table, as shown in the top view below. The

  • Q : What is the minimum force the nurse....
    Physics :

    A 2.0 mL syringe has an inner diameter of 4.0 mm, a needle inner diameter of 0.21 mm, and a plunger pad diameter (where you place your finger) of 1.2 cm. A nurse uses the syringe to inject medicine

  • Q : Damping amplitude falls....
    Physics :

    A damped harmonic oscillator consists of a block (m = 1.84 kg), a spring (k = 9.08 N/m), and a damping force (F = -bv). Initially, it oscillates with an amplitude of 24.1 cm; because of the damping

  • Q : Find the tension in the cable connected 6 meters up....
    Physics :

    a 75 kg man is at a position 7 meters up an 8 m uniform bar with a mass of 50 kg. If the 15 kg mass is hung at a position 4.5 m from the wall, find the tension in the cable connected 6 meters up the

  • Q : What temperature is the waste heat exhausted....
    Physics :

    A Carnot engine performs work at the rate of 420 kW while using 690 kcal of heat per second. If the temperature of the heat source is 550°C, at what temperature is the waste heat exhausted?

  • Q : Weight on the surface of a neutron star....
    Physics :

    If you weigh 690 {rm N} on the earth, what would be your weight on the surface of a neutron star that has the same mass as our sun and a diameter of 21.0 {rm km}?

  • Q : Find the total power radiated....
    Physics :

    At a distance of 3.7 m from a siren, the sound intensity is 3.50 10-2 W/m2. Assuming that the siren radiates sound uniformly in all directions, find the total power radiated ?

  • Q : Maximum height above sea level....
    Physics :

    Volcanoes on the Earth eject rocks at speeds of up to 140 m/s. Consider a 1250 m high volcano which ejects rocks in all directions. What is the maximum height above sea level reached by rocks?

  • Q : Determine the spring constant....
    Physics :

    A mass of 0.53 kg attached to a vertical spring stretches the spring 37 cm from its original equilibrium position. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . What is the spring constant?

  • Q : How high can he swing upward on the vine....
    Physics :

    Tarzan is running at top speed of 5 m/s grabs a vine hanging from a tree. How high can he swing upward on the vine? (Hint: mass doesn't matter)

  • Q : Needed for the lens in eyeglasses....
    Physics :

    In order to clearly read a book 29 cm away, a farsighted girl needs an image to be 32 cm from her eyes. What focal length is needed for the lens in her eyeglasses?

  • Q : Find the charge on the drop in terms of e....
    Physics :

    in millikan's experiment, an oil drop of radius 1.64 micrometers and density 0.851 g/cm^3 is suspended in a chamber when a downward electric field of 1.20 x 10^5 N/C is applied. Find the charge on t

  • Q : Average velocity of the truck for the motion....
    Physics :

    A ferrari race car on a straight road starts from rest,accelerating at 2.00 m/s^2 until it reaches a speed of 20.0m/s.Then the car travels for 20.0 s at constant speed until the brakes are applied,s

  • Q : What is the electric potential energy of the system....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.15 , are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.600 . What is the electric potential energy of the system? (Take

  • Q : Computing the linear density of the string....
    Physics :

    A steel wire with mass 25.4 g and length 1.53 m is strung on a bass so that the distance from the nut to the bridge is 1.10 m (a) Compute the linear density of the string.

  • Q : ?nd the height of the building....
    Physics :

    A submarine is 305 m horizontally out from the shore and 146 m beneath the surface of the water. A laser beam is sent from the submarine so that it strikes the surface of thewater at a point 218 m m

  • Q : Magnitude of horizontal component of plane velocity....
    Physics :

    A jetliner is moving at a speed of 218 m/s. The vertical component of the plane's velocity is 60.9 m/s. Determine the magnitude of the horizontal component of the plane's velocity.

  • Q : Estimate the number of water molecules....
    Physics :

    The mass of a water molecule is 2.99x10-26 kg. If the mass of a person is 59 kg, estimate the number of water molecules in that person.

  • Q : Putty-block system compress the spring....
    Physics :

    A 0.370-kg block is attached to a horizontal spring that is at its equilibrium length, and whose force constant is 19.2 N/m. The block rests on a frictionless surface. A 0.0500 kg wad of putty is t

  • Q : Summing the momentum flow rates....
    Physics :

    Find and plot the streamlines coming out of the left and bottom boundaries, x=0 and y=0. Find the net force exerted on the fluid inside the box by summing the momentum flow rates out through each of

  • Q : What was the speed of the bullet immediately....
    Physics :

    A 12g bullet is fired horizontally into a 100g wooden block initially at rest on a horizontal surface. After impact, the block slides 7.5m before coming to rest. if the coefficient of kinetic fricti

  • Q : What are the velocities of the two people....
    Physics :

    A 65.0 kg person throws a 0.0450 kg snowball forward with a ground speed of 30.0 m/s. A second person, with a mass of 60.0 kg, catches the snowball. Both people are on skates. The first person is in

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