• Q : What magnetic field strength is required....
    Physics :

    A proton moves with a speed of 4700000 m/s horizontally, at a right angle to a magnetic field. What magnetic field strength is required to just balance the weight of the proton and keep it moving ho

  • Q : Find the total vector-average speed....
    Physics :

    A motorist drives south at 30.0 m/s for 3.00 min, then turns west and travels at 25.0 m/s for 2.80 min, and finally travels northwest at 30.0 m/s for 1.00 min. For this 6.80 min trip. how do you fi

  • Q : What will be the induced emf in the short coil....
    Physics :

    A 800-turn solenoid, 21 cm long, has a diameter of 2.1 cm. A 10-turn coil is wound tightly around the center of the solenoid.If the current in the solenoid increases uniformly from 0 to 3.7 A in 0.2

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and trail....
    Physics :

    A sled is pulled with a horizontal force of 17 N along a level trail, and the acceleration is found to be 0.36 m/s2. An extra mass m = 4.4 kg is placed on the sled. If the same force is just barely

  • Q : Period of the motion....
    Physics :

    A woman rides a carnival Ferris wheel at radius 16 m, completing 4.4 turns about its horizontal axis every minute. What are (a) the period of the motion, and the magnitude of her centripetal accele

  • Q : How close does the proton get to the line of charge....
    Physics :

    An infinite line of charge has linear charge density 5.50 10-12 C/m. A proton (mass 1.67 10-27 kg, charge +1.60 10-19 C) is 18.0 cm from the line and moving directly toward the line at 1.20 103 m/s.

  • Q : Sound of the stone striking....
    Physics :

    A spelunker (cave explorer) drops a stone from rest into a hole. The speed of sound is 343 m/s in air, and the sound of the stone striking the bottom is heard 1.50 s after the stone is dropped. How

  • Q : Force exerted on the planet by the star....
    Physics :

    A planet of mass 7 × 1024 kg is at location ‹ -5 × 1011, 7 × 1011, 0 › m. A star of mass 8 × 1030 kg is at location ‹ 4 × 1011, -5 × 1011, 0

  • Q : Direction of electric field and normal to surface....
    Physics :

    A circular surface with a radius of 0.067 m is exposed to a uniform electric field of magnitude 1.92 x 104 N/C. The electric flux through the surface is 56 N·m2/C. What is the angle between

  • Q : What is the current in the circuit....
    Physics :

    a circuit contains six 240 ohm lamps, 60 w bulbs, and a 10 ohm heater sonnected in parallel. the voltage across the curcuit is 120 v. what is the current in the circuit .

  • Q : Ultra-high-vacuum system....
    Physics :

    In an ultra-high-vacuum system, the pressure is measured to be 1.00 X 10-10 torr (where 1 torr = 133 Pa). Assuming the molecular diameter is 3.00 % 10-10 m, the average molecular speed is 500 m/s, a

  • Q : What should be the spring constant k....
    Physics :

    What should be the spring constant k of a spring designed to bring a 1500 {rm kg} car to rest from a speed of 90 {rm km/h} so that the occupants undergo a maximum acceleration of 5.0g?

  • Q : Estimate of the total mass....
    Physics :

    You measure the mass of a physics textbook to be 3.20±0.07 kg, and use this value to estimate the total mass of 700 identical physics textbooks in the bookstore. What is the absolute uncerta

  • Q : How does the light sense the presence of the car....
    Physics :

    Many traffic lights change when a car rolls up to the intersection. How does the light sense the presence of the car?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the net gravitational force....
    Physics :

    Three identical masses of 410 each are placed on the x axis. One mass is at = -11.0 , one is at the origin, and one is at = 33.0 . What is the magnitude of the net gravitational force on the mass at

  • Q : Temperature of a real resistor....
    Physics :

    Current causes the temperature of a real resistor to increase why? What effect does this heating have on the resistance? Explain

  • Q : Safe coefficient of kinetic friction-bank floor....
    Physics :

    Bonnie and Clyde are sliding a 287 kg bank safe across the floor to their getaway car. The safe slides with a constant speed if Clyde pushes from behind with 385 N of force while Bonnie pulls forwa

  • Q : What magnetic field strength is required....
    Physics :

    A proton moves with a speed of 2.4 106 m/s horizontally, at a right angle to a magnetic field. What magnetic field strength is required to just balance the weight of the proton and keep it moving ho

  • Q : How fast are the waves moving....
    Physics :

    A group of swimmers is resting in the sun on an off-shore raft. They estimate that 2.8 m separate a trough and an adjacent crest of surface waves on the lake. They count 13 crests that pass by the r

  • Q : Magnitude at the support point....
    Physics :

    A diving board of length 3.00 is supported at a point 1.00 from the end, and a diver weighing 540 stands at the free end. The diving board is of uniform cross section and weighs 265. What is the mag

  • Q : Electric field and gauss theory....
    Physics :

    A surface is infinitesimally close to and surrounds a dipole. The electric flux through the surface must be zero, since the net charge it surrounds is zero. How is it possible for the dipole to hav

  • Q : Calculate the time taken by sound waves....
    Physics :

    a source produces sound waves of time period .001 second and wave length of 20cm. calculate the time taken by sound waves to travel a distance of 800 metres.

  • Q : Speed of spy boat....
    Physics :

    A spy in a speed boat is being chased down a river by government officials in a faster craft. Just as the officials' boat pulls up next to the spy's boat, both reach the edge of a 5.1 m waterfall.

  • Q : Collision-perfectly inelastic related problem....
    Physics :

    If the collision is perfectly inelastic, calculate the speed and direction of the players just after the tackle.

  • Q : What is the speed of the runner at t = 2.0 s....
    Physics :

    At the starting gun, a runner accelerates at 0.9 m/s2 for 4.1 s. The runner's acceleration is zero for the rest of the race.

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