• Q : Determine the value of the unknown mass....
    Physics :

    A 0.114 kg meterstick is supported at its 36.6 cm mark by a string attached to the ceiling. A 0.649 kg mass hangs vertically from the 4.67 cm mark.

  • Q : Surrounding ecologies and environments....
    Physics :

    1) Describe your local and surrounding ecologies and environments 2) List the specific factors that distinguish your local ecology and environment.

  • Q : Second capacitor after repeating charge sharing process....
    Physics :

    Suppose after charging a 4.8 microF capacitor to 5 V, you connect it to the second uncharged capacitor of 13 microF. What voltage will you voltmeter read across the second capacitor after repeating

  • Q : Find the torque the person must exert on the ladder....
    Physics :

    A person holds a ladder horizontally at its center. Treating the ladder as a uniform rod of length 3.30 m and mass 7.43 kg, find the torque the person must exert on the ladder to give it an angular

  • Q : Normal force exerted on the cart by the floor....
    Physics :

    A cart loaded with bricks has a total mass of 21.2 kg and is pulled at constant speed by a rope. The rope is inclined at 27.2 ? above the horizontal and the cart moves 27.1 m on a horizontal floor.

  • Q : Force exerted on the human by the earth....
    Physics :

    A typical adult human has a mass of about 70 .What force does a full moon exert on such a human when it is directly overhead with its center 378,000 away? Compare this force with the force exerted

  • Q : What is the magnetic field in that region of space....
    Physics :

    A cosmic-ray proton in interstellar space has an energy of 14.0 MeV and executes a circular orbit having a radius equal to that of Venus's orbit around the Sun (1.08 * 10^11 m). What is the magnetic

  • Q : How many decibels do you reduce the sound intensity....
    Physics :

    By how many decibels do you reduce the sound intensity level due to a source of sound if you quadruple your distance from it? Assume that the waves expand spherically in dB??

  • Q : Calculate its average velocity for the entire trip....
    Physics :

    Calculate its average speed(b) Calculate its average velocity for the entire trip, using "away from the trainer" as the positive direction.

  • Q : End of a horizontal spring....
    Physics :

    A toy of mass 0.155 kg is undergoing SHM on the end of a horizontal spring with force constant 305 N/m. When the object is a distance 1.20×10-2 m from its equilibrium position, it is observed

  • Q : What frequency will be heard by a person....
    Physics :

    Sam, a train engineer, blows a whistle that has a frequency of 4.0 102 Hz as the train approaches a station. If the speed of the train is 35 m/s, what frequency will be heard by a person at the stat

  • Q : What is the recoil speed of the rifle....
    Physics :

    A 30-06 caliber hunting rifle fires a bullet of mass 0.0146 kg with a velocity of 314 m/s to the right. The rifle has a mass of 2.49 kg. What is the recoil speed of the rifle as the bullet leaves th

  • Q : Determine the average speed for the trip....
    Physics :

    Sally travels by car from one city to another. She drives for 24.0 min at 63.0 km/h, 52.0 min at 42.0 km/h, and 18.0 min at 81.0 km/h, and she spends 5.0 min eating lunch and buying gas. Determine

  • Q : Sound receiver as the heart beats....
    Physics :

    A 2.10- sound wave travels through a pregnant woman's abdomen and is reflected from the fetal heart wall of her unborn baby. The heart wall is moving toward the sound receiver as the heart beats. T

  • Q : Air resistance and friction as the car accelerates....
    Physics :

    Lamborghini states that its 2004 Murciélago® has a mass of 1650 kg. On a particular test run, its 580 hp (433 kW) engine accelerates the car from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 3.60 seconds.

  • Q : Determine the initial velocity of the can....
    Physics :

    What is the shape of the can's trajectory as seen by the boy? (d) An observer on the ground watches the boy throw the can and catch it. In this observer's ground frame of reference, describe the sha

  • Q : Average power of the elevator motor....
    Physics :

    An elevator car, with a mass of 500 kg, starts at rest and moves upward with a constant acceleration until it reaches a velocity of 1.60 m/s after 2.70 seconds. If the car rises 2.16 m during this

  • Q : Two motion diagrams for the components....
    Physics :

    Similarly, if you shined a spotlight to the left and recorded the particle's shadow, you would get the motion diagram for its y component. How would you describe the two motion diagrams for the comp

  • Q : Initial speed-air friction....
    Physics :

    A golf ball with an initial angle of 34? lands ex- actly 240 m down the range on a level course. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2. Neglecting air friction, what initial speed would achieve t

  • Q : How much power will it radiate....
    Physics :

    A dish of hot food has an emissivity of 0.4 and emits 20 W of thermal radiation. If you wrap it in aluminum foil, which has an emissivity of 0.08, how much power will it radiate?

  • Q : What is the size of the induced current in the loop....
    Physics :

    A 18.0 18.0 square loop of wire lies in the xy-plane with its bottom edge on the x-axis. The resistance of the loop is 0.530 . A magnetic field parallel to the z-axis is given by 0.810 , where is in

  • Q : How far from the base of the cliff will milada hit ground....
    Physics :

    Two cicadas, Chirpy and Milada, jump from the top of a vertical cliff. Chirpy just drops and reaches the ground in 3.10 , while Milada jumps horizontally with an initial speed of 98.0 . How far fro

  • Q : Calculate its increase in temperature....
    Physics :

    A 1.5 kg copper block is given an initial speed of 3.0 m/s on a rough horizontal surface. Because of friction, the block finally comes to test. If the block absorbs 85% of its kinetic energy, calcul

  • Q : What is the rockets acceleration....
    Physics :

    A constant force of 105 N, directed upward, is applied to a 3.9 Kg toy rocket by the rocket's engine. what is the rockets acceleration?

  • Q : With what speed does water spray from the hose....
    Physics :

    To water the yard, you use a hose with a diameter of 3.4 cm. Water flows from the hose with a speed of 1.5 m/s. If you partially block the end of the hose so the effective diameter is now 0.62 cm, w

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