• Q : What is the change in the internal energy of the air....
    Physics :

    A steel tank contains a large quantity of compressed air. When the tank is submerged for an hour in a cold-water tank, the air loses 245 J of heat to the water. What is the change in the internal e

  • Q : Determine the net force on the car-trailer combination....
    Physics :

    A 1250kg is pulling a 325kg trailer. Together the car and trailer have an acceleration of 2.15m/s squared. Determine the net force on the car-trailer combination.

  • Q : What is the kinetic energy of the baseball....
    Physics :

    An outfielder throws a 0.150 kg baseball at a speed of 39.6 m/s and an initial angle of 34.0° What is the kinetic energy of the baseball at the highest point of its trajectory?

  • Q : Equations for motion with constant acceleration....
    Physics :

    A pebble is dropped down a well and hits the water 1.1s later. Using the equations for motion with constant acceleration, determine the distance from the edge of the well to the water's surface.

  • Q : Fnd the magnitude of the acceleration....
    Physics :

    A 62 kg boy and a 45 kg girl use an elastic rope while engaged in a tug-of-war on a frictionless icy surface. If the acceleration of the girl toward the boy is 3.3 m/s2, determine the magnitude of

  • Q : Calculate the amount of work....
    Physics :

    Calculate the amount of work (in electron-volts) it would take to move an electron from 11.6 to 13.4 away from a +3.50 point charge.

  • Q : Lowest frequency at which destructive interference occur....
    Physics :

    Two identical loudspeakers are 3.2 m apart. A person stands 5 m from one speaker and 4.2 m from the other. What is the lowest frequency at which destructive interference will occur at this point? Th

  • Q : What is the total resistance of the resistors....
    Physics :

    Three resistors with a resistance of 12 ohms, 8 ohms, and 24 ohms are in a series circuit with a 12 volt battery.

  • Q : Axis of rotation of the turntable....
    Physics :

    A 140 g disk sits on a horizontally rotating turntable. The turntable makes exactly 3 revolutions each second. The disk is located 8 cm from the axis of rotation of the turntable.

  • Q : Value of the universal gravitational constant....
    Physics :

    A 394 kg mass is brought close to a second mass of 138 kg on a frictional surface with coefficient of friction 0.6. At what distance will the second mass begin to slide toward the first mass? The a

  • Q : What is the power of the light bulb....
    Physics :

    A light bulb with a resistance of 10.0 coulomb allows a 1.20 A current to flow when connected to a battery. (a)What is the voltage of the battery? (b) What is the power of the light bulb?

  • Q : Magnitude of acceleration....
    Physics :

    Consider a supertanker, with a mass of 2.4*10^8 kg. If it is pushed by a rocket motor (thrust force of 5.0*10^6 N) and is subject to no other forces, what will be the magnitude of its acceleration?

  • Q : What is the electric potential between the two terminals....
    Physics :

    A dry cell does 7.5 J of work through chemical energy transfer 5.00 C between terminals of the cell. What is the electric potential between the two terminals?

  • Q : Find the net torque on the rod....
    Physics :

    A uniform meter stick is placed on and parallel to the x axis with the 50 cm mark at the origin. It is pivoted at the 50 cm mark. A 5.3 N force is applied at the 21 cm mark, and a (-7.0) N force is

  • Q : Bird total displacement in polar notation....
    Physics :

    A bird flies 5.00 m at 50.0° and then 3.00 m at -30.0°. What is the bird's total displacement in polar notation?

  • Q : What is the mass of the heaviest person....
    Physics :

    A 5.0m--long ladder has mass 12.5 and is leaning against a frictionless wall, making a 66 angle with the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction between the ladder and ground is 0.42, what is th

  • Q : Position vector in rectangular coordinates....
    Physics :

    Create a coordinate system by making east the positive x axis, north the positive y axis, and altitude the z axis. An aircraft is approaching at an altitude of 5.0 km, a horizontal distance of 35 km

  • Q : Accelerating downward with an acceleration....
    Physics :

    A 71.9-kg person stands on a scale in an elevator. What is the apparent weight when the elevator is (a) accelerating upward with an acceleration of 1.75 m/s2, (b) moving upward at a constant speed,

  • Q : Find the magnetic force on the bolt....
    Physics :

    Without touching it, a magnet attracts the bolt so that it remains stationary, displaced horizontally 27.0 cm to the right from the previously vertical line of the string. Find the tension in the st

  • Q : Magnitude of the net force acting on the center charge....
    Physics :

    Five identical charges q = +3.0mC are arranged in a half-circle, each charge 45 degrees from the next. The radius of the circle r = 0.12m. A point charge of q0 = +1.0mC sits in the center of the ci

  • Q : Center of the square....
    Physics :

    The charge q is replaced by a new charge, and now the +6.0mC charge feels a 9.2N force attracting it to the center of the square. What is the new unknown charge?

  • Q : Problem based on the wavelength of traffic lights....
    Physics :

    A physicist is arrested for running a red light. In court, he pleads that he approached the intersection at such a speed that the light looked green to him. The judge, having taken a couple physics

  • Q : What is the radius of the pipe on the second floor....
    Physics :

    Water flows at 10 m/s through a pipe with a radius 0.030 m. The pipe goes up to the second floor of the building, 2.0 m higher, and the pressure remains unchanged. What is the radius of the pipe on

  • Q : Compute the magnetic field strength....
    Physics :

    A wire carrying 8.0 A makes a 27 degree angle with a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic force per unit length of wire is 0.35 N/m What is the magnetic field strength

  • Q : Find the average force exerted on the bullet....
    Physics :

    A 9.5 g bullet is accelerated in a rifle barrel 35.9 cm long to a speed of 458 m/s. Use the work-energy theorem to find the average force exerted on the bullet while it is being accelerated. Answer

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