• Q : Estimate the force exerted on the head....
    Physics :

    Estimate the force exerted on the head if the hand moves forward 11.9 cm while delivering the blow and then coming to rest.

  • Q : Displacement of the electron....
    Physics :

    If the electron enters the plates directly in the middle, then what is the y-distance displacement of the electron as it leaves the plates?

  • Q : What is the electric potential energy u of the system....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.50 mu C, are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.600 m. What is the electric potential energy U of the system?

  • Q : Find the speed of the cars after collision....
    Physics :

    A railroad freight car weighing 282 kN and traveling at 1.51 m/s overtakes one weighing 211 kN and traveling at 0.914 m/s in the same direction. The cars couple together. Find the speed of the cars

  • Q : Vertical-horizontal components of the pendulums displacement....
    Physics :

    A 15 g rifle bullet traveling 235 m/s buries itself in a 3.4 kg pendulum hanging on a 2.7 m long string, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the vertical and horizontal compo

  • Q : How long train blocked crossing....
    Physics :

    A train 500 m long is moving on a straight track with a speed of 82.0 km/h. The engineer applies the brakes at a crossing, and later the last car passes the crossing with a speed of 15.3 km/h. Assu

  • Q : How far away is the milky way....
    Physics :

    if Andromeda contains roughly the same number of stars and attracts the Milky Way with a gravitational force of 2.4 x 10^30 N?

  • Q : Angle between the cable and the horizontal....
    Physics :

    What should be the angle between the cable and the horizontal in order to pull the greatest possible amount of sand, and what is the weight of the sand and box in that situation?

  • Q : What is the diameter of the ball at that depth....
    Physics :

    A soft synthetic rubber ball of radius 12.5 cm is submerged to 9.2 m beneath the surface of a lake. (a) If the bulk modulus of the rubber compound is Brubber = 8 x106Pa , what is the diameter of the b

  • Q : Upward force from the air....
    Physics :

    A hot-air balloon of mass 300 kg is descending vertically with downward acceleration of magnitude 1.1 m/s2. How much mass (ballast) must be thrown out to give the balloon an upward acceleration of

  • Q : What is the acceleration of the crate....
    Physics :

    Suppose that you ecert 400 N horizontally on a 50-kg crate on a factory floor, when friction between the crate and the floor is 200 N. What is the acceleration of the crate?

  • Q : Six sides of a closed rectangular box....
    Physics :

    The electric flux through each of the six sides of a closed rectangular box are as follows:

  • Q : What is the final velocity of the ball....
    Physics :

    When the batter hits the ball, a net force of 1320 N, opposite to the direction of the ball's initial motion, acts on the ball for 9.0 x 10^-3 during the hit. what is the change in momentum of the b

  • Q : Determine the speed of the ball....
    Physics :

    A ball is held on an incline at the height of 75cm. it is then released so that the ball rolls down the incline. at the bottom of the incline there is a loop where the ball rolls around in. If the

  • Q : Force of repulsion....
    Physics :

    Fred and Barney are two electric charges that are initially held 1 meter apart and experience an electric repulsion of 10 pounds of force. What would be the force of repulsion between them be if th

  • Q : What is the correct banking angle of the road....
    Physics :

    A highway curve of radius 500 m is designed for traffic moving at a speed of 73.0 km/hr. What is the correct banking angle of the road?

  • Q : X-component of vector....
    Physics :

    The magnitude of vector is 34.1 units and points in the direction 344° counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. Calculate the x-component of this vector.

  • Q : Determining the acceleration on the rough ice....
    Physics :

    A speed skater moving across frictionless ice at 8.1m/s hits a 5.6m wide patch of rough ice. she slows steadily, the continues on at 6.5m/s. what is her acceleration on the rough ice

  • Q : Constant acceleration in the same direction....
    Physics :

    A manager of a restaurant pushes horizontally with a force of magnitude 150 N on a box of melons. The box moves across the floor with a constant acceleration in the same direction as the applied fo

  • Q : Direction and magnitude of elevator acceleration....
    Physics :

    When you weigh yourself on solid ground, your weight is 141 lb. In an elevator your apparent weight is 122 lb. What are the direction and magnitude of the elevator's acceleration?

  • Q : What effect do these shifts have on semiconductor''s ability....
    Physics :

    Thermal energy can shift some of the electrons in a hot semiconductor from valence levels to conduction levels. What effect do these shifts have on the semiconductor's ability to conduct electricity

  • Q : Problem on block-stationary on a frictionless surface....
    Physics :

    A 13 g bullet traveling 227 m/s penetrates a 2.0 kg block of wood and emerges cleanly at 167 m/s. If the block is stationary on a frictionless surface when hit, how fast does it move after the bull

  • Q : Calculate the horizontal distance of the ball....
    Physics :

    Calculate the horizontal distance the ball would travel if the same spring were aimed 39.0o from the horizontal.

  • Q : What is the effective spring constant of spring system....
    Physics :

    A 70 driver gets into an empty taptap to start the day's work. The springs compress 1.8×10-2 . What is the effective spring constant of the spring system in the taptap?

  • Q : Write out the expression for the period....
    Physics :

    For a spring-mass oscillator, if you double the mass but keep the stiffness the same, by what numerical factor does the period change? That is, if the original period was T and the new period is bT

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