• Q : Determining the bottom of the cliff....
    Physics :

    A stone is thrown horizontally at a speed of 4.9 m/s from the top of a cliff 89.5 m high, How long does it take the stone to reach the bottom of the cliff?

  • Q : What is the linear acceleration of the brick....
    Physics :

    A 4.5-kg brick is suspended by a light string from a 2.0-kg pulley. The brick is released from rest and falls to the floor below. The pulley may be considered a solid disk of radius 1.5 m. What is t

  • Q : What percentage of the power supplied by the engine....
    Physics :

    The Porsche 911 GT3 has a 380 hp engine and a mass of 1.4x10^3 kg. The car can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.3 seconds. What percentage of the power supplied by the engine goes into making the

  • Q : Largest possible displacement of the shopper....
    Physics :

    A shopper pushes a cart 38 m south down one aisle and then turns 90.0° west and moves 22 m. He then makes another 90.0° turn and moves 10 m. What is the largest possible displacement of the

  • Q : What is the change of succession first attempt....
    Physics :

    a large population of aloha users manage to generate 50 request/sec,including both originals and retransmissions.time is slotted in units 40msec

  • Q : Motor works against a retarding frictional force....
    Physics :

    Lori, who loves to ski, has rigged up a rope tow to pull herself up a local hill that is inclined at an angle of 30.0 degrees from the horizontal. The motor works against a retarding frictional for

  • Q : Determine the capacitance of the system....
    Physics :

    Determine the capacitance of the system. (b) What is the potential difference between the two conductors if the charges on each are increased to +400 µC and -400 µC?

  • Q : What is the weight of the bar....
    Physics :

    A bar 5.0 m long has its center of gravity 1.5 m from the heavy end. If it is placed on the edge of a block 1.5 m from the light end and a weight of 750 N is placed on the bar at the light end, it

  • Q : What is the radius r of the turn....
    Physics :

    What is the radius r of the turn if theta = 20.0^circ (assuming the car continues in uniform circular motion around the turn)?

  • Q : Minimum potential energies of the system....
    Physics :

    Find the torque acting on the object. Find the potential energy of the object field system when the object is in this orientation. Assuming the orientation of the object can change, find the differe

  • Q : Force required to hold completely submerged under water....
    Physics :

    A ball has a diameter of 3.84 cm and average density of 0.0843 g/cm3. What force is required to hold it completely submerged under water?

  • Q : How many wavelengths are there now in one pulse....
    Physics :

    The frequency of the light remains the same, but the speed of the light slows down to 2.3 x 108 m/s. How many wavelengths are there now in one pulse?

  • Q : Vertically upward with the same initial speed....
    Physics :

    The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2. How far can he throw the same ball vertically upward with the same initial speed?

  • Q : Magnitude of the force which maintains circular motion....
    Physics :

    A girl sits on a tire that is attached to an over-hanging tree limb by a rope 2.20 m in length. The girl's father pushes her with a tangential speed of 3.35 m/s. Besides the force opposing the girl

  • Q : Calculate the work the crane performs....
    Physics :

    A crane lifts a 2.80 103-N bucket containing 1.25 m3 of soil (density = 2.00 x 103 kg/m3) to a height of 6.95 m. Calculate the work the crane performs.

  • Q : Find the velocity of the slower object....
    Physics :

    A(n) 10 g object moving to the right at 34 cm/s overtakes and collides elastically with a 25 g object moving in the same direction at 15 cm/s. Find the velocity of the slower object after the collis

  • Q : What is the car''s speed at the bottom of the dip....
    Physics :

    The weight of passengers on a roller coaster increases by 51 % as the car goes through a dip with a 39 radius of curvature. What is the car's speed at the bottom of the dip?

  • Q : What is the mass of the fish....
    Physics :

    A vertical scale on a spring balance reads from 0 to 205 N. The scale has a length of 10.0 cm from the 0 to 205 N reading. A fish hanging from the bottom of the spring oscillates vertically at a fr

  • Q : Velocity of plane relative to ground....
    Physics :

    An airplane is heading due south at a speed of 485 km/h. A wind begins blowing from the southwest at a speed of 100 km/h (average). What is the velocity (magnitude and direction) of the plane relativ

  • Q : What is the lumberjacks speed relative to the shore....
    Physics :

    A 75-kg lumberjack stands at one end of a 383-kg floating log, as shown in the figure. Both the log and the lumberjack are at rest initially. If the lumberjack now trots toward the other end of the

  • Q : Determining the maximum reaction time of the motorist....
    Physics :

    A motorist traveling at 17 m/s encounters a deer in the road 48 m ahead. If the maximum acceleration the vehicle's brakes are capable of is -5 m/s2, what is the maximum reaction time of the motoris

  • Q : Calculate the charge-carrier density....
    Physics :

    the Hall voltage is 0.337 µV. What is the unknown magnitude of the field? B.If the thickness of the probe in the direction of B is 1.88 mm, calculate the charge-carrier density (each of charge

  • Q : Velocities of balls if the collision is completely inelastic....
    Physics :

    A 5kg ball, moving to the right at a velocity of 2m/s on a frictionless table, collides head on with a 7.5kg ball. Find the final velocities of the balls if the collision is completely inelastic.

  • Q : Distance between points....
    Physics :

    A cat runs along a straight line (the x-axis) from point A to point B to point C, as shown in Fig. 2.1. The distance between points A and C is 5.00 m, the distance between points B and C is 10.0 m,

  • Q : What''s the current through the resistor....
    Physics :

    A conducting rod of length moves on two horizontal, frictionless rails, as in the figure. A constant force of 1.00 N moves the bar at 2.00 m/s through a magnetic field B that is directed into the mo

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